Old games you'd love to play in SOURCE

Nozra said:
Starcraft - Brood Wars (re-invented to be applicable fps)... maybe like NS, but more fun. Siege tanks... *drool*

Starcraft will always be god of the RTSs. even Warcraft did not do what it has done. I would love to see it in source goodness. The physics implication alone could make it a much more strategic and engaging game.
jet jaguar said:
It Came From The Desert:Source

Hell yes! That'd make a great FPS! It was almost one already, in some parts, when it came out. Remember having to shoot the ants' antennae off? Imagine slinging grenades and dynamite around in a Source rendered Lizardbreath, Arizona! Not to mention how cool the ant nest would look, flying the cropduster, playing chicken, or driving a tank in the Last Stand...

Bubba and Stix.
Shadow of the Beast I/II/III
I think doom 2 on Source engine will be a blood bath.....
Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory

Really into this at the moment...
Does anyone remember 'Die by the Sword'?

Not sure if the source engine can do limb decapitation but that would be pretty damn entertaining...
esrA said:
Does anyone remember 'Die by the Sword'?

Not sure if the source engine can do limb decapitation but that would be pretty damn entertaining...

Yeeaah, Die By The Sword ROCKED, the sword handling was so innovative and all! :D
esrA said:
Does anyone remember 'Die by the Sword'?

Not sure if the source engine can do limb decapitation but that would be pretty damn entertaining...

I actually e-mailed Gabe about that earlier today (waiting for a reply if any). I certainly hope so. And how bout some Metroid? Super Metroid, Metroid 2 The Return Of Samus, Metroid Fusion, and Metroid Zero Mission. Now those are some games I would love to see made in Source.
The Shadowrun universe is definitely one of my favourite fantasy/cyberpunk settings. Why it hasn't been used in video games for such a long time is beyond me. I guess Deus Ex is the most similar recent game I can think of. Can you imagine how cool a Source version would be? I'll never forget that game, I played it through so many times...
I used to GM Shadowrun quite a bit. I have wanted to be part of a story design team for a game built in the Shadowrun universe. Source looks to be one of the neatest ways to get it done. Two things I would like to see happen.

1) multiple missions with loads of possible outcomes, and lots of NPC's that actually help the story along(this would be a cooperative mode or single player). There would have to be at least one that best fits a Decker(hacker), and one that fits a rigger(operates vehicles).

2) A GM mode where the game master can take a predesigned map, create a story, and monitor each player character in a window(with an interface similar to the character sheets).

Of course I have quite a few ideas, but lack the game design skills required.
the original Turok would kick major ass, especially if they added in all the the totally awesome handheld war machines from the other games. Best. Weapons. Ever.

JACKAL for NES. Oh my God I would just die if someone remade it. It is so good.

Silent Scope / Duck Hunt
I find it weird how you guys keep saying Starcraft, diablo II, and other rpg games...

I find it hard to say is it possible, because it probably is, but what's the point? So dumb in my opinion...

Also new games like Battlefield and Call of Duty, again, so dumb...Why waste time making a mod for a game that's so new already...Not worth it at all.
I hope they remake Myst and Riven in Source, I suppose I will be alone in that opinion :(
Dungeon Keeper 2, the liquid and flame effects would do good along with destructable walls.
Baal said:
I find it weird how you guys keep saying Starcraft, diablo II, and other rpg games...

I find it hard to say is it possible, because it probably is, but what's the point? So dumb in my opinion...

Also new games like Battlefield and Call of Duty, again, so dumb...Why waste time making a mod for a game that's so new already...Not worth it at all.

because new graphics can make all the difference.

and the Source engine is uber stable, and it feels right. (netcode rules too)
I cannot say the same for BF series.. in fact I love the idea, loathe the execution.
I'd love to see:

Star Control 2: Source
System Shock 2: Source
AVP2: Source
Hexen2: Source
Deus Ex: Source
How about that game Death Tank Zwie, it was the hidden game for Duke Nukem 3D on the saturn. Its kinda like worms, only with 2 tanks and a load of weapons, there is a PC version already, but I'd love to see it go full 3D and realistic physics in the Source Engine :)
Starfox could be interesting. At least now they can sync their voices with their mouths! :LOL:
I have to say, I'd love to see all the mentioned games on Source,
I'll add Solar Winds. and Tyrian
And I'd request you don't ask to see Doom3 on source. I am very excited to see the capabilities in the Doom3 engine, I know they really focus'd on the amazing things they are doing with the lights, but i'm sure every bit of it will be great. Nothing can really compare with the lighting that will be in Doom3, Even in Source i'm sure it would take a lot of work to reach that level.
Mario Teaches Typing
Oni(had a great fighting system)
Call of Duty(still a great game, but would kick more ass on Source)
Medal of Honor
The Specialists(an awesome matrix/hong kong blood opera mod)
America's Army
*wonders if Source could be adapted to MMORPG's* if so, then original Everquest, EQ2 is already gonna be on a shiny new engine
Tron 2.5
Myst/Riven/Myst III
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
any of the Metroids
any Tom Clancy game(Screw CS, R6 is better)
any Mech game
Battlefield 1942 and it's more popular mods (ie Desert Combat)
AVP2 (or new)
System Shock 2 (or new)
Jedi Academy (improved and/or new)
GTA3 and Vice City are so cliched, but they would be good source conversions.
Mortal Kombat (1-3) Classic good stuff.

A GOOD Matrix game.
damn great game but failed in some aspects. If redone on hl2 source it'd kick some major ass.
I'd really like to see Natural Selection in source... All those dark space ship maps, probably look like doom or something on source. I think it's the best mod for Half-Life, CS can kiss Natural-Selection's ass.
Synthos said:
damn great game but failed in some aspects. If redone on hl2 source it'd kick some major ass.
Agreed. Imagine that with Source\Havoc physics... (salivates)
The Specialists would kick arse on the source

I would like all the HL1 expansions to be redone on the source, OpFor on the source would own, bigger open areas, re-do everything, 1337ness.
I was just playing chexquest the other day thinking that I should make a remake of it in source when HL2 comes out. That would own!
this is just a quick question as i dont wana start a new thread but has anyone had an update in steam for something called 'Half Life Engine'. i just noticed this a few minutes ago. its probably a long shot but could this be something to do with makng HL1 easier to port to source - and if thats not the case why are they releasing updates for HL1? shouldnt they be doing something with HL2?
Those updates were for Half-Life 1. Yes, amazingly they're still tweaking and adding things to it.
bodhi said:
this is just a quick question as i dont wana start a new thread but has anyone had an update in steam for something called 'Half Life Engine'. i just noticed this a few minutes ago. its probably a long shot but could this be something to do with makng HL1 easier to port to source - and if thats not the case why are they releasing updates for HL1? shouldnt they be doing something with HL2?

Considering that it was maybe 2 megs in size at the most I doubt it's anything terribly important.
I would LOVE to see carmageddon 2 in source. That would be so cool! :devil:
I'd like to see Battlefield:Vietnam on the Source engine, those monkeys over at Dice simply do not know anything about good netcode. I mean the LAG c'mon! I'd give anything to play a game of Vietnam 64 players without any lag.
CB | Para said:
I'd like to see Battlefield:Vietnam on the Source engine, those monkeys over at Dice simply do not know anything about good netcode. I mean the LAG c'mon! I'd give anything to play a game of Vietnam 64 players without any lag.

Developer: Digital Fusion
Publisher: Wizard Works

Don't bash Dice. They were busy developing Battlefield 2. Swedes did not make that game, canadians did.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City would be great as a Source game. Just imagine the vehicle physics!