OMG!!! Kerry's people are getting desperate!

Joeslucky22 said:
Nice one :thumbs:

If you all had your mind set, there would be no problems or debates/disputes in america right :) and then we could all be democratic too :) .

Sounds good.
what you say makes perfect sense indeed, if everyone had my mindset, we wouldn't disagree with each other.
cybersh33p, when are you going to show me where bush claims he "served"? you wont find it, but i challenge you to do it.
this is the funniest political debate I've read in weeks

"18 and currently a front desk manager at a grocery store."

ooooohhh you showed cybersh33p up, you're a front desk manager

at a grocery store

just because you're of voting age and he isnt doesnt mean you'll make the right decision

there can only be one:

CptStern said:
this is the funniest political debate I've read in weeks

"18 and currently a front desk manager at a grocery store."

ooooohhh you showed cybersh33p up, you're a front desk manager

at a grocery store

just because you're of voting age and he isnt doesnt mean you'll make the right decision

there can only be one:


You want me to LIE and say "yeah.. IM a CEO at some big multimillion dollar company"


He asked, I answered.
CptStern said:

Yeah, lets bring back Hilter, Stalin, or Genghis Kahn from the dead. Because any of those people are obviously better than Bush.
CptStern said:
in your case, well maybe

anyways who cares

The exact reaction I wanted from you Stern. Don't say "Anybody but Bush" and then vote for Kerry. Learn about both canididates and then make your decision. My sig has some excellent non-partisan sites to do some proper research.
blahblahblah said:
Yeah, lets bring back Hilter, Stalin, or Genghis Kahn from the dead. Because any of those people are obviously better than Bush.

bush isnt even in the same league ...

from all accounts those men were brilliant (tyrannts sure, but intelligent nonetheless) ...bush well not even close

little late for that reply.

ANYBODY BUT BUSH... sounds like anyone to me..

Sounds idiotic to me too :)
blahblahblah said:
The exact reaction I wanted from you Stern. Don't say "Anybody but Bush" and then vote for Kerry. Learn about both canididates and then make your decision. My sig has some excellent non-partisan sites to do some proper research.

i cant vote cuz i'm not american

frankly I see little difference in the parties, sure they differ in some issues but the outcome will be the same either way, just in varying degrees of right of centre ..sure I'd like a choice at a third party but none exists (not that carries any real power)
I really don't see why Bush's miltiray record matters at all, or Kerry's...
I agree foxtrot, they should just look at the individuals

bush = liar/oppressor

kerry = flip flops on issues

pick the lesser of two evils
Foxtrot said:
I really don't see why Bush's miltiray record matters at all, or Kerry's...
which brings up another point: wtf? why the hell does this stuff even matter? Mostly people debate it because for the candidate's smear campaigns this is what they're talking about. they're attacking the person himself rather than his political beliefs like they should be.
CptStern said:
I agree foxtrot, they should just look at the individuals

bush = liar/oppressor

kerry = flip flops on issues

pick the lesser of two evils

Frankly that is one of the more non-partisian things I've seen you write. I disagree with certain things you say, but that is attributed to my biases.

As for you, you obviously want to influence people, you should find out for sure which one is really better.
I have no doubt bush should not be the next president
blahblahblah said:
Frankly that is one of the more non-partisian things I've seen you write. I disagree with certain things you say, but that is attributed to my biases.

As for you, you obviously want to influence people, you should find out for sure which one is really better.
I've actually visited your links, and it would seem I favor kerry's platform over bush's. and what you have to remember is the past four years and such, we have had a taste of bush(no pun intended :|), and many didn't like it, so they have that against him.

Sorry if I am not making sense, but I think you can decipher what I am trying to say.
You support Kerry, we know and we keep getting told.

Now let the voters speak.
Joeslucky22 said:
You support Kerry, we know and we keep getting told.

Now let the voters speak.
is being injected with a strong shot of "asshat" mandatory when you turn 18 where you live? you're two years older than me, and you haven't shown to be any smarter.

I'm in this debate just like brits and canadians are, and have every right to be here. If all the voting population is like you, I fear for my own future.
CyberSh33p said:
I'm in this debate just like brits and canadians are, and have every right to be here. If all the voting population is like you, I fear for my own future.

Joeslucky22 said:
You support Kerry, we know and we keep getting told.

