OK, lets get to work!

Yes. It means I love you all in an overtly sexual way, but I do so equally, with no seperations. At least that's what it means to me. :)

somehow i missed that part of the video. (or that video completely)

anyone got a link?
uh, what video? i forgot what we were talking about...

apparantly there's a video that has calculations flying by.

I don't remember seeing that at all (stupid ign ... )
oh, yeah. that one. there's a thread on it you can search for (which has photoshopped screen caps, btw). in summery, if you watch the full e3 video, toward the end, when the strider does it's little space bend thing and shoots you, the screen goes black.

then there's the flying through colors thingy (a la 2001, it's full of stars, etc etc.) and if you freeze frame it (in Quicktime) and frame-by-frame it (with the arrow keys on your keyboard[/]) you can see a page of text, possibly relating to Gordons medical condition at some point (and bringing out the much-mentioned 'coma' theory), as well as a page of fairly obscure mathematical equations, perhaps something to do with 'shrodingers wave equations' according to someone...

anything i missed??

Yeah Phision, how dare you say 2002 instead of 2001! And you have a solar eclipse in your avatar. You make me sick.... :cheese:
i must have missed that 600mb e3 vid.

I just have the 4 quicktime vids that IGN had.
stop the flamewar plz!

here's the best pictures I could get...



now I know shit about maths so I'm not even gonna give it a try...but it would be nice if people could figure out the math and what formulars it applys to.

the obvious thing to ask, is of course if it has anything to do with the formular for "Half Life"

get cracking you math geniouses out there!
I only got 5/66 (thanks internet) for my last Maths C exam. So in other words I should know this stuff but i don't.
Ok it seems like my first post remained unnoticed between the spam-fight with tokin and friends, but actually I listed the formulas and their meanings there (when you're studying physics in 4th semester it's not that difficult), but ok some explanations:

First there is this big sigma (
) in the top right corner of the first picture, it's the sum from i=0 to 9 from xi², xi are the components of the vector r = (x0,x1,..,x9). When you for example want the length of a 3-dimensional vector r = (x,y,z) its |r| =(
(i=0,2) xi²)^(1/2) = squareroot(x²+y²+z²) = r, its like pythagoras with a 3dimensional triangle, in the movie it's 10dimensional. This
- formula is the same that you can see on the second picture in the down left corner, there it's written as " ... x7²+x8²+x9²)^(1/2)-r4=0 ", the name of the vector is just r with an index 4, same thing.

Then there is the differential equation in the middle of both pictures, it's supposed to be this one:
, the solution
(d'Alembert's solution) to this equations describe the movement of a wave. This can be any kind of wave, not only electromagnetic (light etc) but also acoustic and so on. But somehow they only wrote d/dt, not d²/dt² (d/dt is a (partial) derivative, d²/dt² the second derivative and so on.. actually thay wrote
t, that letter is a delta not alpha :) ), in this case the solution isn't a wave but exponential movement (not going up and down but speeding up all the time), if you want to know why exactly that is so, use google or so, kinda boring and long. And it is not the Schroedinger-equation.

There is one weird thing between the formulas, it seems like the Planck-constant h is also listed but I cant read in what context, you can see it on the top of the second picture.That constant is used it atomar physics, it's basically the smallest possible energy-unit.

k gtg hope this helped.
so what's your theory in connection with the story of Halflife?

now you mention something about exponential movement...so what? time travel? dimension jumping?
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
so what's your theory in connection with the story of Halflife?

now you mention something about exponential movement...so what? time travel? dimension jumping?

This vector thing reminds me of the teleportation from point A to point B, which was discussed in Blue Shift.

