Old games you'd love to play in SOURCE

SixThree said:
Oh yeah! Finally something good comes outta you! (j/k :))
LOLOL SIX THREE I LOVE YOUR SIG!! what thred did you get that from lol i remember saying that

and i mean EVERYTHING updated to source from this game. someone who knows the game inside out to recreate it in 3d, update all the graphics obviously, sounds, etc. same story, same events, etc. man that would be a sick rpg!!!
Brian Damage said:
Oh, forgot:

Puggsy. Cos' the original Amiga game had 2D physics...

I thought I was alone in playing that game.
That was pretty cool. Hard ass puzzels sometimes, but still cool.

I nominate Chrono trigger/cross games ;D
oh, and Phantasy Star 4 for the hell of it.

Maybe Syndicate Wars? That was pretty cool when i played it a long time ago.
The first deus ex, even though it was pretty cheesy at times.

It was one of the most fun games i have ever played, it sucked me into the storyline good, which is what i like in a game. (invisible war was crap IMO)
Dosn't need any changes, just an engine upgrade so it would like the newer OS's
Sourcerer said:
Deus Ex
Deus Ex: Invisible War. (done properly)

Agreed! But...can they fix DX2?

I guess it is possible...it was not the worst game ever.
It just wasn't Deus Ex...And why do I feel like I'm in a shopping mall on every level of DX2??
id love perect dark, i hope they mod it in hl2 :D

splinter cell would be cool
I'd agree with the above in saying Deus Ex. I actually played the second before the first (which was sort of confusing, i might add :p ). After playing the second, and going to the first, i was SO amazed. The first is so much better! I'd like to see it redone, though. Does anyone know if they're planning another, or has the series just sort of "died out"?
The Deus Ex series died out I guess. They were going to make one called "Clan Wars" but I guess its scrapped now and they're making
"Snowblind." Also, last I heard, they are still going to make a movie.

Now... Trespasser... That game is worth millions, that is if you can even find a copy!!

*3 1/2 cents
I would like the game sin I remember it was built on the quake2 engine and it was one of the first that you could shoot someone in the head and kill them in one shot. It had great city scenes and an ok story but the action was really good.
No Matrix games in Source please. Atari is too retarded to make a good game. System Shock 2 would be good in Source and/or Doom 3. Rune would be really cool in Source...Slave Zero....Any Rainbow Six game....ohh, lot of games =p
Jet Force Gemini, great N64 game, for some reason not that popular...I want to see the new zelda, but ocarina of time would be cool redone
The Secret of Monkey Island. I'd love to see the realistic physics of a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle...
ne-waller said:
its been said once but it needs to be said again... twice


And i'll say it again!!
Syndicate, or a similar game design would absolutely ROCK.
Mr. Redundant said:
oh I forgot
Blood and Blood 2: The Chosen
gimme high poly Caleb!

MECHWARRIOR 2: Mercenaries (wewt)
Ultima Online (the only MMORPG I had fun in.. until it got boring) - in full 3d though.
HALO - not done by gearbox though, ick. with full Co-Op support.
Golden axe series

and then really old school:

Ghosts and Goblins (also known as Ghouls and ghosts)
Enigma Force

ROTT hell yeah!!
i forgot all about that game, it kicked so much ****ing ass. i love how you blow the guys up and their eyes and shit drip down and shit, damn im going to go download that right as we speak, thank you!!
anyways tho i think blood 1 % 2 would be sweet in source, those shogo as someone mentioned and SiN.
Now i will list the games i cant believe noone else has, if i overlooked your post and you mentioned em...you have good taste in games

-kingpin Life of crime (though apparently they are working on a sequel...can only hope)
-star wars battlefront.
mostly morrowind though....i cant wait till 2005 for the next installment!
I say GTA, c'mon running over people and seeing what the ragdolls can do. Or blowing up a car and seeing the hood hit a cop, and then hit prostitute at the same time.
Does anyone remember Shadow Warrior? That would be awesome!!!!!!

And already mentioned:
Golden axe series
C&C: Renegade
Jazz Jackrabbit!!
X-Com Series
Alpha Centauri (same gameplay, 3D graphics)
Thief 2, Wasteland/Fallout and Super Metroid would be great.
And Planescape:Torment would be sweet.