Osama speaks to the people of the US


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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I am actually suprised that there wasn't already a thread on this one: al-Jazeera has aired a video message from Osama bin Laden. He actually adresses the American people. Read excerpts from it here.

EDIT lol, Osama turned me into an Ichtyosaur. 350 posts, yay!

EDIT 2 The BBC has more quotes from the tape.
I wonder how it would affect the elections.
Heh, oddly enough he actually sounds like a reasonable guy here :D

But that is interesting, the western world depicts him as pure evil, while this speech could have been given by Bush too, fighting for freedom, taking revenge for injustice, it's not that different. A typical Bush speech.

And that's reality folks, we're all in the middle of two extreme fundamentalistic religious nutcases. All in the name of God. Disgusting.
Osama Bin Laden is highly intelligent and believe's in what he's talking about, but he's certainly not what I'd call reasonable or "not so bad".
He's obviously a very smart person, that doesn’t stop him from being a sick twisted f**ker :|

edit: im beaten as usual :P

edit 2: seems to me like he wants Bush to win, as this will gain Bush votes from people scared of new attacks :sleep:
Anyone that is willing to kill another to get his point across is a monster. It doesn't matter whether that person is American, Arab, or any other race. Anyone that kills is a monster
mortiz said:
Osama Bin Laden is highly intelligent and believe's in what he's talking about, but he's certainly not what I'd call reasonable or "not so bad".

I know, but what I was trying to say is that in the speech, he doesn't sound like 'kill all the infidel swines! We will crush your infidel evil empire!', but simply states that he saw injustice (whether it is or not, I don't know) and sought revenge for it. He doesn't sound hostile towards the American citizen, almost apologetic even. So he doesn't sound like a complete monster, so in that respect, he sounds quite reasonable. Not that I agree with him of course, but his ideas are not to say worse than for example Bush or Sharon.
He's obviously trying to influence the election in some way. I wonder if it'll have any affect.....
HatRabit said:
edit 2: seems to me like he wants Bush to win, as this will gain Bush votes from people scared of new attacks :sleep:

What did you get for reading comprehension scores in school?

So maybe Piers does know something after all.......

That was funny to watch, came back from lectures to a sausage roll + Trisha (which was awesome, some guy had a DNA test done to see if this woman was his daughter, she was, and it later emerged that he had porked the grandma too :laugh: ) and there was Piers warning us all!!1111
Shakermaker said:
lol, Osama turned me into an Ichtyosaur.
Best post ever :)

I don't know how our fellow Americans feel, but as a Brit I find it infuriating for terrorist groups to threaten the UK on the strength of Blair's decisions. God forbid, touch wood and all other manner of superstitions here's hoping that such threats don't come to fruition but I feel that if they do then politicians like good ol' Tone could have a lot of blood on their hands.
I didn't support the actions that have lead to such threats, yet as a Briton I shall be subject to any wrath incurred.
Ohhh yeaahhh. Osama's not such a bad guy. NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Who would ever think that -- especially after he proudly claims responsibility for the 9/11 attacks and wishes to shed more blood?

Pffttt, don't kid yourselves, people. Bush and Keyy may be idiots, but Osama surely isn't any great or reasonable guy either. Don't be so naive and gullible.
I knew it all along if the US wouldnt support Israel so much Sep11 would have never happend.U cant come to a country and say:In this book it says this Land is our Land so get the **** outta here after that it was only a matter of time before everything stared going wrong like in Munich back in the Seventies where Israelis where taken Hostage and killed by so called Terroritsts these People are fighjting for there freedom of course that doesnt mean u can take a Air plane in fly into a building but still allot of People would still be alive not sep11 but in Africa where they blew up that embassy in Munich with Israeli Athlets
and dont get me wrong Iam no Nazi or Racist
Osama and Al-Queda's main motives aren't soley related to the Israel situation. Infact, they're more pissed off by the fact that we didn't allow Osama and his boys garrison some holy city during a previous war AND they feel threatened by the expansion of the west (culture, economic might, etc.).
I just think its pathetic that Bush took his eye off the REAL ball and went to Iraq. Goes to show ya, don't let a monkey have his finger on the button.