EDIT: But maybe its time travel.
Originally posted by lambda^2
Ok it seems like my first post remained unnoticed between the spam-fight with tokin and friends, but actually I listed the formulas and their meanings there (when you're studying physics in 4th semester it's not that difficult), but ok some explanations:

First there is this big sigma (
) in the top right corner of the first picture, it's the sum from i=0 to 9 from xi², xi are the components of the vector r = (x0,x1,..,x9). When you for example want the length of a 3-dimensional vector r = (x,y,z) its |r| =(
(i=0,2) xi²)^(1/2) = squareroot(x²+y²+z²) = r, its like pythagoras with a 3dimensional triangle, in the movie it's 10dimensional. This
- formula is the same that you can see on the second picture in the down left corner, there it's written as " ... x7²+x8²+x9²)^(1/2)-r4=0 ", the name of the vector is just r with an index 4, same thing.

Then there is the differential equation in the middle of both pictures, it's supposed to be this one:
, the solution
(d'Alembert's solution) to this equations describe the movement of a wave. This can be any kind of wave, not only electromagnetic (light etc) but also acoustic and so on. But somehow they only wrote d/dt, not d²/dt² (d/dt is a (partial) derivative, d²/dt² the second derivative and so on.. actually thay wrote
t, that letter is a delta not alpha :) ), in this case the solution isn't a wave but exponential movement (not going up and down but speeding up all the time), if you want to know why exactly that is so, use google or so, kinda boring and long. And it is not the Schroedinger-equation.

There is one weird thing between the formulas, it seems like the Planck-constant h is also listed but I cant read in what context, you can see it on the top of the second picture.That constant is used it atomar physics, it's basically the smallest possible energy-unit.

k gtg hope this helped.

Thanks lambda^2! 10 dimensions .. Planck constant? Could this have something to do with string theory? I'm gona look into it.
Lambda^2, why dont you mail this to Marc?
Ok I just wrote a reply that was deleted when i tried to submit it, damn it.

Okay one or two things: First, the "wave equation" in the vid does somehow describe the movement of a wave, but it's though not really correct this way... Nvm, forget about that exponential thing.
About the Planck h; it seems to say "c h / lambda" in the video, and this is the energy of a photon (speed c, wavelength lambda) (a lambda is that thing in my avatar :) , but I guess everyone who played HL knows that.) I'm not sure about the lambda but there is some denominator and lambda would make sense.
I don't know if anything of this has something to do with HL2, the photon thing surely doesn't, the wave equation could have been used (for example) for the shaking wires (the effect you see when the strider or gunship comes along), but I dont think so cause theres no sense in using a differential equation in a source code, only the solutions to the euqations are important. Well and the 10dimensional thing can perhaps be used to simplify geometry or physics in some way (in Source), but I don't believe it has something to do with timejumps or string theory or so, sorry to make it so boring :/
Okay I don't know what to write to Marc cause I see no connection to HL2 or the other vids (what he said), but when someone of you wants to mail him, feel free to do so :)
damnit. you people are either too smart or i'm too dumb...more likely the second of those though :dork:
lambda², you'd be surprised how many people call it "The Half-Life A".

Anyway, I don't see a point in over analyzing this a day before top qual footage comes. As Marc Laidlaw said, : "I'm afraid I can't release any further information prematurely, but I suspect the textures you're studying will be easier to see in the near future."
pretty nice theory u got going there guys, But I see theres an equation there solving goemetric patterns I think or the other type, differentation too which is used to solve the turning points of a curvey graph and its gradients, this looks to be too complex, maybe there just a simple link? such as equations are used to solve things, and...........
Well i cant see no connection at all unless somehow its linked to the scientists such as freeman using all this to do something, its all pure maths so its theory.

But what about the sigma, with the 0 and the 9, if u can write out the answer for that and all the others and use a simple code to change it back into the alpahbat it may say something, as in 1 =A, 2 =B etc

And there are other images with text in em, can u post all of em plz. because i dont think we can figure out the answer from just one, i bet we will have to incoparate em all in to solve the mystery.
In another pic gordon freeman is written again and agian, so we know it has something to do with a level and higher maths and gordon freeman.
guys, if ur 'solving' a lot of crazy weird equation maths stuff, please summarise what just happened for us idiots :)

instead of just "4╩ = ↑Å" etc etc for twelve lines, do that, then say "effectively its just an equation for teleportation...." etc
Originally posted by MoD
lambda², you'd be surprised how many people call it "The Half-Life A".

