Ok I know most of you guys think guns are evil, but this right here is just nasty!

Anybody can kill people if they wanted to regardless of the legality of weapons.

If you can replace fire arms with nukes, why can't I replace it with knives? According to you the only difference is the varied degree of deadliness.
. I am saying that nobody should have an assault weapon, because somebody can go on a killing spree. No single person should have this much firepower at their disposal, it is a threat to the public. Sure you can have regulations, you can have restrictions and background checks, but honestly, there is nothing preventing the OP, or anyone else, from simply taking their guns and walking out into the street and killing a bunch of people. Not that they will, not that they must, but they can. And given the vast number of weapons in the world, and the vast number of insane people who own them, I find he likelyhood of this scenario to be very high.
It's just not how it works.

I can drive my car into a crowd of people, killing dozens, and keep going and drive away uninjured. In some vehicles without a dent.

Whats stopping me? Well why in the hell would I want to do something like that?
It's slippery slope logic. It's just bullshit, there's no reason to think about things that way.
I can not believe you got those guns legal. That is way to far. I can understand hunting rifles to an extent but seriously assault rifles? :S
It's slippery slope logic. It's just bullshit, there's no reason to think about things that way.

On one hand this.

On the other hand, I still feel uncomfortable with the fact that (if I lived in America) my neighbour might potentially have a friggin' armoury under his bed.

Thank gods for the lack of gun culture here.
One of Howard's few good legacies. I have to say I agree, anyone defending assault rifle ownership over the alternative seems a little strange to me. No offense, Veg.
On one hand this.

On the other hand, I still feel uncomfortable with the fact that (if I lived in America) my neighbour might potentially have a friggin' armoury under his bed.

Thank gods for the lack of gun culture here.

No wonder I hear so many people complain about lumpy mattresses. I was always puzzled because I've never experienced a lumpy mattress in my entire life.
My rant about this:

I don't know about you guys, but if I had a tank I would love to blow up many inanimate objects. Man that would be awesome if I could make that into a hobby. So naturally if I had a firearm I would also love to shoot bottles and other crap, just the same with a tank except with bigger objects. And this is simply because blowing and shooting things is strangely fulfilling and fun in my opinion. I mean then why else would we be playing all these first person shooter games? I dont own guns nor have I fired one, but I absolutely love to play those games because of those violent elements regarding guns and explosions.

So okay some of you guys think people shouldn't own firearms because bullets can kill people. Well what about archery? Thats an international hobby around the world and certainly arrows can kill people. Hell bowling balls could also kill a person if used LETHALLY against another human being, just like bullets. So just because its a weapon doesn't mean that it has to be used as a weapon. I therefore think its perfectly logical for the OP and anyone else to have a hobby or interest in firearms since almost anything in this world can also be used as weapons.
If your responsible "gun culture" is not a bad or damaging thing. I have a vault for my guns about 700lbs and keep all of my ammo in a big office cabinet that is always locked. I do keep a rifle loaded and my concealed carry pistol loaded, but the rifle is locked away in my vault as is the pistol if it is not on me. If I didn't have kids I may not be as strict as they are not going to "go off" on their own.

Here's some gratuitous ammo pron pics:





The 2 boxes on the right in the pic below have 4,000 200gr RNFP lead bullets that are just awesome with the UMP. I'm about to make a massive batch with them. I can't hardly wait :bounce:


I have more plastic ammo boxes but it's alot easier just dumping it all in ziplocks to be honest.
My rant about this:
So okay some of you guys think people shouldn't own firearms because bullets can kill people. Well what about archery? Thats an international hobby around the world and certainly arrows can kill people. Hell bowling balls could also kill a person if used LETHALLY against another human being, just like bullets. So just because its a weapon doesn't mean that it has to be used as a weapon. I therefore think its perfectly logical for the OP and anyone else to have a hobby or interest in firearms since almost anything in this world can also be used as weapons.

Very true.

