Old games you'd love to play in SOURCE


-Warcraft 3
-Serious Sam
-Soldiers of Fortune

(too late to edit)
I'll add:

- Soldier of Fortune II
- Command and Conquer series (all except generals and onward)
Warbie said:
Don't see how all these old classic games (Ghosts n Goblins etc) could benefit from Source at all. They'd just look silly and lack any charm they once had.

Imagine releasing Mario 64 with Source :/ The result would be absolutely terrible!! The entire feel of the game would be different - put simply, it would be shit.

//edit Grim Fandango!! that's even worse. How to take a beautiful game and ruin it.

Easy to make it work. Just make it the complete opposite of todays crappy platforum games.
Games I wana see in source...

Well. Battlefield1942 would be nice in the source engine. But the mod Forgotten hope would be even better!!! :D

Hmmm, also would love to see operation flashpoint in the source.. but maybe thats just me! :)
blood 1&2 would be cool

avp also, but please without the predator... only rines vs aliens :)
Mr. Redundant said:
Ultima Online (the only MMORPG I had fun in.. until it got boring) - in full 3d though.
HELLS YES! Ultima in source engine with as much content as the 2d game O_O..

Commander Keen games.. o_O
Devil May Cry - Would be interesting to see how it turns out, could be very good if done well. With a control pad of course (or on a next gen console!).


Pacman, Tetris, Spaceinvaders, Doom1 & 2, Quake 1 & 2, Jedi Knight... etc...

final fantasy 7 in full 3d

fuzzy_aus said:
goldeneye/perfect dark

They are still better than 95% of modern games released, even though they are ancient. Someone make them for source and I would live at teh comp.

I definitely agree.
my top games are:

The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
Perfect Dark
Super mario 64

mario64 should probably be left alone, doesnt need any improvements. half-life is being done. Also, either trespasser or an all new jurassic park mod would be nuts.
I'd love to see a remake of MoH: Allied Assault and Call of Duty.

Vietcong would be kinda ace too.
my pick would be the They Hunger series, that was by far the best sp mod for HL.

i'd like to a see a startcraft FPS mod, i think i remeber an interview with some1 from valve saying that the source could be used for rpg or rts games, if so i'd like to see the red alert series redone on it and startcraft.
Impulse147 said:
my pick would be the They Hunger series, that was by far the best sp mod for HL.

i'd like to a see a startcraft FPS mod, i think i remeber an interview with some1 from valve saying that the source could be used for rpg or rts games, if so i'd like to see the red alert series redone on it and startcraft.

Blizzard would shut down a StarCraft mod so fast that'd I'd cry :( There was an on-going WC3 TC for BW back in the day at infocepter.. Blizzard shut it down and threatened legal action if they didn't remove it
Blizzard would shut down a StarCraft mod so fast that'd I'd cry There was an on-going WC3 TC for BW back in the day at infocepter.. Blizzard shut it down and threatened legal action if they didn't remove it

yea i figured they would, i remember an AVP starcraft mod, it looked awesome, but got shut down. but i want a sc FPS game, and blizzard is gonna ruin that chance with startcraft:ghost, don't get me wrong it looks awesome, but i don't think its what blizzard fans were expecting in a Startcraft FPS game.
Impulse147 said:
yea i figured they would, i remember an AVP starcraft mod, it looked awesome, but got shut down. but i want a sc FPS game, and blizzard is gonna ruin that chance with startcraft:ghost, don't get me wrong it looks awesome, but i don't think its what blizzard fans were expecting in a Startcraft FPS game.

I've dug up that WC3 conversion, if anyone wanted to see:


The main war3tc page says it's shut down, but you can still find all the files there.. pretty funny
Dark Forces
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2
Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight 2

I don't consider Jedi Academy part of the dark forces series, because you don't play as Kyle Katarn
Donkey Kong. Those barrels are in need of some friggin phsyics!
Dont know if anyone has said it... but Unreal 1 and Deus Ex. Starcraft in source would roxorz my boxorz.
:thumbs: ZERO WING
all your base are belong to us :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
The Suffering as well, definitely.

Its just one scary ass game, just that the graphics were poor. If I were to play that on the Doom 3 engine or on Source, I would just crap myself.
Any beat 'em up. If the animation blending is anywhere as near as powerful as Valve have made out, it would be possible to have character reacting appropriately if they're kicked in the left shoulder or upper arm, for example...
Blizzard would shut down a StarCraft mod so fast that'd I'd cry There was an on-going WC3 TC for BW back in the day at infocepter.. Blizzard shut it down and threatened legal action if they didn't remove it
yea i figured they would, i remember an AVP starcraft mod, it looked awesome, but got shut down. but i want a sc FPS game, and blizzard is gonna ruin that chance with startcraft:ghost, don't get me wrong it looks awesome, but i don't think its what blizzard fans were expecting in a Startcraft FPS game.

