Out of Body Experiences and Games

hehe, you fell asleep in front of your computer? that's extreme

How so? I fall asleep playing games all the time. I think one time I fell asleep playing CS. I awoke immediately after trashing the keyboard with my forehead.
I was just bodily exhausted last night. My mind wanted to keep going and wasn't tired at all but body was like "Alright bud, Adult Swim is rerunning, you've had enough for tonight. Light's out. *ZONK*"
Lucid dreams are as simple as keeping a notepad beside your bed, and writing down your dreams ASAP. After a few weeks, you'll remember them crystal clear.

I've never been strongly into new age stuff, though, so I've never been sure what to think of OOBEs. Science seems to think that they're caused by your brain releasing chemicals similar to disassociative drugs.

-Angry Lawyer
Lucid dreams are as simple as keeping a notepad beside your bed, and writing down your dreams ASAP. After a few weeks, you'll remember them crystal clear.
-Angry Lawyer
No, that's remembering dreams, Lucid or not.
It's a bitch when you can't even remember your dreams as soon as you wake up.
Lucid dreams are as simple as keeping a notepad beside your bed, and writing down your dreams ASAP. After a few weeks, you'll remember them crystal clear.

This is a very popular and helpful technique for improving dream recall, but Lucid Dreams are much more than "clearly remembered dreams", or vivd dreams. The term Lucid Dreaming was coined by Frederik van Eeden in 1913, and the word Lucid in the term refers to the perception of the truth that one is dreaming. It doesn't mean 'clear' or 'vivid'.

Here is a very detailed site on the phenomenon: http://www.dreamviews.com/whatislucid.php
I'm about to try it. I'll report back on my findings assuming I don't fall asleep.

EDIT: Ok, I just tryed it, I got to total relaxation, pushed all of my "energy" or whatever it is up into my heart, and then tried to pull away. I began to get the sensation of vibrating a traveling foward very fast. At this point I became very excited and semi-freaked out. I tried several times to project, at first I felt as if I were floating, but I coulsn't tell if I was still in my body or not. All I could see was back everywhere. This may be due to the fact that the room was pitch black. After trying more to project, I felt as if I was being "pulled" downward, and trying to float up I was pulled back by something elasticy. I was lying in bed propped up on three pillows btw.

Over all, I'm intruiged. I wasn't expecting anything at all, and the vibrating came as a shock. I'm about to give it another go.
Solaris you're really lucky you can nearly do this without previous training.

Personally, I've had a few LD's some time ago (when I was really interested in it). I also tried OBE, but had no success with it.

I've got a question about chakras, though. I heard that if the whole process of moving the energy is done wrong, you may leave open chakras within you, that will result in the energy flowing out, making you generally weaker, depressed. Is that true and common?

Have you found mistaking your OBEs for LDs sometimes, bikerus? I heard that's possible and some people thinking they have OBE actually LD.

As for the 'proof' thing. Can't you do something like moving to a shop in your city, a shop you've never been to, look at the interior, then after waking up, visit the shop to confirm that what you saw in the OBE was real? Maybe also read something in there, a poster on the wall, or the hours in which the shop is open. It should be far easier than travelling to Giza, as you could confirm it quickly and be sure. Have you ever tried anything like this? I think it would be one of the first things to try for me if I achieved an OBE.
I tried to have a full OOBE tonight, and I got as far as complete relaxation and weightlessness, extreme cold and electric sensation, and I can feel my eyes REMing, but so far the two times I did that I could hear something rustling around near my bed.
I have never heard these sounds before. It's like there is a mouse or large insect trying to make a home o_o;;;

Is that normal or do I really have something in there? When I hear it moving around I just lose all concentration...

Now I can't even sleep x_x;

Notes: I just went to bed as normal tonight, had a lucid dream. I have them all the time. I snapped myself out of it as usual once I realized I was dreaming, and as I lie there think I could try to OOBE. Having the covers on made it more difficult. Acheiving that sensation of weightlessness is impeded by the tactile information from the sheets. I also had to remove my hands from my chest, as my heart beat had the same effect. After that it took maybe 30 seconds to reach REM while fully conscious. It's a strange feeling suddenly shedding heat and becoming numb.

