Omfg Defend Yourself!


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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After school today I went into town with a freind to spend some WHS vouchers I got in the school prizegiving event. So I got the later bus home which was full of pupils from another school, I met a few old freinds actually who I havent seen in a long while which was nice.

But then the day took a turn for the worst. As we were getting off someone was on the steps that lead to the upper deck of the bus, he goes to my school although I don't know his name. Anyway hes about 12 maybe 13, hes quite small really less that 140cm. Anyway from the stairs he hit another guy from a different school on the back of the head, not hard just a slap. The other guy looked round at him and he said it wasn't him. I smiled at him, I thought he was just pratting around, and it was so blatently obvious it was him to everyone his denial was quite amusing. The kid who was of a similar build ignored him, as what always happens when you ignore a Bully or play along they think they can do it again, needsless to say he did, a bit harder.

So the other kid puts a finger up at him, the reaction this had was quite shocking he pushed everyone out of his way, and walked right into the face of the other kid, like all arrogant chav f**ks do, and started the whole c'mon who the f**k do you think you are stuff ect.

What amazed me was he thought he HAD A RIGHT to do it. He was obviously so arrogant he thought he could do what he wanted with people, the kid he was trying to Bully however, I knew him from karate, hes alot younger than me, but I remembered him, and he was pretty good. I thought he wasn't going to take this.

When I'm in a similar situation and someone comes right in my face, I push them away and leave my hand out and calmy say "If you come into my face again, I will hit you". They obviously take this as a challenge, and come into your face again, however it is IMPORTANT to keep your hand out hold them away, this serves too purposes:

  • It keeps distance, avoiding the chance of a fight
  • If they do want to get in your face, and your keeping your hand in the way, they will have to fight you to do so, making your actions self defence, even if you want a fight.
So they have to hit you first, this will almost always be a Right hook, usually to the head, you can sometimes just grab there arm as they pull it back, and just throw them to the ground, or block it and counter.

Anyway this kid who was being bullied did neither, he let the other guy right in his face, who did a light head but. They then got off the bus, and the kid pushed the other one (who I knew from Karate) against the side of the bus, he then hit him walked off, and as the bus started driving off (with me in it) hit him again. And I lost sight but could see other people looking, from the pavement, so obviously something was happening, the kid from karate was really scared and from what I could see made no attempt to defend him self, which was a shame, becuase the only advantage the other person had was agression, something I to often see.

Its sad to see someone bullied like that, more so when you know they are more than capable of defending themselves and kicking the other kids ass.

Anyway on Monday I'm going to tell a member of the senior management team, and go round lessons trying to indentify this pupil so he can get in trouble, the busses are also CCTV city so I'm sure an assualt charge could be brought against him.

Anyway, this thread shall be devoted to everyones favourate bragging subject: Stories of how you kicked ass and techniques to do so, like I described.

*enter short recoil*
Never got into a fight and hopefully never will.
Because I get terribly pissed if I'm annoyed (Once gave my friend a bloody nose by accidently swinging my arm on his face while I was trying to push him back before I did something. Bit ironic that the sole thing I was trying to prevent happened because I was trying to prevent it :p)
Yeah... um, can I have the two minutes of my life back that I spent reading that rant please?

Teenagers are teh sux.. end of story.
Anyone who knows Karate and cant administer the smackdown on an arrogant 13 year old chav is in need of support.
Oh, and what Badger said
I was on the bus.

And why Axyon? Its talking in there lanuage, but also a clear message that would hold up in court.
So wait, the kid hits him twice and the guy shouldn't be mad? Is that what're you're telling me?
Nooo, the guy who was hit twice was the one who went to karate and let the other guy bullied him, even though he could have pwned him and was too scared.
Solaris said:
I was on the bus.

And why Axyon? Its talking in there lanuage, but also a clear message that would hold up in court.
Read it again, someone could seriously get the wrong message. It certainly could be better worded.
Axyon said:
Please never utter this line again. Ever.
After noticing why that sentence is so wrong I almost killed myself laughing!
Solaris said:
Nooo, the guy who was hit twice was the one who went to karate and let the other guy bullied him, even though he could have pwned him and was too scared.

Ohhhh, I got ya. Your wording confused me...
Isn't there a rule about not being able to use karate to seriously hurt someone?

Maybe he didn't want to seriously hurt the chav (god knows why)
"If you come into my face again....."

Holy fook, just got it and fell down laughing.

good stuff
dekstar said:
Isn't there a rule about not being able to use karate to seriously hurt someone?

Maybe he didn't want to seriously hurt the chav (god knows why)

He was scared, I could see him cowering poor guy.

Thats what they dont teach you at karate, you learn technique, but not the nerve to use it.
Axyon said:
Read it again, someone could seriously get the wrong message. It certainly could be better worded.
You are one funny internet persona. I wish I caught that.

people should take wrestling, or grappling. It's a lot better i believe in real world fighting. Because not everybody knows karate or some other form of upright fighting. Every fight i've witnessed has been fought 80% on the ground. Personally, i took wrestling and as gay as the outfits are, it was actually quite fun--and useful.

Actually, in October i went to a party at this dude’s house and people had had a few drinks. I'm not a big drinker and had only had a beer or two. But this one guy who had drunk more than a couple was yelling at his girlfriend over something, i wasn't sure i was at a table watching a fun game of beer-pong and he was across the room. Anyway, i'm watching this thinking to myself how i hope i never get that drunk when he hits her. So i get up from my chair walk over to him, wrap my arm around his neck and roll him onto his face over my knee, i grabbed under his left arm and wrapped it behind his back and told him he shouldn't be hitting girls. This elicited a quick apology and a plea to get off of him.

yea, i know i'm a big man for 'beating up' a drunk guy, but regardless people should know some form of self protection, even if very minimal. It’s also good to get beaten up a couple of times. I enjoy fighting or wrestling people larger than me (for fun, yet still not holding back—if that makes sense) because it really keeps you in your spot. Try taking down a football player, it’s fun. In my last dorm there was actually a grappler, he took Brazilian jiu-jitsu I think it was called, and it was fun to fight him, because my idea of winning was just not losing (a tie—which was basically never). You need confidence, but don't think just because you have some skill you invincible.
At school a while ago there was a chav picking on a kid I knew. I hate shit like that, so I got right into chav's face and told him that if I ever saw him bullying anybody again, I'd ****ing kill him. Said chav then ****ed off.

I felt like a hero :D
I works better to just say random crap to bullies and confuse them

*Short recoil award of the year*
OvA said:
I works better to just say random crap to bullies and confuse them

Yeah, I friend of mine got set upon by a big gang once. He pretended to have Down's Syndrome, and they left him alone.
gick said:
Yeah, I friend of mine got set upon by a big gang once. He pretended to have Down's Syndrome, and they left him alone.

What a hard ass.
Solaris said:
What a hard ass.

Worked though didn't it?

You sure you're learning Karate?

You either didn't listen too hard, or they didn't teach you very well.
Solaris said:
He was scared, I could see him cowering poor guy.

So, the 60M dollar question is, why didn't you help him?

Ever since my older brother got bullied, the thought of someone bullying someone sickens me, He has learning difficulties, and that just enraged me more. That was the first fight i had. When i was a lad, i changed schools several time's due to my mum wanting to move home. Anyways, i met a few so called bully's. And there all the same, especially in groups. First impressions are obviously the most important. Never show them fear, it gives them and there mates a kick. If someone approaches you with an attitude, keep eye contact, quickly stamp on there closest foot, as they look down(they always do cos you didn't look down to do it), right hook them in the nose. Hard enough to crack it. I went to eight schools in total and they all had a so called bully. So beat the bully by being the bully, show them who's boss if you like. I'm talking from experience here, and it always worked for me. There might be a scuffle on the ground for a bit till the teachers arrive but at least they will think twice about approaching you again.
SpArKs said:
So, the 60M dollar question is, why didn't you help him?
The bus was leaving with me on with them on the pavemeant.

As I said, Im telling the relevant authritys on Monday.

I couldn't let bullying happen without trying to stop it, it sickens me also.
I think the only clear definitive victory I've had in a fight was when I nearly chocked a guy to death in thoughtless rage.

Aside from that, I don't know. The only proper fights I've ever really been in were with groups and those ended with everybody bruised and bleeding from some part of their body.
That's what gets me. That people think they have a right to do it. It's okay that they hit someone once, twice, fifty times - but as soon as that someone does anything back, however small, it's suddenly this big thing that they've got to take revenge for. :hmph:
Sulkdodds said:
That's what gets me. That people think they have a right to do it. It's okay that they hit someone once, twice, fifty times - but as soon as that someone does anything back, however small, it's suddenly this big thing that they've got to take revenge for. :hmph:

Totally, these people act completly like animals.
[tone=ominous_cliched_horror_movie]They're not acting like animals...they're acting like humans.[/tone]
Sulkdodds said:
[tone=ominous_cliched_horror_movie]They're not acting like animals...they're acting like humans.[/tone]

Yeah, I cant think of any animals that fight just because they feel like it.
gick said:
Yeah, I cant think of any animals that fight just because they feel like it.
I know one : Chavs

I saw them in the zoo :O

Lol, just imagine :
A chav holding the bars of his cage. In front of the cage a board that says "CHAV".
A little kid walks by and the chav yells, "Oi, mate, you got a fag?" at the kid.
The kid just stands there a bit with his candy. The mother comes running on, takes the kid by the shoulders, bows by him and talks in his ear : "Come on, Tom, that animal isn't nice." and takes the kid away.
Rofl. every morning a new bike appears in the chav cage no doubt.
You should quit 'karate' and so should your friend. You'll learn nothing but a shitload of weak moves that don't work on anyone else except people who know the same martial art as you.

Take boxing, then you'll be a real face puncher. None of this fake ass Bruce Lee crap.
I disagree the repition for me is all that is nessacary.

Some guys in schoo tried to slap my back, I wouldnt let them they grabbed me, and I instictively did a 'miagari' and kicked one 3 meters into some chairs.
Solaris said:
I disagree the repition for me is all that is nessacary.

Some guys in schoo tried to slap my back, I wouldnt let them they grabbed me, and I instictively did a 'miagari' and kicked one 3 meters into some chairs.
Remind me to run away when I meet you
Or learn MONKEY KOMBAT and kick his arse.

i don't really defend myself cuz im scrawny as hell (i mean 5 year old girls could kick my ass) so whatever, doesnt bother me.

oh yeah and MONKEY KOMBAT??? do what dle gribble does, SQUIRRLE TACTICS!!!