I just swung towards Kerry on that one.
sublidieminal said:
What did you get for reading comprehension scores in school?

Of course he wants Bush out. I'm sure he is no fan of Kerry either, but he despises Bush.

Osama has the same respect for American lives that many Americans have for Iraqi lives. He's a monster, but in some ways we are too.

9/11 wasnt an act of terrorism as much as it was an act of war. We're so used to waging war on others, its ironic that we can get so indignant when it happens to us.

Osama is a madman, but so is Bush.

Thanks for the link, Shaker. Aljazeera.net is a rather solid news source... I may just check it out more often.
/me smells a conspiracy theory..

*shifty eyes*
f|uke said:
Osama is a madman, but so is Bush
Exactly. Both are in positions of power delivering great evil onto the world. Civillians on both fronts suffer because of the evil of these two leaders.

From Osamas speech there's very much a "Stop ****ing with us and we'll stop ****ing with you" attitude. Meddling in middle eastern affairs by western countries has to stop (and probably will stop when the oil runs out..). The U.S needs a drastic change in foreign policy if they're actually serious about 'defeating' terrorism, but Bush and his idiotic administration is still of the opinion you have to defeat terrorism with guns and bombs.
It certainly is very interesting. We're so used to seeing him presented as a lunatic hell bent on destroying our society just because it exists that hearing him speak like this is quite shocking. It certainly paints a more human picture of Osama.
qckbeam said:
You aren't in Iraq though, are you?
Most iraqi citizens are probally warshipping bush for getting saddam out of power. (maybe not worshipping but you know what i mean)
B.Calhoun said:
Most iraqi citizens are probally warshipping bush for getting saddam out of power. (maybe not worshipping but you know what i mean)
Maybe you should check out this thread. Somehow I doubt that the survivors are praising bush for triggering the deaths of so many of their people.
I didn't really see much of a difference though between this tape and others o_o
but then I havn't watched it all.
some people pointed out how he was posing as a politician, sitting behind a .. what's called? ahem, a table, and having papers infront of him.
f|uke said:
Maybe you should check out this thread. Somehow I doubt that the survivors are praising bush for triggering the deaths of so many of their people.
But bush isnt deliberatly trying to get the people killed. Saddam gased his own people. C'mon theres no argueing that. I dont care what links you can pull up.
B.Calhoun said:
Most iraqi citizens are probally warshipping bush for getting saddam out of power. (maybe not worshipping but you know what i mean)


You mean like this?


Only a third of the Iraqi people now believe that the American-led occupation of their country is doing more good than harm, and a solid majority support an immediate military pullout even though they fear that could put them in greater danger, according to a new USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll.

Half say they and their families are better off than they were under Saddam.

Which leaves the other half to think....

Asked whether they view the U.S.-led coalition as "liberators" or "occupiers," 71% of all respondents say "occupiers."

Bearing the brunt of Iraqis' ill feeling: U.S. troops. The most visible symbol of the occupation, they are viewed by many Iraqis as uncaring, dangerous and lacking in respect for the country's people, religion and traditions.
The insurgents, by contrast, seem to be gaining broad acceptance, if not outright support. If the Kurds, who make up about 13% of the poll, are taken out of the equation, more than half of Iraqis say killing U.S. troops can be justified in at least some cases.

"I would shoot at the Americans right now if I had the chance," says Abbas Kadhum Muia, 24, who owns a bicycle shop in Sadr City

Sabah Yeldo, a Christian who owns a liquor store across town, says American failures have left the capital with higher crime and less-reliable services, including electricity. That is "making everybody look back and seriously consider having Saddam back again instead of the Americans."
In the multiethnic Baghdad area, where a Gallup Poll last summer of 1,178 residents permits a valid comparison, only 13% of the people now say the invasion of Iraq was morally justifiable.

