OMG!!! Kerry's people are getting desperate!

CyberSh33p said:
...rather than a man who has been and led our country into a state of the highest unemployment rates and weakest economy in years

Curious, who tells you that the president of the US controls the economy? I find it funny that people automatically make that connection. There is a slight connection from the president to the economy, but not nearly as much as you think.

Also, in terms of unemployment, unemployment numbers during the recession were quite low.
blahblahblah said:
Curious, who tells you that the president of the US controls the economy? I find it funny that people automatically make that connection. There is a slight connection from the US to the economy, but not nearly as much as you think.

Also, in terms of unemployment, unemployment numbers during the recession were quite low.
you're right, we also need to replace congress. or better yet reform the government so the democratic process is a bit more lubricated and fluid, and make politics a debate of actual issues versus image.

Theres people out there who vote based on hair, for chrissake.
CyberSh33p said:
you're right, we also need to replace congress. or better yet reform the government so the democratic process is a bit more lubricated and fluid, and make politics a debate of actual issues versus image.

How funny, I'm reading a book for my Electoral Behavior class that says the same thing. The book wants to get rid of the President, Congress and the Supreme Court in exchange for a parliament type system (like the UK).

Our current political system was apparently designed to be slow stuff in order to protect our government from tyrants and dictators.

Theres people out there who vote based on hair, for chrissake.

That is why I am voting for Bush this November. :p
blahblahblah said:
Swift boat ads had nothing to do with Bush. Yet, you attribute it to Bush. If Kerry had the same thing, you wouldn't say a thing would you?

Except that one of the interviewees in the ad works for Bush's re-election campaign. I find it logical to assume that Bush either:

a) knew about this
b) should fire the guy for mis-representing his campaign in a lying ad.

What about the latest political ads from the DNC (or whoever) that directly blames the latest economic recession on Bush. Educated people know that this is not true. However, the ads are targeted to blue collar workers. Shouldn't you be criticizing those ad makers as well?

Educated people know this isn't true because of what facts?

Hmmm...seems like Kerry and Bush are in the same sinking boat.

Except Bush's boat is already closer to shore.
CyberSh33p said:
thanks :D

and as jon stewart(or was it lewis black) said, the main topic of discussion for the 2004 elections is a war from 35 years ago.
thats really pathetic when you think about it actually :\

now you reveiled my hidden information factory
Mechagodzilla said:
Except that one of the interviewees in the ad works for Bush's re-election campaign. I find it logical to assume that Bush either:

a) knew about this
b) should fire the guy for mis-representing his campaign in a lying ad.

First off, the guy behind the Swfit boat ads did resign. Secondly, there are numerous opinion columns which suggest that Kerry is supporting 527 like Bush is. How true these accusations are remains to be seen. I don't see much substance in them, but they raise some flags. Note: the link below was written by the Bush advisor (lawyer) who resigned because of the Swift boat ads.

Educated people know this isn't true because of what facts?

Take an economics class. Or look through previous threads. I have explained this like 40 times already.
Joeslucky22 said:
Some random fanatical conservative rhetoric....and something about me running for president.

Hey joey, how's it goin?

Now would you really want me running for president? You know with me being an anarchist and all like you said earlier....or should we bring that whole thing up?

blahblahblah said:
Ah, I hadn't heard this news yet. I'm glad to see that integrity won out in at least one situation. Still, the resignation kinda reeks of "taking the fall" (for lack of a better phrase) and the ad has already done its damage.

Call me cynical, but I'd deem this a mission: accomplished.

Take an economics class. Or look through previous threads. I have explained this like 40 times already.
Meh, I can't be assed to do either. Since I neither know nor care about american economics, I'll just assume you're right. :p
blahblahblah said:
You see, mine was a incoherent, belligerent rant. Yours was a carefully planned, strategic rant. Your rants shouldn't be that way. :p

Nah your rant was just fine. I agreed with what you had to say there.

But I will keep that in mind for future reference. I'll try to sputter randomly and froth at the mouth a bit more. :p

Joeslucky22 said:
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure "WE WILL be at a higher risk of getting attacked with a new president"

No, Shit.

I full heartingly agree with what Cheny had to say.

The perfect time for a terrorist to strike is when a country is being led by a man who has never been president before.

Oh just wanted to ask you a question joey.

I'm just wondering, did the above point even occur to you to use before you heard Cheney say it?
Vote for Bush = Vote for War (that he loses)

but WTF, it's your World right?
From a objective point of view, the Bush campaign has been running circles around the Kerry camp. Kerry's response to the swift boat veterans for truth was horrible and seemed very petty. Bush from the start condemned all 527's, remember there are far more 527's criticizing Bush than Kerry. He then went and joined McCain in an attempt to close down the loophole for 527's even if this wasn't an honest decision (which I believe it was) it was a good move. The Kerry campaign has from the start allowed the Bush camp to dictate the agenda, I see very few possibilities for a Kerry comeback now. If he changes tactics he will be instantly labeled as a flip flop. He wasted the one most important card he had by saying he would have supported the war in Iraq even with the knowledge he has now. He was forced into this concession by a question Bush posed to him directly.
Neutrino said:
Did you actually read both articles? If you can find an obvious bias in either one then please let me know.