Anyway, I don't see a point in over analyzing this a day before top qual footage comes. As Marc Laidlaw said, : "I'm afraid I can't release any further information prematurely, but I suspect the textures you're studying will be easier to see in the near future."

you realize they're probably going to release the movies as seperate sequences right? and that will be in the last sequence, so who knows when they'll release that one, i dont think they're putting them all up at the same time.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
you realize they're probably going to release the movies as seperate sequences right? and that will be in the last sequence, so who knows when they'll release that one, i dont think they're putting them all up at the same time.

What makes you think that? I don't think the guys at Valve are that evil.
Originally posted by Dile
This vector thing reminds me of the teleportation from point A to point B, which was discussed in Blue Shift.

EDIT: But maybe its time travel.

have you guys seen the screenshot that pc gamer had? their caption was "Who knows what to expect but this screenshot was titled 'Teleport.'"

its a black and white image with someone walking up a ladder and at the top of the ladder there is what looks like a cylinder, and its kinda hanging from a wooden structure and theres power cables and some other stuff connected to it....interesting.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
What makes you think that? I don't think the guys at Valve are that evil.

well, when people kept asking gabe would reply "the first video" or whatever, it sounded like there were seperate videos *shrug*
The "other" videos to be released later could be some completely new stuff.
At least that's what my inner fanboy keeps saying.:dork:
seen as the formula's aren't going anywhere atm, maybe more progress when these vids are released, is there anything else from half life 2 that can be analised to have a meaning,

City 17 has a meaning that was discussed in a previous topic, but what about the character's names. Do they have any meaning that could relate to the story like names do in The Matrix?

Just a thought, sorry if this is changing the subject / repeating previous stuff, i'm just bored.
Originally posted by lambda^2
About the Planck h; it seems to say "c h / lambda" in the video, and this is the energy of a photon (speed c, wavelength lambda) (a lambda is that thing in my avatar :) , but I guess everyone who played HL knows that.) I'm not sure about the lambda but there is some denominator and lambda would make sense.
actually, lambda is the variable for wavelength.
this can be rewritten as "c h = lambda"
c is the speed of light, 3x10^8 M/s
h = 6.6261 × 10^-34 Js

so in this case lambda = 1.98783x10^-23

i don't see why this equation lacks the variable of frequency, however, since equations i've done use h, f, and lambda. not c.
Hi, i'm new here but I've got a suggestion. If you want a better look at the textures find the one you want in quicktime, then select copy from the edit menu. Now open Microsoft photo editor if you have it and paste it as a new file. From here you can use many effects but the best one I found is Emboss. It takes the texture and increases it's width. This makes it much easier to see the equation and in the screen which says Gordon Freeman you can see some new stuff. Apparently thiers a refrence to 30 ml of something called someo (Bad spelling) but it sounds like a tranqulizer.:sniper: :imu:
Lambda is also used as the symbol for decay constant, which is related to half-life... decay const = half life / ln 2 or something... cant really remember, it was a while since i did that.

You can use lambda for a lot of things, in maths it is used to denote the eigenvalues of a matrix or matrices.
well, when people kept asking gabe would reply "the first video" or whatever, it sounded like there were seperate videos *shrug*

He means the E3 video. That'll be the first high res video they're releasing.
ermm guys u should know in differentr subjects, that the same letter can mean many different things, anyway why dont u guys use the no. 2 when using equations u may get something wierd.
Hi Lambda^2 and anyone who cares to look into the equations,

About the Schrödinger equation, I think if you look at the top of the screenshot, you can at least partially see the time dependant form of this.