Now let the voters speak.

I've actually not seen a single Bush supporter not be a total asshole, care about being open-minded and read the opposition's views and comment on them rationally. It's all bullshit talk and "IM RIGHT OMG BUSH RULES AND KERRY IS THE DEVIL AND IM BETTER AND SMARTER THEN YOU, WAKE UP DUDEZZZ"

If Bush won last election because the majority of the American population is like that I REALLY fear for my imminent future.

Oh, and I'm 17 and Canadian, turning 18 in 4 months. So you can use my non-voting age and the fact that im not American to totally dismiss my post and consider me biased, stupid and not worth your "precious" grocery store worker time.

Oh, and have a good day :E :thumbs:
If Bush wins he will win on the issues... There's only a small percent of the folks who are voting that are far left & far right wack jobs.... Seems like that's all that shows up here though...

Bush is for lower taxes Kerry is for higher taxes... That alone will swing a lot of votes.

Bush is against Gay Marriage Kerry is for it... This will swing several voters. Whether likes it or not the majority of America is made up of somewhat conservative christians.

Bush is for a High Tech well supported military... Kerry is against it... Another big chunk of votes. Ever since the Reagan era Military folks tend to vote for GOP... Reagan built it up... Clinton tore it down, closed bases, and decomed ships. Since there are a lot of military, dependents, and vetereans I think this is where history will show Kerry's mistake was made if he does lose. You don't piss off large amounts of your voters and expect to win.

Bush is playing well to middle America - Kerry is playing well to Hollywood - Middle America has many more votes than Hollywood even though they have a bigger voice through media and film.
I have a couple of questions Blahblahblah, Why should I vote for Bush?

1. Because hes decisive?
So he makes a decision and sticks to it, even if its the wrong decision, as we've seen. He isn't decisive, he is stubborn.

2. Because he can protect us from terrorism?
I would argue wrong on this one. Bush's whole campaign is that he is strong on national security, and as cheney so eloquently put it, if the bush admin isn't in office we'll get hit again. Well if he can protect us so well from terror and keep us so safe, I ask you, why did the worst terror attack in American history ever, on American soil, happen under his watch?
3. Becuase he isn't a flip flopper?
Well i've been through this one here before, he flips just as much as kerry flops. What about "no child left behind" then cutting education spending? The list goes on, i'll dig up more upon request.
4.Because kerry isn't good for the troops?
On the contrary, I think you should read this:

Have a nice day :)

(SGT. Shellback read the link i've provided)
The person most suited to power is the one who wants it least.

There will never be a President with a clean slate.
Varsity said:
The person most suited to power is the one who wants it least.

There will never be a President with a clean slate.

I don't agree with that... I don't want the presidency but if it were forced on me I'd without a doubt or bit of hesitation turn parts of the mideast into a glass parking lot.
Sgt_Shellback said:
I don't agree with that... I don't want the presidency but if it were forced on me I'd without a doubt or bit of hesitation turn parts of the mideast into a glass parking lot.

Ugh, that's pretty damned awful of you to say that. Don't be so stupid, it's bad for your health.
Sgt_Shellback said:
I don't agree with that... I don't want the presidency but if it were forced on me I'd without a doubt or bit of hesitation turn parts of the mideast into a glass parking lot.

And that is why you are not president :p
Kangy said:
Ugh, that's pretty damned awful of you to say that. Don't be so stupid, it's bad for your health.

War is awfull... Saying it's hell is a bit over used and has lost its meaning but war is hell and the American public decided nearly unanamously to go to war with Iraq...

I wouldn't try to fight a clean antiseptic war. I wouldn't try to preserve mosques, historical land marks, or worry about civilian casualties let alone be concerned about reporters filming within close proximity of a battle.

There's no such thing as a good war. You cannot defeat an army without also crushing it's public support... You can defeat the largest army in the world by crushing it's public support. The terrorists understand this well. I don't think we understand it well enough.

Sucks for sure.. I think many more will die before this war is over... People need to understand these things in order to avoid wars.
"Notice the slight bias he seems to have? He is not a reliable and/or factual news source. Also for some reason this is a Sept. 12th article when today is Sept 11. All the guy did was read what was reported in the news, form his own opinion about it and write it down."

Wow... this is too hard to believe. I take it you don't understand the concept of bias then?