I looked for an animal around my bed but there's nothign there.. x____x;;;
Jesus Christ something just ****ing touched me while I was in bed. My eyes were open and nothing was there. I heard somethign rustling around and I was peeking out of my covers and something brushes my shoulder.
I'm freaking out. x__________X;;;;

I took my video camera with built in flashlight and scoured my room top to bottom and found nothing. It's ****ing haunted.
Now my camera is going screwy. Screen turns white and won't turn off when I select off! D:
I heard that's possible and some people thinking they have OBE actually LD.

Yes, it's possible. For people who don't really have experience in OOBEing, they might be confused as to wether their experience was actually an OOBE or just a LD of them OOBEing. And sometimes they can believe it was an OOBE when it wasn't. But an experienced OOBEr is familiar enough with the sensations and fundamental differences of the OOBE experience that they wont have any problem distinguishing it from a LD.

Is that normal or do I really have something in there?

Hearing sounds or seeing things that shouldn't be there while trying to OOBE is quite common. Most people hear screams or shouts, or voices. Rustling isn't a big deal. Is there really something there? Not physically. I can't say with certainty, but my first inclination would be that it's just your mind creating the sound/sensation of being brushed up against. Probably an unconscious fear manifesting in some way. Many people fear that when they project they wont be alone, something will be there with them. Many people see a dark or robed figure in the corner of the room when they first project. It is commonly referred to as the Watcher, so many people have seen it. All this, including your rustling sound, is more than likely a manifestation of an unconscious fear and nothing to worry about. But thats just my opinion. You are a better judge of your experience than I am, you decide! :E

@ Geogaddi - Great stuff! You see, you can be sceptical and still induce the experience, as long as the proper force is applied. Your fear is blocking your from proceeding, keep trying and you will eventually overcome it. DEFINITELY leave a lamp on in the room. The elasticity feeling is normal. Some projectors feel tethered to their body until they put atleast 10 feet of space between it and them. Good luck!
In LD's i just end up working my muscles out (stimulating nerves whilst i sleep, it's a known fact that visulisation increases strength) having rampant sex or smashing everything up, sometimes using a car.

Testosterone seems to affect my dreams.
Yesterday night when I went to sleep I decided I should give OOBE a try (I wasn't tired at all and I had nothing better to do so...).

I proceeded by lying on the side of my body with my eyes closed. I then imagined myself being completely apart from my body and soon I realized that I was starting to get away from my natural perception of my body. It felt like my body was left behind and my "conscious" strayed slowly from it. As I seemed to grow more distant from my entity physic, my temples started shaking. Then, my entire body vibrated. I was scared, but I was a bit conscious of what was happening because I read about it on this thread. The shaking intensified and I kept trying to concentrate on me slowly getting away from my body. Then, it happened.

The shaking stopped suddenly and I seemed to be floating in a huge dark room and standing on the center was a large carved statue. It was impressing. While this was happening, my conscious was slightly and quickly reminding me of the nature of the on-going experience. I knew it was an OOBE. I knew I wasn't asleep. But then I kept telling that this could be an OOBE and it was at this moment my eyelids suddenly opened. I woke up.

Is this an OOBE? Or was it only the transition phase?
I was trying to OOBE last night (with not much success in actual projection), but I did feel a sort of vibrational force, which I'll try and describe;

I've had these many times when I was younger and just laying there. It's not like being electrocuted, it's more like being on a turntable that someone's moving from left to right, but nothing else is moving. It's not fast it's very smooth and just feels like I'm rocking side to side. Is this the correct effect, or should it be more actual spasming?
Also, I've been doing it under bed sheets. Is it actually better to do outside of bedsheets?
Possibility 1: the depths of the human mind, of the subconscious, and the things it can do are almost limitless. The human brain is an incredible thing. It's not bullshit.
Possibility 2: you are trying to indoctrinate us all into a scary cult, and doing the actions you describe fundamentally changes our consciousness to an extent where we don't actually realise that we have been changed. ie. Do I want to mess around with my own head?

Is this an OOBE? Or was it only the transition phase?

It's hard to say for sure from your description. It could very well have been an OOBE. You say your consciousness was asserting that it was an OOBE, and in cases like this it's usually best to go with your own interpretation of the experience. How conscious were you? Was it like waking consciousness, or more like a LD? It sounds like an OOBE, but for some reason instead of ending up in your room, you ended up in more of a dreamscape. Trust your own feelings on this one. Keep trying and post your results!

Is this the correct effect, or should it be more actual spasming?

