Old games you'd love to play in SOURCE

Vice City, Gta III, Halo, Medal of Honor, Call of Duty
Aliens VS Predator 2 !!! That game rocks sooo much on the Lithtech engine!!!
On source it would OWN all games.. IMO
fuzzy_aus said:
goldeneye/perfect dark

They are still better than 95% of modern games released, even though they are ancient. Someone make them for source and I would live at teh comp.


I still consider Goldeneye my favorite game of all time. Any platform.

So yea, Goldeneye/Perfect Dark.

Maybe Mario Kart would be neat

Edit: omg the thought of playing goldeneye on source, like a complete conversion just made me giddie
Synthaxx R-or said:
Trespasser most definately.
I have no idea how I forgot that one. I'd kill for a remake of that in source. I loved the original as it was (even with all of it's flaws), but with the technology available now it'd be incredible.
Baal said:
omg the thought of playing goldeneye on source, like a complete conversion just made me giddie

Really? Because it made me blow my load.

Anyways, goldeneye and perfect dark... someone has to do this in a mod.

And I think a remake of unreal would be awesome. I never got far into the game because it was so unattractive... not just bad graphics, because they were good for thier time... just... unattractive
LEMMINGS!!! right guys!?...... guys? guys? lemmings?.. Hello? Anyone? Wouldn't Lemmings be cool in source? Guys?...........alone again.
Yep, Deus Ex, GTA - has to be! Ideally, but god know's how it would be done, the Command & Conquer series.
A new System Shock game, Perfect Dark wasn't bad but I think like Halo its a console thing that wouldn't work out so well on the PC. (Halo wasn't bad but it sure wasn't as good as its made out to be)
gunstarhero said:
LEMMINGS!!! right guys!?...... guys? guys? lemmings?.. Hello? Anyone? Wouldn't Lemmings be cool in source? Guys?...........alone again.

Must admit though, Lemmings 3D was pants....
I think source is a fantastic engine for the half life type of games... but worse thing that you can do is port a game over and make it look amazing but lose the feel and original gameplay.
fuzzy_aus said:
goldeneye/perfect dark

They are still better than 95% of modern games released, even though they are ancient. Someone make them for source and I would live at teh comp.

Aslong as they were straight conversions (still played with an N64 pad)

Playing GoldenEye/Perfect Dark with a mouse and keyboard would be heresy!!!
same as I always say

Clive Barker's Undying
Alien Vs Predator 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Battlefield 1942
vampire the Masquerade: Redemption
Hexen 2
Quake (would love to see a remake of the original.. a decent one unlike the crappy DM classic)
Operation Flashpoint
Command and Conquer: Renegade
jonnyapps said:
Marathon/Marathon2/Marathon infinity

"smells like chicken tastes like napalm" :flame:

This man knows what is good in a game. I would also love to see all the Jedi:Knight games done in source so you can throw around every object with your powers.
Mechagodzilla said:
I shit you not. It would be awesome.
yeah, imagine all the new effects they could pull off. :thumbs:
/me drools at the hdr blocks and incredible smoke effects as the blocks hit the ground.

something tells me you dont 'get' tetris.
...know what?
No one has mentioned:
That sounds interesting.

I think I read someonewhere that they are creating a GoldenEye mod for the original Half-Life. I think a team should be developed (me as the leader of course-j/p) that tries to develop GoldenEye os Source.
oh I forgot
Blood and Blood 2: The Chosen
gimme high poly Caleb!

MECHWARRIOR 2: Mercenaries (wewt)
Ultima Online (the only MMORPG I had fun in.. until it got boring) - in full 3d though.
HALO - not done by gearbox though, ick. with full Co-Op support.
Golden axe series

and then really old school:

Ghosts and Goblins (also known as Ghouls and ghosts)
Enigma Force
I'd like to see the original Tribes...
Ghosts & Goblins, Project X, all Turrican games, Missing in Action, Sam & Max, Day of the Tentacle, all Grand Theft Auto games, The Thing, Outcast, NOLF 1 & 2, Halo, Grim Fandango, Delta Force 1 & 2, Star Wars : Rogue Squadron, Tiberian Sun, Ignition, Operation Flashpoint, Midtown madness, LAPD: Future Cop, Xtreme-G, Turok:Seeds of Evil, all Jedi Knight games..
I think I got through the first level of Ghosts and Goblins once in my lifetime...that game was just too damn HARD! But usually when they remake a game it becomes infinately easier. Back on topic, I would love to see almost any game on the NES get converted to source...zelda and megaman would be awesome!
Lethal8472 said:
I think I got through the first level of Ghosts and Goblins once in my lifetime...that game was just too damn HARD! But usually when they remake a game it becomes infinately easier. Back on topic, I would love to see almost any game on the NES get converted to source...zelda and megaman would be awesome!

I hope not, thats what made the original so damn frustratingly fun.
I would like to see an alternate Jedi Outcast, where you had taken the dark jedi path in JK. I think that would be really awesome! Oh yeah, and I want Sam and Max to ease my pain at the cancellation of SaM 2.
Don't see how all these old classic games (Ghosts n Goblins etc) could benefit from Source at all. They'd just look silly and lack any charm they once had.

Imagine releasing Mario 64 with Source :/ The result would be absolutely terrible!! The entire feel of the game would be different - put simply, it would be shit.

//edit Grim Fandango!! that's even worse. How to take a beautiful game and ruin it.
In no particular order:

The Original Dark Forces (very atmospheric game that would work SOO well in Source)
and System Shock 2

God, i just remembered that game!!! awesome :D
Yeah, shogo would be fun. It had supersized mechrobots that you could pilot. Also, anyone heard of sin? It was a little arcade style, but still a good fps. In fact, it was the cross between your typical first person shooter, and games like timecop (you know, those games you play at arcadehalls, where you can hold a plastic gun towards a screen). A game like that would be a fresh breeze.

Also: stuntrace 3D or something. You had to make your own track, and then you could drive it.
Starcraft - Brood Wars (re-invented to be applicable fps)... maybe like NS, but more fun. Siege tanks... *drool*
My wish list?

Quake 2
Mechwarrior 2 (Mech 3 isn't a worthy game)
The Rainbow Six Games

And of Course...

Battlefield 1942/Vietnam
Goldeneye 64/Perfect Dark
The Sims (..sorta)
GTA 3 and Vice City
Call of Duty
Tribes 2
MGS 2: SoLs