Everyone and everything has a bias, there's no getting around it, plain and simple. It is up to the reader to know what the bias of the piece is and take the information accordingly. Saying this source is unreliable because it has an opinion in it is pretty dumb if you ask me.

Does it have factual information? Is it based on true facts?

Give me a break, this document crap is just more idiotic mudslinging coming from the Kerry campaign. Why deny it? Both sides do it, stop trying to tell yourself one side is better than the other.


CptStern: You really should stop trying to tell people to vote for certain candidates if you yourself don't live in America (from what I gather, I presume?). It's the equivalent of telling people in Cuba that Fidel Castro is a great guy while you yourself live in America and have never been to Cuba.
Sgt_Shellback said:
I don't agree with that... I don't want the presidency but if it were forced on me I'd without a doubt or bit of hesitation turn parts of the mideast into a glass parking lot.
You do want power. You're saying what you would do with it, joking or not.
Rico said:
"Notice the slight bias he seems to have? He is not a reliable and/or factual news source. Also for some reason this is a Sept. 12th article when today is Sept 11. All the guy did was read what was reported in the news, form his own opinion about it and write it down."

Wow... this is too hard to believe. I take it you don't understand the concept of bias then?

Yes, I understand it just fine thanks.

Rico said:
Everyone and everything has a bias, there's no getting around it, plain and simple. It is up to the reader to know what the bias of the piece is and take the information accordingly. Saying this source is unreliable because it has an opinion in it is pretty dumb if you ask me.

What? It was an opinion article, not a news article. It was unreliable because the guy jumped to many conclusions that were not based on the facts. He was stating his opinion. I seriously hope you don't use opinion articles to research the candidates, as you seem to be implying.

Did you even bother to read it?

Rico said:
Does it have factual information? Is it based on true facts?

No it didn't. That was the point. Sure he took some facts and then greatly scewed and or exagerated them to fit his own view.

I really can't believe your trying to defend the article. I gurantee if I used some liberal opinion column to support one of my points you'd jump all over it and scream "biased source!"

Rico said:
Give me a break, this document crap is just more idiotic mudslinging coming from the Kerry campaign. Why deny it?

Have you even researched what is going on? Did you read my post or any of the links? This was not done by the Kerry campaign. Yes, they acknowledged it and a few people said things on it but it is solely CBS's doing. Why deny it? Because it isn't true perhaps? Isn't that a good enough reason?

Rico said:
Both sides do it, stop trying to tell yourself one side is better than the other.

I have to ask, did you actually read a single thing I wrote? I even say that we've seen dirty politics from both sides. Here:

And about the whole thing, yes I agree we've seen some dirty politics on both sides this election. However, this was not the doing of one of the candidates. It was an independent news organization which is doing this. Also, Kerry has had his war record and reputation constantly examined and raked over the coals numerous times. I don't see how it's suddently so horrible to have a little bit of the same happen to Bush.

And yes I then added a quote by Cheney, but I did that for a reason. A lot of people were complaining about how Kerry was fighting so dirty. So I pointed out the other side is just as guilty.
Rico said:
CptStern: You really should stop trying to tell people to vote for certain candidates if you yourself don't live in America (from what I gather, I presume?). It's the equivalent of telling people in Cuba that Fidel Castro is a great guy while you yourself live in America and have never been to Cuba.

my position has always been: anybody but bush 2004

oh and the outcome of the US election affects everyone on this planet (in one way or another) ,so my points are as valid as the next guy's
Yeah, it affects everyone in the planet I'm sure.

Oh but guess what, America acts in the interest of America, not the rest of the world. Is this any different from any other country? Do you elect candidates based on how much Britain will like them?

Americans elect the candidate they think is best for their country, no foreigner has any right to decide or sway their views on the subject without having first-hand experience. It's like having Americans decide to ban tobbacco in all of Europe with the reasoning that if they ever travelled to Europe they'd be affected by the tobacco smoke.
the majority of the people here cant vote, should we refrain from having political discussions because their opinions are invald?
He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career. (George Bernard Shaw)

Politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. (Charles de Gaulle)

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realise that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. (Ronald Reagan)

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself. (Mark Twain)

News is what somebody somewhere wants to suppress; all the rest is advertising. (Lord Northcliffe)

F*** you all, and stfu now!!(Grey Fox)

Need I say more.