The left hand side is clear, but the right hand side varies from this, I can't really read it from the video:
iħ∂ψ /∂t = (ħ²/2m)∂²ψ / ∂²x

Could suggest that the teleportation might be based on quantum tunnelling.
Hi kirovman, nice idea with the Schrödinger equation, that iħ∂ψ /∂t really looks like one, but I'm afraid the other side is again just the normal wave equation... take a look at the attachment, there and on some other parts in the vid (the formulas appear 3 times, sometimes you see some letters better) you can see that is says iħ∂ψ /∂t = ħc/i ∂ψ /∂x, well and if you multiply both sides with -i/ħ you get the normal (though still kinda weird, with 1st and not 2nd derivative) wave equation thats in the middle of the pictures.
Basically I think valve just wanted to mix some arcane formulas, with no real sense.. well the sigma stuff could just be their very own way to tell us that HL2 is going to be 10 times better and deeper that HL1 :) well and the wave stuff can also be part of some algorithm which create these really cool ripples on the water, who knows.
To jat, the sigma is this thing here
(may take a moment to load), it's just a "shortcut" to add stuff up. (in the picture it would be 1²+2²+..+n²)
About the decay constant, afaik it's usually tau and not lambda (
And uhm I dont want to sound like a dick but synth, "c h = lambda" makes no sense (no offense just thought you'd better know it before you use that at school :) ), it's hf=E (<- for photons) and f=c/lambda (<- for all waves), so c h = lambda E. Well nvm it's a little OT.

Damn why do the new vids take so long :/


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Originally posted by Kleptomaniac
You guys have WAY too much time on your hands. Seriously.
"Seriously" I study physics and that post took me something like 5 minutes, plus 1 min for the screenshot. And no I don't have too much time, just came home and wanted to share my thoughts on this with the ppl who're interested in it before I go to sleep, when you don't care about this thread ignore it please. Way too much destructive bs in these forums.
Personally, I don't think the equations have any real significance in the name of the story, they prolly just put them their to look cool IMO. Sorta like how lots of lame t-shirts have japanese writing on em' and people wear them but have no idea what it means... also pardon me but I'm only just out of honors algrebra II (highest grade in class *loves bragging8) so despite the fact that they may play some part in the physics part of Source I doubt it will actually be necessary to know that in the sake of the game and I'm sure just as many people who don't understand this will be able to kill you in multiplayer, (like me =P)
That's all well and good but some of us enjoy having a deeper understanding of things, Aethaecyn... Maybe it's just a nit-pickers attitude (or maybe it's just me :p), but I think it's fun to put forth a little conjecture and try to guess what physics laws Half-Life 2 will be using. It may be helpful in trying to predict the storylines, or know the way Gordon got to where he is at the start of the game.

Of course we don't really KNOW anything. We aren't learning any profound information that will give us an advantage, or make us batter at the game, or gift us with knowledge of the future, or grow new hair, or attain a higher state of conciousness.

But before you insult our little pointless exercise (which of course it is), I'd like to ask you what YOU (collectively. At this point this is not directed at an individual) are doing here? All you HAVE to do is, let's say, pre-order HL2 and sit by the front door waiting for it. How is what we (those with an intrest in this thread's discussion) are doing any different from what you are doing??

It's just a little more technical is all. There will be no profound revalations here, or anywhere else (except if it comes from The Gabe himself).

Originally posted by lambda^2
"Seriously" I study physics and that post took me something like 5 minutes, plus 1 min for the screenshot. And no I don't have too much time, just came home and wanted to share my thoughts on this with the ppl who're interested in it before I go to sleep, when you don't care about this thread ignore it please. Way too much destructive bs in these forums.

Heh, I wasn't trying to offend you, sorry you took it so personally. It's just that you don't see these types of posts (equations and stuff) on different forums, and I find that interesting that it's very rare that fans would put so much thought into just a small fragment of a video.
Edi: Hey I just noticed I responded to the wrong thing. LOL :o nm.