However, those objects have another purpose. Guns only have one purpose.
If your responsible "gun culture" is not a bad or damaging thing. I have a vault for my guns about 700lbs and keep all of my ammo in a big office cabinet that is always locked. I do keep a rifle loaded and my concealed carry pistol loaded, but the rifle is locked away in my vault as is the pistol if it is not on me. If I didn't have kids I may not be as strict as they are not going to "go off" on their own.

Here's some gratuitous ammo pron pics:





The 2 boxes on the right in the pic below have 4,000 200gr RNFP lead bullets that are just awesome with the UMP. I'm about to make a massive batch with them. I can't hardly wait :bounce:


That is just stupid.

Why the hell do you have all that for?
That is just stupid.

Why the hell do you have all that for?

Ok there is 4 real answers.

1. Components (bullets, powder, brass, and primers) only go up in price over time. They have sky rocketed in price over the last few years. You save money by buying in bulk. The more you buy the more you save generally. So I buy a lot when I can as it is cheaper today than it will be tomorrow.

2. I don't have much free time. When I do I make large batches of ammo so I don't have to mess with it for awhile. That way I can shoot with what little time I have to do so and not have to constantly load more.

3. I shoot alot with the little time I have. When I can I go every week sometimes more than once. Sometimes I get busy and only go shoot once a month or so but I bring a crapload of ammo then.

4. Because I want it and I can have it.

from day 1 we have had the right to bear arms

We no longer have to use muskets.
People that aren't around guns much are funny. I was assisting a Periodontal resident Friday with a upfracture sinus lift and to place 8 implants in this ladies maxilla. Somehow we started talking guns wilst he's he's reflecting the full thickness crestal flaps to expose the alveolar bone of her maxilla. For this type of procedure you just use local anesthesia so the pt was fully awake. You could tell she was somewhat disturbed while we were doing all this, drilling osteotomies for the implants, etc, etc. It was apparant it wasn't about the blood or vibrations from the drill but what we were talking about. Kinda funny but she was not mad or anything just surprised I think.
Look, I know this sounds crazy but what if something like that DID happen? It doesn't have to be zombies - it could be terrorists, angry mobs, a holocaust, russia invading, anything - but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.
Props to SIGBastard.

Yeah, it's the downside to the lack of gun culture. When the zombie apocolypse comes, most of Australia will be devoured immediately.
I'm I the only one who thinks it's completely badass the way SIGBastard completely ignores the debate and posts nonchalantly like it's not even going on?

Props to you man. I'd like to get into guns but it's an expensive hobby and I'm a poor college student. All I can really afford is a .410 shotgun under my bed for a little home defense.
I'm I the only one who thinks it's completely badass the way SIGBastard completely ignores the debate and posts nonchalantly like it's not even going on?

Props to you man. I'd like to get into guns but it's an expensive hobby and I'm a poor college student. All I can really afford is a .410 shotgun under my bed for a little home defense.

Careful you may make my head get kinda big there.

J/K thanks for the nice comments.

There's nothing wrong with a .410 just get some buckshot for it and your good to go.

I've had guns off and on since I was 13, much earlier if you count pellet guns. Kinda funny thinking back that I had a 12 gauge in my closet and some shells and a .22 rifle then. My parents never even had any of there own but I wanted some to go to the range some (with supervision) and they had no issue with it. I know I had at least one other friend that did as well and it wasn't really considered crazy at that time. I don't come from a family of rednecks or anything. My dad is a software engineer for Boeing and we lived in a really nice neighborhood. Things change so much in such little time with certain types of things. Now days that sort of thing would be considered crazy. They would never let me have a pistol though and I never had more than two guns. I did kinda freak my mom out when I turned 18 and came home with an Egyptian Maadi Ak47. It was a piece of crap though and I promptly sold it. She hated that thing but didn't ask me to get rid of it or anything.

I didn't really get into shooting like I am now though until I turned 21 while I was a poor college student. I just spent most of my spare change on it. Alot of my friends thought the amount of money I spent on it was crazy, but they poured all of their money into their gay ricers and weed. To each there own.
Haven't you posted those ammo pics before?
Haven't you posted those ammo pics before?

