Old games you'd love to play in SOURCE

Jedi Knight games definitely. I can only imagine playing as a Jedi with the awesome graphics and physics.
I haven't found neone who has said this yet,

but Sonic the Hedgehog would be a titsalicous Source Game.

SHADOW WARRIOR and Duke Nukem 3D were my favorite games man... same with Duke Nukem 2D.
Deus Ex. A remake of the greatest game ever with updated graphics. Eveything else (sounds, settings, dialog...) should of course be preserved.
STUNTS/4D sports driving
It kicked ass and still do!
btw there is a new stunts coming up, "Crashday"....
But still, it would b cool to play like "stunts: source"

And full throttle <-lol
i know some pretty good hentai games............

(but not really)
goldeneye 64........perfectdark........supersmash bros...............AND ALL WITH MULTIPLAYER ACTION!
Commander Keen 4 and 5
Blood 1 & 2
Shadow Warrior
Rise of the Triad
The other fps (In the duke3d and SW days) from the vietnam war that I can't remember the title off.
??? i dont really get this topic...
its basically just "what games would you love to play on a newer engine". it's going to be the same.

source isnt like a magical engine that will suddenly turn a game into a pimped out ghetto mobile
I'd like to see: THE INCREDIBLE MACHINE!!!
in 3D and with all the funkey eye candy.
The Adams Family for the SNES. Oh yeah.... *cough* umm, ok maybe not.
OH! yes Rise Of The Triad was the shiznit! I youst to play that on my moms 386 laptop, I remember it was 5 floppys I must have made 5 different copys of that game before I got bored of it.
Nobody played Interstate 76 :afro: ?, that game was groovy!
Outcast 2 would be nice. aswell as Carmageddon
SixThree said:
Road Rash + Armoured Core

Oh my god! You're my twin! Haha!

Those two too! Armoured core Project Phantasma and The first road rash, Jail break sucked!

Good thread!
Red Baron 3D

Imagine the physics and AI in that game
-Shoot mid-section of chimney on factory
-Chimney comes down
-Takes out whole factory
-Shrapnel flies out in all directions
-Shrapnel hits AA gun operators face
-AA guns go off by accident, firing wildly into the air
-AA guns take out whole squad of german fighters
-German fighter crashes on air strip- rendering it inaccesseable
-Fighter takes out Artillery
-Fighter crashes in no-mans land
-Allied soldiers use the crashed remains as cover
-1 soldier uses the aircrafts machine gun, takes out german regiment

Ahh many possibilities
Carmageddon TDR 2000, imagine how those people fly through the are in 1 or more pieces or how you splat people against a wall :p, and of course realistic damage on the cars
Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2.

I think that would own as its more a movie/game than just a game and with the facial expressions they could tell the MGS story quite alot better than they can now not to mention the AI :D MGS2 already has pretty clever AI for a console...it would be the best ever :D
GTA Vice City It would me fun, oh yea, Metroid Prime would be awesome
First thing that came up was Duke Nukem 3D, then I thought, naah there is already a source port of Duke Nukem and I'm tired of it, I wan't Shadow Warrior!!!

I would LOVE to see the XCom games converted to Source. I havnt played any of the newer ones, just Enemy Unknown and Armageddeon (I think thats what it was called, with the cars and stuff, didnt like that so much)

AFAIK there was an XCom mod for HL but it never got released.
Wouldnt mind if it was Sourcified either FPS or RTS. Would love either tbh.