I am a huge fan of starcraft, and let me tell you.. BLIZZARD made me go insane in the first part about sc being an fps.. Then what REALLY made me insane is the fact that it was only for consoles (I can just emulate it though). But Sc:Ghost does have very nice graphics etc... Although it is looking better. I'd of rather of them made Sc2.
There are 2 Sc:Bw mods one for C&C: Generals and Wc3. See blizzard can't take legal action if it is a mod based around sc and broodwar, just sc2 etc cannot be modded. There is a Wc3 TFT mod... I believe its Starcraft: Revolutions, it's still being made. Another for C&C: Generals..which i dont remember what it was called.. Although the Wc3 makers seen to give more of a grasp on how sc should have looked.

There are a few things sc:ghost i think screwed up on... I mean Zerglings to me should look nothing like that, infact they should look how the people who played key parts in blizzards sc (Most of them have moved on, such as Bill Roper, and a few who made sc's netcode started a new company called Areanet, now making Guild Wars). The zergling how i saw it was the zergling from the brood war cinamatics. Looks alot cooler.

Starcraft is still selling, not that much in the U.S. but in korea, if you don't have it you know nothing about sports (Its a national sport there).
Sc is still a great game though, although on source since Sc is a game thats based around Epic Battles of Armies and not Epic Battles of Units, you would need to tone the settings down for average computers (Meaning, There is a strong possibility that it would be very hard to run it on all settings). I mean, Very good graphics + 250 men + 200 more men all in a huge battle while your mining resources, stil creating men, terrain missage etc calculations, Death Animations, etc....
I mean Sc2 better have good graphics, and alot more men than Sc..... Bigger terrain sizes, and overall a lot better engine than wc3. Wc3/TFT would have a bit of a hard time running Sc2 how just about every game invisions it to be. Terrain sizes at least 512 to 1024, Huge HUGE battles. I mean Wc3 is good for cartoonish graphics, and not more than 200 to 300 men total. But just my base i want to mass out on goons, or somtni!

So, thats all i gotta say - o and I LOVE SC, onsept when the day comes where blizzard screws it all up..i'll kill them for that. The Bw campagin, once you seen that secret mission, it changed about the whole Sc universe.. It made us think.. It left a draw dropping need to know cliffhanger!
Goldeneye, Mario 64, any of the good Star Wars games, Morrowind (the realistic physics and environments would just add to the game's already realistic feel).
Definitely: Ultima Underworld I and II.

Those games were (well still are) terrific. I got a 91% score at pcformat and II 93%.
The utterly cool thing about my wish is that the creators of Arx Fatalis (which incorporates a mildly crappy engine and wobbly storyline) have leased the Source engine for their next creation!!! (yes this makes this post a bit superfluous hehe)
I'd LOVE to see StarWars: Shadows of the Empire remade in source.. oh man, one of my favorite N64 games
Shuzer said:
I'd LOVE to see StarWars: Shadows of the Empire remade in source.. oh man, one of my favorite N64 games
i didnt think very highly of that game tbh. but then again, i got that, wave race, and mario 64 with the N64 [when i bought it, i got others like goldeneye and mario kart later, obviously :p] so i guess mario 64 blew the crap outta me. it was the first game i'de ever actually owned, and was absolutely amazing. infact, its still one of the best games ive ever played. i still have it :D.
what would I like to see on source? hmmm... Half-Life 2 maybe?

also, Vigilante: 8 would be cool, and Call of Duty. I dont see what everyone's obsession with perfect dark is, however, I thought it sucked, just a clone of goldeneye that didnt work out too well, I played it for 2 mins. and never played again.
its been said once but it needs to be said again... twice



Giants citizen kabuto :thumbs:
perfect dark
destruction derby
some random soccer game?

Ive run out of gum....Duke 3D :)
tetris and the Commmander keens.(Don't know if anyone posted Commander Keen because I was too lazy to go through all of the posts.)
Road Rash - N64, exept with the dune buggies. :) :thumbs: :naughty:
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

That game was awesome! :E Can't wait!
guinny said:
final fantasy 7 in full 3d


I'm really starting to doubt some ppls sanity on this forum :)

(remake FF7 in Source and it'll be crappy!1)