OHH MY GOD! (Huge spoilers)

This was the perfect ending for Episode 2.

Especially the very end with the black screen, and Alyx sobbing "No... don't leave me..."
When you first meet the advisor in the barn and then you get out, if you throw a grenade at the soldier hiding in the house right next to the barn in the attic (just like in the video), he'll throw it back.
I just finished...wow, definitely one of the most emotional scenes in a game ever. Alyx's constant sobbing + the helplessness you feel(that's one of the advantages of having cutscenes integrated into the gameplay) really make it extremely powerful. And I was also angry in an "out of game" way, since it seemed like Eli was holding a lot of vital story information than he was letting in on. I really hope we get to kick some flying slug ass in Ep. 3!

And about the Magnusson = G-Man thing...when he's thanking you at the end for saving the rocket, I actually thought that he was stuttering in ways that were very G-Man-like. Not that the theory actually holds any water because of this.

Now on to Portal...
Dr. Breen is not inside his host body; that's not physically possible.

But a Zero-Point Energy Field Manipulator and telekinesis is?
I hope the bugs don't suck information from the brain, becouse that whould be lame... But i don't think it whould be out of context in a Half life universe, with Aliens and what not.
I suspect Breen got rescued by the Gman. Otherwise Valve wouldn't be so reticient about his fate.
Why are you people looking away from the "Advisor knowledge-sucking"-idea? I don't see any other obvious reason for killing him.

PvtRyan said it was silly. A flying giant larva capable of controlling humans by using his mind isn't silly? A man with a suitcase that is able to alter space and time isn't silly?

From the thread "Orange Box Guide Info *possible spoilers*"

This was the reason they risked going to White Forest, to feed on Eli's memory.

I doubt that,where else would they go (the advisors) and why not kill Eli,and what is it that he knows,i think they just wanted to kill someone cause they were pissed off
I suspect Breen got rescued by the Gman. Otherwise Valve wouldn't be so reticient about his fate.

That's my feeling too.

They have nothing to gain except angry fans if it turned out he was dead after stringing us along all this time. If he's dead, we would have known for sure by now or Valve would have confirmed it. There's no point in leaving his fate a question mark only to say "Oh, surprise! He's dead."

The only question in my mind is if he's still retained is human form. I sincerely hope he has. If he's an advisor, you're effectively removing what made him such a brilliant character to begin with. But I don't know if Robert Culp is still available for them to record more lines with. It would be unfortunate if he wasn't.
Besides if the Advisors could do that, why would they have humans like Mossman and Breen working on a teleporter for them in the first place? Why not just suck out their brains and acquire the knowhow themselves?

Because the reason Breen was allowed to live was so he could serve as administrator to the enslavement of the human race. It is the Combine's desire to enslave humanity, not wipe it out, and thus they need to make use of all of the classic tools for doing so, including propoganda. Breen is the friendly, human face of the Combine, who encourages humanity to "welcome our alien overlords". Thus he serves a purpose,
If we get to fight an adviser in ep3, I'm gonna have to debate with myself weather to play "Everybody Wants Some!!" by Van Halen, or "Enter Sandman" during the battle...

The first because by now already everybody wants to kill it, and Enter Sandman because "I'm here to put you to sleep, you giant floating piece of shit!"

But a Zero-Point Energy Field Manipulator and telekinesis is?

You're missing the point of what I'm saying. I'm not saying Breen preparing for a host body is impossible; I'm saying it's not possible for him to actually get inside of it within the context of what happens. He's seen in human form right there at the end of HL2, and never at any point does he make the jump into Combine space. He drifts down the chute. The Combine don't have local teleportation, and couldn't have rescued him. He was clearly going to have to transfer himself to a host body once he reached the other side. He does not do that, because you stop him. Therefore, Breen is not within a host body.

It's very plausible for Gman to have rescued him. He seems to have a thing with 'plucking' people from the most dangerous of places and for unexpected reasons.
I knew Eli was doomed the moment the Gman said "Unforeseen consequences"... but still the actual scene really shocked me. I was franctically waving my mouse around as if that would make the advisor let me go so I could shoot it's face off. But dude... when the credits had finished I was just sat there in silence for a good few minutes afterwards. No video game has ever shocked me in that way.



Dammit, jonnyfilmboy! Why did you have to do it? I don't want to relive through that again. :(
Quick question. At any time that i try to record in ep2 with fraps the sound goes all juddery. It used to happen with portal but it stopped when i upgraded my video driver. Any suggestions?
You're missing the point of what I'm saying. I'm not saying Breen preparing for a host body is impossible; I'm saying it's not possible for him to actually get inside of it within the context of what happens. He's seen in human form right there at the end of HL2, and never at any point does he make the jump into Combine space. He drifts down the chute. The Combine don't have local teleportation, and couldn't have rescued him. He was clearly going to have to transfer himself to a host body once he reached the other side. He does not do that, because you stop him. Therefore, Breen is not within a host body.

Uhm, right. Apologies then.
One question, It was a time since I played Half life 2, but Breen carries intel on human teleportation right? So that whould be reason enough to see him again, in one form or another?
Quick question. At any time that i try to record in ep2 with fraps the sound goes all juddery. It used to happen with portal but it stopped when i upgraded my video driver. Any suggestions?

