Our Valve tour (56k beware)

Neutrino said:
Awesome, thanks for sharing.

Though couldn't you shrink the pics down a little bit? I mean 2500px isn't really necessary.
Not enough. ^_^

Great gh0st. ;)
isn't that just the box art for the us edition as europe gets a dvd type box... :/
Planethalflife.com is visting tomorrow getting pictures and recording his interviews. It won't be posted until Sunday morning though.
Awesome Ghost, great job.

edit: so they kept the HDR technology after all. Thx valve :cheers:
It is already confirmed that HDR is in the game @ whoever asked ^^ :)
I just noticed that HLR is taking a tour tomorrow :P
HDR = High Dynamic Range? What exactly does this do again? Sorry.
Woohoo, HLRADIO and PLANETHALFLIFE going to visit valve. New Info or tid bits of new info coming in Friday night and Sunday afternoon. :)
tokin said:
Woohoo, HLRADIO and PLANETHALFLIFE going to visit valve. New Info or tid bits of new info coming in Friday night and Sunday afternoon. :)

There won't be any new info, and if there is, HLR will have made it up or twisted words..
Six Three said:
There won't be any new info, and if there is, HLR will have made it up or twisted words..

HLRADIO is pretty wack. Although we are surely getting more pics from ghOst, planethalflife, and HLRADIO. Plus interviews and voice recordings, maybe even some video footage, who cares about that though.
WHAT? WHO CARES ABOUT VIDEO FOOTAGE? You have got to be kidding me...
Thanks for actually asking a few worthwhile questions.
tokin said:
Painkiller had a T-shirt as well as Global Operations and many other games. They were all like L/XL anyways. BTW took a trip to Canada the other day, went to St.Johns and St.Andrews...sound familiar? In Maine for the summer on the coast. Quite cold but beautiful.

New Brunswick has very nice scenery, unfortunately, I've never been. And I view our Canadian summers as comfortable instead of schorching. I hope it wasn't too cold for you. ;)

I didn't know that Painkiller included a T-Shirt. I would't matter for me because I'm 6'4", but I think Valve will include some sort of coupoon for free shipping and handling. I still cannot see them including an extra large T-Shirt. Aren't there different designs as well? They'd need to take that into consideration.

Thanks again gh0st. This has cleared up many of my questions. :thumbs:
A True Canadian said:
New Brunswick has very nice scenery, unfortunately, I've never been. And I view our Canadian summers as comfortable instead of schorching. I hope it wasn't too cold for you. ;)

I didn't know that Painkiller included a T-Shirt. I would't matter for me because I'm 6'4", but I think Valve will include some sort of coupoon for free shipping and handling. I still cannot see them including an extra large T-Shirt. Aren't there different designs as well? They'd need to take that into consideration.

Thanks again gh0st. This has cleared up many of my questions. :thumbs:

Pre-Ordered from EBGAMES as a special offer timing and Painkiller and a T-shirt came in the mail.
Thanks Gh0st :)
hey is anyone notice Valve giving many info ?
like yestrday we knew that the CS:S beta gonna start on 10 aug , 16 days till HL2 bug free , today we get more and more info (thanks to Gh0st again ).

its a good sign....
Where is the whiteboard pic? You said you would get one?

I'm wondering if gh0st is aware of the HDR vid already released. Are you sure it wasn't the one of the big antlion on the city roof? If it is, much of your info is thrown into doubt: if you don't know what we know (speculate) already, you may not parse your words for complete unambiguity. You lose all your credibility! Good day to you, sir.
He said walking through a city street with HDR. I think it's new. But if not oh well he screwed up. What's with the conspiracy Mr Neutron? Jesus.... Just because of one screwup you think he never went.............. Stupid stupid stupid

Awesome work though and awesome questions!!! I"m glad to hear about VAC 2 :D :D

This is one of the best yet! ;)
Mr Neutron said:
I'm wondering if gh0st is aware of the HDR vid already released. Are you sure it wasn't the one of the big antlion on the city roof? If it is, much of your info is thrown into doubt: if you don't know what we know (speculate) already, you may not parse your words for complete unambiguity. You lose all your credibility! Good day to you, sir.

i never said that video was new, i said i saw it, and it was awesome. you speak such pristine english, now all you need to do is comprehend it :)
gh0st said:
i never said that video was new, i said i saw it, and it was awesome. you speak such pristine english, now all you need to do is comprehend it :)
oh i thought its new :P damn
whats to ask? most of my questions will be asked when i playtest. i threw in a hidden dod:s question but i think they are still pretty tightlipped about dod and tfc.
gh0st said:
i never said that video was new, i said i saw it, and it was awesome. you speak such pristine english, now all you need to do is comprehend it :)

Wait, so it may have been the old 2003 HDR techdemo? Not accusing, just curious.
gh0st said:
whats to ask? most of my questions will be asked when i playtest. i threw in a hidden dod:s question but i think they are still pretty tightlipped about dod and tfc.

dont suppose you asked how big we should expect HL to be? or if people who got the coupon with an ATI card can upgrade the the special edition via steam? or how many CD's HL2 will be? or if CS:S has a different CD design to the HL2 only CDs? heh... I could go on. and trust me if I got the chance to go to VALVe they'd have to get security to escort me out, cos I wouldn't shut up :P
craigweb said:
dont suppose you asked how big we should expect HL to be? or if people who got the coupon with an ATI card can upgrade the the special edition via steam? or how many CD's HL2 will be? or if CS:S has a different CD design to the HL2 only CDs? heh... I could go on. and trust me if I got the chance to go to VALVe they'd have to get security to escort me out, cos I wouldn't shut up :P

How big HL2 or HL? HL2 will be around 3GB Gabe said.
SubKamran said:
How big HL2 or HL? HL2 will be around 3GB Gabe said.

Yeah, I meant HL2. 3GB unpacked though? Which equates to how many CD's packed up, or how many GB to download via steam..
gh0st said:
i never said that video was new, i said i saw it, and it was awesome. you speak such pristine english, now all you need to do is comprehend it :)

See! See! My point was that other people just assumed it was new, not that you were a lying troll. Methinks it is others who can't detect sarcasm without emoticons who lack comprehension skills. pwndeded!
was there just one template for the hl2 cd design....

i noticed it had cd1 on it...

but if there were more did you see how many cds it would be?
ZEROarmy said:
Now I'm even more lost to where to buy HL2. :(

buy it in the shop. then you get all the pretty artwork.
Mr Neutron said:
See! See! My point was that other people just assumed it was new, not that you were a lying troll. Methinks it is others who can't detect sarcasm without emoticons who lack comprehension skills. pwndeded!

Uh then dont attack the "troll" with a thousand more posts than you, chump.
So i take it the HDR demo was the one from last year?
Sparta said:
So i take it the HDR demo was the one from last year?

i dont know. it was new to me. of course i never claimed it was new, i just said i saw it so i dont see why ive got these newbies freaking out.