In wasn't commenting on either article in particular but on the concept of 'real news stories' unbiased news networks have long been a thing of the past. An example of recent bias in CNN was the coverage of the DNC and the RNC. We saw almost all of the key speeches at the DNC but I was forced to watch the RNC of the republican website because CNN (international) simply refused to show any off the RNC all I saw was a couple of lines from the Arnold and Cheney speeches. Another interesting thing is watching the choice of stock photo's they use for both candidates.
CyberSh33p said:
its really so ironic that bush is attacking kerry's war record :\
and yet people still listen to him...
kerry brought up the entire war issue first, its been a staple in his campaign - reason number 1 he's not doing as well as he could have. the fact that so many vets hate him isnt helping either. :rolleyes:
gh0st said:
kerry brought up the entire war issue first, its been a staple in his campaign - reason number 1 he's not doing as well as he could have. the fact that so many vets hate him isnt helping either. :rolleyes:
right, but kerry went to war whereas bush didn't. and claimed he served and all that. kerry was there, bush wasn't, bush says well you suck anyway.
CyberSh33p said:
right, but kerry went to war whereas bush didn't. and claimed he served and all that. kerry was there, bush wasn't, bush says well you suck anyway.
define service. where did bush claim he "Served" and in what context, id like to see that.
Exactly. He did'nt say he served. Kerry did. You make an issue in politics, and on a legal note, I think its debatable.
Where the US of the 1940's?

Take all the fun stuff we have now, and put it into a nuetral environment like that. :p wow...
K e r b e r o s said:
Where the US of the 1940's?

Take all the fun stuff we have now, and put it into a nuetral environment like that. :p wow...
fighting world war 2, finally recovering from the great depression?
There are just too many Kerry lovers who are just plain psycotic...

CBS won't back down because the liberal station hates to be wrong, as do the liberal people.

neutrino said:
Blah, blah, I love to rant and I hate god. oh and government.

:p we're even.

You won't see republicans having nude rallys, making up bogus "official" papers, or pretending to be a guard at a convention, just to get 2 feet away from Dick Cheney to cuss at him...

If those are the kind of people who think kerry should win, then we should all know who to vote for.

Bush 2004.
Joeslucky22 said:
There are just too many Kerry lovers who are just plain psycotic...

CBS won't back down because the liberal station hates to be wrong, as do the liberal people.

:p we're even.

You won't see republicans having nude rallys, making up bogus "official" papers, or pretending to be a guard at a convention, just to get 2 feet away from Dick Cheney to cuss at him...

If those are the kind of people who think kerry should win, then we should all know who to vote for.

Bush 2004.
theres just too many things wrong with your post to pick out one by one...
I would like to know if you're from Russia.

oh, and this:
You won't see republicans having nude rallys, making up bogus "official" papers, or pretending to be a guard at a convention, just to get 2 feet away from Dick Cheney to cuss at him...

It stays true.
Welcome to america. how old are you? Voting age?

And how long have you lived here?
Thanks, though you're 13 years late with the welcome. Not voting age yet, will be in time for 2008 elections.
A debate with someone who failed addiition? Sorry...

and blah, yes indeedy I am.
In my book, 13 and 14 years of age.. there is no difference.

A debate with someone who failed addiition? Sorry...
Atleast I didn't fail spelling. :p

Don't you have multiplication to learn yet? or facotring equations? That's when you get the stuff thats really going to matter.
Because politics isn't civil :p

Joeslucky, you're still mistaken about my age here, though it should make muc hdifference when you present the argument of a twelve year old yourself, completely bypassing neutrino's whole point and spewing nonsense.

And I made a typo, sue me. Oh wait, you probably could.

Since you're hung up on the fact that I'm not of voting age and are alienating most of the forums with comments like that, I'm curious as to how old you are, and what you do for a living?
13 years late welcome.
4 years to become a citizen.
you can only vote in 2008 (next election).

so you must be 16-17 or something.

Still not voting age so :rolleyes:. If I were you I wouldn't worry about this election at all. Because you can't stop anything from happening, only say whatever you think which wont effect many people.

not to say I can stop things from happening but I can help :)

I never read nutrono's political posts because its a waste of my precious spare time.
Joeslucky22 said:
13 years late welcome.
4 years to become a citizen.
you can only vote in 2008 (next election).

so you must be 16-17 or something.

Still not voting age so :rolleyes:. If I were you I wouldn't worry about this election at all. Because you can't stop anything from happening, only say whatever you think which wont effect many people.

not to say I can stop things from happening but I can help :)

I never read nutrono's political posts because its a waste of my precious spare time.
so why do you bother with debating, if you don't listen to the other side? I'm already a citizen, by the way, thanks. I have every right to express my views, and this is my future too here with the election.

and you still haven't said how old you are or what you do.
18 and currently a front desk manager at a grocery store.

You want to spread your liberal views to others go right ahead.

Im not going to debate with you, because there is just no point.

When you're able to vote Bush wont be around so you have nothing to worry about.
unfortunatly, they do. You count for a vote, which is why the voting system needs reform. democracy relies on people being educated about this stuff after all.
CyberSh33p said:
unfortunatly, they do. You count for a vote, which is why the voting system needs reform. democracy relies on people being educated about this stuff after all.

Nice one :thumbs:

If you all had your mind set, there would be no problems or debates/disputes in america right :) and then we could all be democratic too :) .

Sounds good.