Theres a board for this. :|
The ending was amazing. I almost shed a tear. ******* cliffhangers. Episode 3. NOW.
One thing I just realized is how emotionally affecting Alyx's dialogue was in the ending sequence. Throughout the game I don't recall her swearing aside from one or two utterances of the word "hell". So when the Advisor picked up Eli, and Alyx yelled out "God damnit, let him go!!"... ;(
She says 'bullshit' in Half-Life 2 :P

And I thought the '<sob> no.....dont leave me...<sob>' as the screen blackens and the awsome music cuts in was the most powerful moment of that scene. My god did hit me emotionally.
She says 'bullshit' in Half-Life 2 :P

And I thought the '<sob> no.....dont leave me...<sob>' as the screen blackens and the awsome music cuts in was the most powerful moment of that scene. My god did hit me emotionally.
Well I haven't played HL2 for two years, so nurr :P

And yeah, that was my other favorite part about the end sequence. Laidlaw and the voice actors deserve an Academy Award.
I was just having a chat with a friend... You might get a chuckle out of what I have to say, but I mean it:

[13:14] Yatta: omg
[13:14] Yatta: eli is dead
[13:14] Yatta: god damn it
[13:14] Yatta: he was gonna tell me stuff
[13:14] Yatta: and the bitch came back with the tea
[13:14] Yatta: and now he's dead
[13:14] Yatta: ****
[14:05] Yatta: seriously i wanted to know what eli wanted to talk to me about
[14:05] Yatta: why'd she have to bring the tea back so quickly? WHY?
man... what a ride. That last strider battle was tricky and I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry. Am I the only one who played Portal first? I don't find it entirely implausible that the Advisors are able to read memories by way of their, eh, tongues, especially given the artistic license we've already given them. Say, for example, that noodly appendage 'interfaces', however crudely, with the brain stem (as opposed to just sucking the brain out like a hoover). The victim is dead and it's about where the tongue hit. Given that the Advisors have apparently been dominating entire worlds like this for quite some time, this ability wouldn't be out of the ordinary. Why didn't they use this trick on some of the characters previously in the game and save a lot of hassle? Probably for the same reason they never left the citadel until it was about to explode - and it doesn't matter what it was (lazy? chickenshit? preoccupied? faith in their forces?) I'm not necessarily a fan of this idea, but I don't think it's outside of the scope of this story to have that ability.
I tried to save Eli by going into noclip mode and attacking the ******s, but they wouldn't die. I tried everything, I did. :(

The 'Knowledge Sucking' theory seems kind of lame, but everything seems to be pointing to it. I'm surprised no one's mentioned the comments by Eli and Kleiner after seeing the footage of Mossman and the Borealis.

"But if the combine catch her, they'll tear out everything she knows."

Then Kleiner mentions that it would be worse if they get Eli because he knows everything about the resistance. I assumed they meant something more direct than interrogation.

The superportal is closed, so it seems that the only way that the limited combine forces on Earth can make ep3 a challenge with no reinforcements is if they can stay one step ahead of the rebels by knowing their locations, tactics, weapons, etc. It seems like this would balance things out, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is all some elaborate misdirection by the writers. It could turn out that they killed Eli for a completely different reason.
I'm glad they used the Lost Coast song, I just knew someone was going to die on that when I first entered the church D:

By the way, you people need to try this : bind mouse1 "hunter_shoot_flechette"
They have been after Eli for a while. I think the Overwatch woman calls Alyx "Vance subprime."
Hmm, how about this possibility:

The advisors don't suck brains and consume knowledge, but instead "interface" with the person's brain through the brain stem with their penis-tongue and essentially become an extension of that person's brain which gives them access to memories.

EDIT: Or exactly what Adabiviak said. Weird, did we get the same idea at the same time or did I somehow subconsciously read your post while I scrolled down?
Hmm, how about this possibility:

EDIT: Or exactly what Adabiviak said. Weird, did we get the same idea at the same time or did I somehow subconsciously read your post while I scrolled down?

Bob Dobbs planted it in your mind.

EDIT: Through your brain stem.
I just finished HL2....holy ****...Ive never felt sadder, angrier or more horrified in my life...and no, Alyx doesnt listen to Eli, she keeps watching...

I mean, damn....Im just shaking here...
Man, what a game seriously. Nothing couldve prepared me to play such an awesome game.

The end scene, watching that felt like getting punched in the gut. First Alyx almost dies, then Eli dies trying to save Alyx... made me furious. I was happy when Dog started pounding the crap outa it. Im gonna smash some advisors hard come Episode 3 (btw I was kinda dissapointed that there was no "sneek peak" at EP3, though I guess we know where we are headed.

Gonna hafta go back and watch the last level again.
Probably from 12chan...4channers dont know a world exists outside their forums...
Yeah, there was a big concern about that, but I heard you see them again at White Forest...
Dog Could Of Saved Him! That Bastard Of Bolts! Why Did It Run Off In The First Place! Damnit!
I wonder if these were the "unforeseen consequences"

Earlier, when the GMAN whispered in Alyx's ear, prepare for unforeseen consequences. Or maybe something larger... like the Aperture Science boat, the Combine can use the technology there to open another super portal or something worse... and the advisor sucking out Eli's brains gave them that information, thus building up the urgence in the next episode.

Yup! You know theres gonna be a race to it dude.
By the way how come no one is talking about whenever another rebel dies?? Whats so special 'bout a one legged black dude?
Seriously hes like this :borg: plus :afro: