Opinion in rhyme


Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score
THis opinion is in rhyme cause i like it that way
don't agree well god thinks you gay
halflife2 is delayed, it's a fact
Because of this, real whiners many do act
It's not your company or even your game
Those who disagree will wallow in shame
You'll still buy it nomatter what
Untill then go back to watching smut
if you think rhymes don't make sense
Don't worry, I don't take offense
It releases stress and is a form of art
Just like squeezing your but to make a high pitched fart
You should try, i dare you to
ONly the best can do it, the precious few
Try to respond in a rhyme fashion
become real addicting, your number one passion
I must give credit where credit is do
I'm not the original rhyme crew
Alehm is the master, he owns this thread
Without him, rhyming'd be dead
Just try to rhyme, I know you'll like it
no matter what don't fight it.


You guys should state your stuff if rhymes, even if only once. Yeah it is silly, but that is what makes it fun! This IS HALFLIFE2 ORIENTED. See I stated my opinion. Thanks mods. ;)
Ahh no one's replying rhymin here
If ya rhyme I'll buy ya digital beer!

-bump :P
Thanks for the flame
It was pretty tame!
at least it was a rhyme
Worth while your time!
First you goatse, now this shit. You need to DIE, man!
Yea, fine then so what if you can rhyme
By reading this I just wasted me time
And time is precious to me
Just quit with this rhyming nonsense I plea
I can't go on this rhyming is gay
But at least it keeps me at bay
Alright I’m quitting now
And why the hell did you take a bow
All you did was state your opinion
What are you some Yankee Virginian?
Sorry man I have no disrespect
This just turned to be my rage from neglect

Peace out man you have some talent
But as for me I think I’m a bit more gallant
Why be hatin'?
I am not hesitatin' --
Cuz, I'm flatuatin'!
u fools are nothing but a waste of time
u cant even come up with a decent rhyme
making rap battles to try and start a fight
i'm guessing 9 out of 10 of u boys r white
if i rhyme you'll give me a digital beer?
why would i want one from a digital queer?
get of the comp, and go watch the tube
cause when it comes to forums, yur just a f*cking n00b

haha sweet, thats my rhyme, and i'm just joking silent, i'm just participating in the rap battle, w00t!
Rhyming confuses me
You are clearly a bit crazy

Join me for some tea?
I could use some company
Floating down
Splishy splash toilet

My bowel movement haiku.
Hey sup man john the Canuck
I bet if you played hockey you couldn’t hit the puck
Why you dissin the rhyming
You should go back to the drawing board and work on your timing
Alright enough for me
I am now going to flee
Oh and by the way I'm not trying to be a flamer
But next time try not to be such a f*cking lamer!

*no hate, no hate
Nigga we represent the planet in panick
Maybe the past would understand if they get of they ass and mash
Paranoid don't even trust my boys plotting deploys...

Ok I stole that from Bizzy-Bone
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
hahhahaa now THATS talent, good job

Well now, thank you kindly.

Lemme think of a HL2 haiku. Okay, here goes.

evil delay
Half Life
Ha He Hi Ho Hu! How can Half Life 2? Skip to it's Lou, out of the blue?

That's describing how all of the sudden some idiots came in and ruined it.
sry if a ruined it, i was just having some fun
alright man, i'll back off i'm now officially done
Originally posted by Okt
Hey sup man john the Canuck
I bet if you played hockey you couldn’t hit the puck
Why you dissin the rhyming
You should go back to the drawing board and work on your timing
Alright enough for me
I am now going to flee
Oh and by the way I'm not trying to be a flamer
But next time try not to be such a f*cking lamer!

*no hate, no hate

nice rhyme, lemmie give it a go

i bet u figure yur raps r tight,
even tho you couldn't even spell my name right
if u could read, u'd see its JONthecanuck
but what more could i expect from such a stupid f*ck
whats this about "no hate, no hate?"
yur in a new league boy, guess what, i'm straight
these raps of mine r just a promo
you can run home now u flaming homo

lol yur turn

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Wtf is this?
A total rhyme thread?
Cause right now I be eatin' some bread
It r teh good
now thats for sure
I guess im rambling
I should be gambling
Wtf am I doing
still rapping on the web?
somebody take out a sig and pop me in the head

wtf, i dont rhyme well, I like haiku's better
whoops sry man about the name
you must like playing this little f*cking game
i really don't feel like dissing you
but you brough it upon yourself you little f*cking jew!
go run home to your mommy, which is probably upstairs
cause your a 35 yearold downloading porn and warez
now, i really don't feel like starting a war
so i'll stop now.... oh and STFU you dirty whore!
Originally posted by monster facial
Jon the Canuk, wassup my dear?
Calling Silent a digital queer!
Get outta your closet, the joke is on you
maybe it helps to masturbate, too

(sorry guys, can only do simple 4-liners)

sometimes masturbation does help some
cause i cant get pleasure from playin yur mom
me come out of the closet? thats kinda sad
its unbelievable what i saw u do with yur dad
dont accuse for what u dont know
its you, not me, who likes to blow
i like bananas
they look funny in bandanas

halflife2 is delayed
so they say
to be delayed another day
here take a look at this
i promise it aint no diss
wow im not too great
so plz dont show ur hate
hell aint this crazy
im ryhming and im white as can be.

Thats a little thing that i like to call anti-talent.
lol well done JonTheCanuck
but still i clearly see that YOU are the one who likes to suck!
this beta is a golden gem in my eyes,
i can tell that this beta's for me

all the delay threads were just stupid lies
HL2 will RULE!!!! u'll see ;)

trying to rhyme is really quite gay..

its as gay as the gayest man could be

But if this is as gay as nw909...

then i guess its more gayer than me..:o
oh man, here it comes if you mess with Jon
you are sure as hell gone!

i know it sucked but i gotta post somewhere!
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
u know i'm dating yur mom right? yur sick

Oh then i guess shes ur ex.. who was your own mother :p
Jonthecanuck be representin,
Im Canadian too, did I mention?
We canucks have the power,
to make you all run and cower.
We rap n rhyme with dedication,
you be thinking we from another dimension.
Youve delayed me, but its been fun,
Oh, and sorry for the HL2 pun.
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
k what? i dont get it :dozey:

yee of little mind shalnt understand thy words..

retard! lol

kiddin man im ur pal

and had sex with your mom...
Originally posted by The Terminator
Jonthecanuck be representin,
Im Canadian too, did I mention?
We canucks have the power,
to make you all run and cower.
We rap n rhyme with dedication,
you be thinking we from another dimension.
Youve delayed me, but its been fun,
Oh, and sorry for the HL2 pun.

we kick ass for bein canadian
we get all the hot ladies an'
if u try to say otherwise
we will cut u down to size
dont u ever diss canada
or i'll feed u .....to a giant panda? :D

lol like the ending? i think its my strong point
i think rhyming is lame
you know you think the same
oh wait this is fun
game over.. i won.

man i rule :)