I took those today but I posted some of the same cabinet before. There was probably more plastic ammo boxes in the one your referring to and alot less .22lr ammo and shot shells. The pics will look very similar regardless.
Since some of you guys seem to like the pics I want to post this last one. This is a GSG-5 which is an MP5 clone that is a .22lr. It is considered a pistol. I can't put a stock on it until I get my form-1 back approved so that it will be a short barrel rifle. You can have a gun like this with a barrel less than 16" if it has no stock. Only if it is made as a pistol though from the manufacturer. It is quite stupid without a stock though and I would never have bought it if I wasn't planning on registering it as an SBR.

This gun is basically a big toy. It's not really made as well as a "real gun" but it's fun as hell to shoot. I say it's a toy because honestly it is to me but I still treat it like a gun so don't jump on me for saying it's a toy.

Yeah, it's the downside to the lack of gun culture. When the zombie apocolypse comes, most of Australia will be devoured immediately.
Yeah we'd be rather screwed, on the other hand if the outbreak starts overseas being an island nation might save us all!
If you can replace fire arms with nukes, why can't I replace it with knives? According to you the only difference is the varied degree of deadliness.

Yes. Exactly.

If it's a more dangerous weapon than law enforcement standard issue weaponry then it's a Bad Thing for them to be so readily available to civilians.
Yes. Exactly.

If it's a more dangerous weapon than law enforcement standard issue weaponry then it's a Bad Thing for them to be so readily available to civilians.

l;ol. Assault weapons are not readily available.
As I understand it many states have no extra laws limiting their sale compared to handguns, hunting rifles etc.
Hmm. I don't know about that TBH, but I think semi-automatic rifles with clips have been legal forever, and that isn't much different IMO.

You can't buy fully automatic weapons in the US, you would have to convert semi-automatic weapons to automatic, and I'm sure there is a legal process to do that...

Until this thread, I thought automatic weapons were illegal to own, since the days of Bonnie & Clyde. However, I have seen them on TV shows like History channel, so I guess there is some hoops to jump through and it can be done.

I don't think it was legal to own them until 2004 according to this thread. Sounds like a law preventing them expired however.

Note that if someone has been convicted of a felony crime, they can no longer own any guns ever. They can't even live in a household with guns.

EDIT: By the way, last I heard, it was 25 years to life in prison, just for possession of an automatic weapon illegally. And another year for every bullet loaded.
Hmm. I don't know about that TBH, but I think semi-automatic rifles with clips have been legal forever, and that isn't much different IMO.

You can't buy fully automatic weapons in the US, you would have to convert semi-automatic weapons to automatic, and I'm sure there is a legal process to do that...

Until this thread, I thought automatic weapons were illegal to own, since the days of Bonnie & Clyde. However, I have seen them on TV shows like History channel, so I guess there is some hoops to jump through and it can be done.

I don't think it was legal to own them until 2004 according to this thread. Sounds like a law preventing them expired however.

Note that if someone has been convicted of a felony crime, they can no longer own any guns ever. They can't even live in a household with guns.

EDIT: By the way, last I heard, it was 25 years to life in prison, just for possession of an automatic weapon illegally. And another year for every bullet loaded.


There was an assault weapon ban from 1994 to 2004. Assault weapons owned before the ban were grandfathered in. It was a pointless law though because it didn't ban any specific gun. The goal of the person who designed it was to ban the guns but the law was written regarding certain features of the guns rather than the guns themselves. I'm not going into real details but basically you could still buy newly made ak47's, ar15's etc. They just couldn't have flash suppressors, collapseable/folding stocks, bayonet lugs etc. Basically the law did nothing cosmetic features some what. It did also make it illegal for magazines to be made for civilians that held more than 10rds. The thing is though is all the ones prior to 1994 were grandfathered in and you could still buy those. For instance I could still buy 30rd mags for my AK for about $10 because there was so many, but certain guns the mag prices got pretty expensive. In 2004 the ban expired. Alot of the mags people have now will say restricted to law enforcement or military because they were made from 1994-2004 but the law no longer applies so anyone can buy them.

