One more question about GORDON FREEMAN

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Well, can anyone tell me Gabe's email? or where to get it? I really want to see if he will answer meh question.. and/or just bug him. thanks!
Oh Noes! - nobody give it to him or Gabe will have to fight off wave after wave of Acepilotf14 emails ;). And god-forbid what would happen if he got Gabes home phone number.

Seriously people, have you forgotten its a goddamn game?
Lots of people share this sentiment. If you saw a movie where the main character was next to a radioactive source and his suit was missing a helmet most people would be like "This movie sucks" because its affected thier immersion in the movie. I don't see much of a difference for a game. As for myself I'm quite happy to adopt the Schrodinger's Helmet theory - the helmet is there when its needed and not when its not but I can why the helmet issue would bug some people.
Comparing games to movies is pretty flawed. Games, due to their very nature, require far more suspension of disbelief. That goes especially for FPS games.
It's like the flash animation of "The one ring to rule them all" but instead it is Helmet goes on, helmet goes off. Off course we don't hear Gordon saying but we can "audiovisualize" it in our heads.
Occam's Razor.

Invisible force shield around head. End of discussion. :D
If I called Gabe I wouldnt even be able to talk.... I want to call him at 3 am! :D But... I WANT TO KNOW HIS EMAIL ;(
I think it's up to the player to decide whether he wears a helmet, role-playing. Isn't that was a silent protagonist is about?
I think it's up to the player to decide whether he wears a helmet, role-playing. Isn't that was a silent protagonist is about?

Yes. But the player may also have a beef with the fact that walking into radiation without a helmet is not safe.
I have once. and it was fun... im still trying to pick off these scabs though... all 78 of them... oh wait, its time for my ointment.. and my injections!! YAY!!
Yes. But the player may also have a beef with the fact that walking into radiation without a helmet is not safe.

If the player has "beef" with that, he's a retard.
Yes. But the player may also have a beef with the fact that walking into radiation without a helmet is not safe.
But if the player is the one who decides on the helmet then they are mad at themselves.
Does it really matter if he wears a helmet or not, you are delving to far into the game than you really need to go, its a pointless topic really
Does it really matter if he wears a helmet or not, you are delving to far into the game than you really need to go, its a pointless topic really
If you don't like a topic, stay the **** out of it.
Gordon does, in fact, wear a helmet. However, it's invisible, he can't touch it, and it has absolutely no effect when in use whatsoever. It's also magical.
We already said that Omega. Everyone didnt stop talking.
Gordon does not have a helmet, as evidenced by the fact that Alyx did not hit her face on the glass during the EP.1 hug sequence.
There is evidence, running away from adrian shepard... you see him without a helmet, you just dont want to see that HL is a game, and radiation wont affect the head of a person in its OWN PERSONAL HALF LIFE UNIVERSE, ¬¬, its like harry potter universe and its magical thing, or lord of the rings and its elves and stuff.... dont judge half life out of its universe, judge it like if you were there ¬¬
Gordon > Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris was killing some zombies and Gordon came and smashed his face in with a crowbar. Zombies are Gordon's buisness. Got it?
Okay to settle this, lets just say Gordon wears a paper bag over his face.
If you don't like a topic, stay the **** out of it.


Just for the hell of it, you see your HUD, but really the only way he could see that is if it was from a screen, from a helmet. I mean he wouldn't be running around with these numbers on the corners of his vision, unless he had eye trouble lol. However, In Opposing Force we see him without the helmet on, and I just think generally he doesn't wear the helmet, there are things to counter this too. But in all honesty, I think this is a pointless topic because you will just be going around in circles with it, because there is no real answer unless you asked Valve themselves.
The HUD could be a feature of his glasses. They are able to accept limited data input from the suit. ;)

Thats what I say about the entire issue of there being a helmet, but I get slated for it. People must really be getting bored of waiting for EP2 on this forum now if we are coming out with discussions about whether Freeman wears a god damn helmet. I just hope it does come out in January, so we can start discussing meaningful topics again
Isn't there supposed to be a sort of forcefield protecting his head? Thought I read about that somewhere.

Anyway he doesn't wear a helmet. You can debate how the HUD comes up, whether it's a hologram projected in front of his eyes or what; how he zooms, how his head is protected from bullets...but he doesn't wear a helmet. There's proof in the art. Valve also used to play around with the idea of Gordon's glasses getting knocked off his head; if his glasses can be knocked off, he's not wearing any head protection.

So, I can draw him walking in a radiation lake without a helmet???

Or being executioned by an overwatch elite?

Or losing Glasses in an acid pool?
Invisible. Force. Field.

Glasses = HUD.

My personal theory, and i'm sticking with it.
For the love of God, Gordon has a fold-out helmet, as evidenced by other HEV corpses. Danger? Helmet on the head. Relative safety? Helmet off. Diving? Oxygen scrubber has a very limited work time, otherwise it would break. Besides, HEV is not for diving.

Proof that he DOES wear a helmet when in hazardous areas? Citadel Core.
How does this sound, some one get a screenshot of the corpses in Xen, then maybe we can argue with some evidence... hmm, is it no possible that maybe, when they made Grodon's HEV that it was not the same version as those used with Xen scouts. Because it would seem awfully weird to have only 3 HEV's in the entire BMRF and not have ANY near the Lambda Core.
When you look through glass, you don't really feel like there is a piece of glass before you.
After all, Gordon is wearing a pair of glasses but you can never see the frame of the glasses!

Dr. Kleiner cooked him up some contacts.
In XEN you find several HEV's with helmets... odds are it probably folds out of the suit...

What I was about to say. There are corpses in xen with supplies around them, which have real creepy-looking helmets that seem to grow out of the suit. Also, the suit on them look very different from the suit of the box-art of Half life 2 and Episode 1 (Where Gordon ISN'T wearing his helmet... and getting pwnt by a barnacle).
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