Two-thirds say soldiers in the U.S.-led coalition make no attempt to keep ordinary Iraqis from being killed or wounded during exchanges of gunfire.

58% say the soldiers conduct themselves badly or very badly.

60% say the troops show disrespect for Iraqi people in searches of their homes, and 42% say U.S. forces have shown disrespect toward mosques.

46% say the soldiers show a lack of respect for Iraqi women.
"The freedoms they gave us are satellite television, Thurayas (satellite telephones) and mobile telephones. And you can drive a car without a license," says Resha Namir, 20, a computer science major at Baghdad University. But "I can't even go out because I'm afraid that any minute we will die. The war was not worth it."

B.Calhoun said:
But bush isnt deliberatly trying to get the people killed. Saddam gased his own people. C'mon theres no argueing that. I dont care what links you can pull up.

Bush is responsible for invading Iraq on a controversial pre-emptive strike policy, a decision that directly lead to all those civilian deaths.
But bush isnt deliberatly trying to get the people killed.
huh? :x
but but but ... but when saddam gassed his people he was only trying to stabilize the country :rolleyes: not kill his people!!!111111
hasan said:
huh? :x
but but but ... but when saddam gassed his people he was only trying to stabilize the country :rolleyes: not kill his people!!!111111
wtf? Im saying bush wanted to get rid of saddam. (who didnt?)

But Saddams intent when releasing gas on his people was to kill them. Get my drift?

Anyway im not trying to get into a political arguement, just putting in my opinion.

Neutrino said:
Bush is responsible for invading Iraq on a controversial pre-emptive strike policy, a decision that directly lead to all those civilian death.

In war people die, bush DID NOT WANT TO KILL CIVILLIANS, Saddam DID. Thats my only point.
no, bush wasn't trying to get rid of saddam. buh wanted to destroy Iraq.

yes he did.
hasan I think thats going a little far, maybe he wanted the oil, maybe he wanted to get Saddam, but I honestly do not belive he wanted to destroy Iraq.
B.Calhoun said:
In war people die, bush DID NOT WANT TO KILL CIVILLIANS, Saddam DID. Thats my only point.

I'm not quite getting what your trying to say? I doubt someone who's family is dead really cares about what lofty intentions he may or may not of had.

If I speed recklessly on the highway I certainly don't intend to kill anybody, but if I get in a fatal car accident while doing it I am the one responsible for it. Even our courts would probably prosecute me for homicide.
Guys...if he wanted to destroy Iraq all it would take is a fleet of B-2 bombers or a couple nukes.If he wanted to kill civilians he would have ordered the troops to round up the Iraqi's and shoot them all....if Bush wanted to do all that...it wouldn't take much for the worlds most powerful and technologically superior military to wipe out every city.So no I don't think he wanted to kill civilians...he just wants that damn oil.
Tr0n said:
if Bush wanted to do all that...it wouldn't take much for the worlds most powerful and technologically superior military to wipe out every city.So no I don't think he wanted to kill civilians...he just wants that damn oil.
Right. Bush didnt set out to kill innocent civilians. The deaths of a hundred thousand civilian Iraqis was simply an acceptable consequence. Still, he is responsable.

And it does pretty much destroy any validity to the argument that we're liberators.
MadHatter said:
Osama and Al-Queda's main motives aren't soley related to the Israel situation. Infact, they're more pissed off by the fact that we didn't allow Osama and his boys garrison some holy city during a previous war AND they feel threatened by the expansion of the west (culture, economic might, etc.).
Well it's not as if the US's continued and increasing support of Israel goes any way to HELP relationships between the West and Middle East.
f|uke said:
Right. The deaths of a hundred thousand civilians was simply an acceptable consequence.

However it does pretty much destroy any validity to the argument that we're liberators.
Well that ain't for me to decide I think all this war and politics is pretty much bullshit.Just all opinions and lies....I just try to keep myself out of it and only say what needs to be said. :thumbs: