One more question about GORDON FREEMAN

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Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
Have you ever noticed Gordon's suit has no freakin helmet. How does he survive in radiation with no helmet. He aint no chuck norris.
In HL1 the HEV suit model has no gloves. But all the hand models say differently.
just because the helmet wasn't on top of the suit when we see it doesn't mean there isn't one

HEV zoom wouldn't really work that well without a helmet, would it
How Freeman survives everything is a better question.
I always wondered that too and for people that say that isn't there when you look at it but is when you have it on then explane all the art that doesn't show a helmet?
When you look through glass, you don't really feel like there is a piece of glass before you.
After all, Gordon is wearing a pair of glasses but you can never see the frame of the glasses!
Gordon Freeman>Chuck Norris+Hulk+Terminator+Super Man.


BTW, I still think he wears a helmet, it would make sense. It is after all a hazardous environment suit and who's ever heard of a hazard suit with no helmet, that just stupid. I suppose he has the HUD on those state of the art glasses then right?
I will just assume that his helmet comes out and covers his head before he goes into radiation, because seriously its a must. They don't let you go out in space in games without a helmet unless its a really shitty game.
Maybe the vitals are on his chest cavity or somewhere else on the suit, and it just shows you it on screen needs to be there.
Isn't there supposed to be a sort of forcefield protecting his head? Thought I read about that somewhere.

Anyway he doesn't wear a helmet. You can debate how the HUD comes up, whether it's a hologram projected in front of his eyes or what; how he zooms, how his head is protected from bullets...but he doesn't wear a helmet. There's proof in the art. Valve also used to play around with the idea of Gordon's glasses getting knocked off his head; if his glasses can be knocked off, he's not wearing any head protection.
How about this? The hud's there because it's a video game, and the person playing the game is the only one who can see it.
To Freeman, there is no hud. :p
Isn't there supposed to be a sort of forcefield protecting his head? Thought I read about that somewhere.

Anyway he doesn't wear a helmet. You can debate how the HUD comes up, whether it's a hologram projected in front of his eyes or what; how he zooms, how his head is protected from bullets...but he doesn't wear a helmet. There's proof in the art. Valve also used to play around with the idea of Gordon's glasses getting knocked off his head; if his glasses can be knocked off, he's not wearing any head protection.
Or how about since niether of the 2 things you state as 'proof' aren't in the game we agree that there is no defenate answer.
I'm pretty sure he wears no helmet to the point where I'd say its about 90% so.
You guys obviously haven't met my friend... BUZZ LIGHTYEAR.

Maybe. The radiation in the core would certainly...err, radiate him otherwise. But, Freeman will be Freeman.
Realistically A simple suit wold not protect him from radiation unless it were made of thick lead, so I don't see the point of thinkning about whether he needs a helmet.
realistically we have not been invaded and dominated by a hostile alien race
Or how about since niether of the 2 things you state as 'proof' aren't in the game we agree that there is no defenate answer.
Absense of something in the game doesn't mean there's no proof for it. We never SEE we can't say what he is or isn't wearing. The only thing we have to go on is the art, and little bits of information that suggest whether he is or isn't wearing a helmet, like the glasses being knocked off or the part where the old Alyx's pet Snitch was supposed to be able to bite him in the neck as an adrenaline boost (a part which would normally be covered by the HEV's helmet).

It's not definite, no, but I'd call it a lock that Gordon Freeman isn't wearing a helmet. 99%.
Geez I dont care about how Gordon looks I just wish they could make the game more realistic. I like an authentic experience. It would not be to hard to think out that small detail that radiation requires a safety helmet. Even in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, you would not go out into space without this huge suit. If star wars can think out realism surely valve can do the same. And I know it is just a game but make it a realistic game.
VALVe did make it "an authentic experience.", simply because no one wants to see your feet while you are running from a powerful alien race...
realistically we have not been invaded and dominated by a hostile alien race

Well answered, your good.:thumbs:
I think it's just down to opinion, but I like to think he doesn't. If he was wearing his helmet, he would look inhuman. While this may intimidate the enemy, it would also scare his mates.
Absense of something in the game doesn't mean there's no proof for it. We never SEE we can't say what he is or isn't wearing. The only thing we have to go on is the art, and little bits of information that suggest whether he is or isn't wearing a helmet, like the glasses being knocked off or the part where the old Alyx's pet Snitch was supposed to be able to bite him in the neck as an adrenaline boost (a part which would normally be covered by the HEV's helmet).

It's not definite, no, but I'd call it a lock that Gordon Freeman isn't wearing a helmet. 99%.
I'd agree with you, if a single piece of that evidence existed in-game.
Who really cares? To break it down, he can or he can't. We can't see through his glasses, because of course, there would be the glares, and such things that effects to glasses. Other than that, who really cares? Is the world going to stop if Gordon Freeman is wearing a helmet?
Geez I dont care about how Gordon looks I just wish they could make the game more realistic.

I don't think you should be playing a sc-fi action game if you're looking for something more realistic. :p
Why aren't both options viable?

Gordon might as well carry the helmet with him (as we can see on other HEV models it's not a stiff material one), and put it on on occassions, where it is necesary. Why he isn't wearing it all the time, may be because it messes up with his glasses, is hot in it or somesuch.

Besides, he wouldn't have survived in the Citadel Core without a helmet.

-- Mikael Grizzly
Absense of something in the game doesn't mean there's no proof for it. We never SEE we can't say what he is or isn't wearing.
The absense of evidence is not the evidence of absense. It's an unknown unknown.
Gordon might as well carry the helmet with him (as we can see on other HEV models it's not a stiff material one), and put it on on occassions, where it is necesary.
I agree with that. We never see Gordon and crew sitting down to a meal. Or sleeping, etc. But as part of survival we could assume he is doing those things.

Maybe adding an airlock stage where you walk over and get the helmet (I believe in d3 or q4 you had to do it once or twice) would've added something. But maybe Valve figured, like food and sleep, wearing a helmet in a radioactive area is just a given? And I'm not 100% sure from memory (been a while since I played either game), but even in d3/q4 where you sported the helmet, it didn't effect your view at all.
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