As far as fully automatic firearms they have been restricted since 1934. A law was passed in 1986 that made it illegal for civilians to buy or make a full auto weapon that was not registered with the ATF prior to 1986. They have needed to be registered since 1934 though and it is a somewhat tedious process just like the process for me to get short barrel rifles. You can not make a new full auto weapon that wasn't full auto and registered as suc h before 1986. Doing so sets you up to live with bubba in some cell block. Since no new machine guns have been added to the supply of "legally transferable" machine guns the supply has gotten low compared to demand. Of course machine guns are still made but they are not available for civilian purchase. The supply vs demand thing has made prices stupid. A LEGALLY TRANSFERABLE M16 will fetch around $15,000 or more vs. a semi-auto Ar15 (civilian version of a m16) can be had for less than $1000.

Basically the process of owning such a item is by getting a certain ATF form (form 4 in this case). Putting down all your info, info about the gun, getting a police chief or sheriffs signature which in some states it is at their discretion some states it's not, fingerprints, and passport photo's. Alternatively you can form a corporation or trust and register the item to that. In that case you do not need a law enforcement signature, fingerprints, or photo's. You can't fingerprint a trust, or corp etc as it is not a person. I use a revocable living trust. So basically my short barrel rifles belong to my trust not me. I am the Executor (I think that's the correct term) of the trust though so I manage the items in it until I die. I will probably use it to get some sound suppressors soon and possibly at least one machine gun. There is a $200 tax that is paid for every transaction and it takes about 2 months to get approved in which they run state and federal background checks.

One other thing to note is that some states do have their own assault weapon bans but they are in the minority, and some states do not allow NFA restricted items and they are in the minority as well. That $200 tax to purchase a stamp for NFA restricted items has been the same since 1934. It was originally intended to be cost prohibited as $200 was a lot of coin then. They knew they couldn't out right ban the stuff because at that time they had more respect for the second amendment.
Yeah, about 10 years ago I bought a used handgun from a pawn shop so I could get the longer clip.

SIGBastard said:
As far as fully automatic firearms they have been restricted since 1934.
Bonnie Parker (October 1, 1910 ? May 23, 1934) and Clyde Barrow (March 24, 1909 ? May 23, 1934)

lol. damn. I took a guess and was right on.

Not sure what you are saying NO about. lol

maybe this. I overlooked an important detail, though the rest of the statement should have made it clear that you can buy them.
VirusType2 said:
You can't buy [NEWLY MADE] fully automatic weapons in the US, you would have to convert semi-automatic weapons to automatic, and I'm sure there is a legal process to do that... However, I have seen them on TV shows like History channel, so I guess there is some hoops to jump through and it can be done.

Ruger M77

Ill get pics of the rest of my collection. Right now I am getting ready for Deer season. :)

Kimber .45
Colt 1911 .45
Hk USP .45
Hk Usp .40
Sam-7 (AK-47)
Benneli M1 Super 90
SKSs x4
Older .22s

At my companies Armory we have full auto subguns (MP5 ect.) and full auto assault rifles (M4s ak-47s ect.) to heavy machineguns (m240, RPD to .50 ect)
In Iraq I was issued the Hk Usp .45 as my sidearm, and the M4 or the ak-47 as my main rifle.

Most of you do not understand the importance of being armed, and nothing I say will make you understand. People will kill each other with rocks, cars, trees branches, you name it! Someone has been killed by it. Hell last week a guy killed his brother with an clothing iron, you had better go ban them too.
Most of you do not understand the importance of being armed, and nothing I say will make you understand. People will kill each other with rocks, cars, trees branches, you name it! Someone has been killed by it. Hell last week a guy killed his brother with an clothing iron, you had better go ban them too.

As I already said, it's about the degree of deadliness of the weapon.

Civilians shouldn't have that degree of access to weapons which are more effective than standard issue cop firearms. (If I was a politician I would here insinuate that you're in favour of cop-killing :p)