Descriptions of the vibrational state are anything but constant. Some people feel like they are literally shaking, some people feel like they are just floating on a wave and it's more of a gradual shift than a fast vibration. All the vibrational state is, is a feeling of phasing in and out of one position - be it slowly or fast, lightly or roughly. Your description of your experience is consistant with the vibrational state.

Also, I've been doing it under bed sheets. Is it actually better to do outside of bedsheets?

Whatever is comfortable for you, there is no right and wrong in this regard. I do both, depends on how I feel. All that is important is that you are comfortable, and that whatever you have on, be they clothes or a sheet or a blanket, it is not so restricting that you cannot perform whatever technique you are utilizing. Usually, I am under a sheet/blanket.
I don't think it matters if it is a spiritial thing or not, it sounds a rather interesting experience. Not for me though.
How long does it take you guys to start vibrating?
For me it takes about 10 minutes. 5 minutes or so for the relaxation and the hands, and then about 5 of just sitting there trying to think of myself lifting up. If it takes longer I usually go over with the hands again incase I missed any energy.
Many people see a dark or robed figure in the corner of the room when they first project. It is commonly referred to as the Watcher, so many people have seen it.

Ah yeah, i had that thing. either that or some little grey cloud-goblin would come up and strangle me. pretty freaky shit, shows how much your fear can affect the environment..
i think your fears generally manifest in this kind of situation. i have an intense fear of wasps and during my period where i was into this, sometimes encountered really frightening humanoid wasps.

I've had these many times when I was younger and just laying there. It's not like being electrocuted, it's more like being on a turntable that someone's moving from left to right, but nothing else is moving. It's not fast it's very smooth and just feels like I'm rocking side to side. Is this the correct effect, or should it be more actual spasming?

There is no correct effect. some people dont feel a thing and hey, suddenly they pop out. some people go through the equalivent of being electrocuted. others just have mild vibrations. rocking side to side has, for me personally, occured very early in the attempt and generally grows stronger eventually and is accompanied by vibrations and whatnot.

Also, I've been doing it under bed sheets. Is it actually better to do outside of bedsheets?[

It really depends on your own mind. your mind is the major decidant of what will happen and what will not as the "OOB reality", although not entirely a manifestation of the mind in my personal belief (like i mentioned earlier i've done tests with cards), it is highly affected by your own beliefs and premonitions. i personally have had troubles with going through bedsheets when ive been lying under my bed, and generally lying on top of the bed gives the whole situation a more ritualistic feel so to speak, you know you're going to try and project, and makes it less likely that you'll just "forget" it and fall asleep.

i don't think it's a spiritual thing per se, it's just some kind of connection with other dimensions or something along the lines of that. i'm not really interested in theories, it all boils down to that its a pretty cool thing to experience

it's something that in general is not very documented and lumped into the same category as ghosts and mediums and superstitious stuff, i.e "spiritual bullshit". i've read articles of doctors being able to "trigger" out of body experiences with certain people just by sending electrical impulses to brain parts, and with this they conclude that it's "not real" and a complete manifestation of the persons own mind. I mean, if you have an otherdimensional type of body, energetic vessel or "soul" or whatever you might call it, the brain should probably work in conjunction with it.
Doesn't the fact that they can stimualte it mean it's "real"?
ok, I just want to say that I started reading this and almost laughed at how dumb it was....but I read alot of peoples experiences so I t hought I would try. I went on my couch, did a tensing thing I used to do to relax, and it worked.....my entire body felt like it was electrocuted....i started shaking, and then i felt like I was floating......weirdest thing. So im just backing the main poster up. I thought it would take a long time for that to happen, but Ive been hypnotized before so that might help.
My second try I was so relaxed that I just fell asleep.

I'm determined to keep practicing until I can finally get there.
Can i perve on naked women in their rooms with out of body experiences? Can also touch their boobs and make them move?

Reply asap.

I'd suspect this is something that most, if not all, are wondering about.. it was like the first thing that popped up into my mind when i first read about this stuff. :naughty:

the thing is, it's not like being an invisible "ghost" observing a rigid world under physical laws. it certainly doesnt feel like that.. its much more flexible, and the first few times it may feel more like a dream because everything is unclear and constantly changing, but eventually it will become much more vivid and clear. things generally feel more solid then, but at the same time it's quite easy to influence your surroundings. It's pretty amazing the first time you manage to move through walls and objects!

anyway, about the question, the good news is you can create any kind of situation just by thought. why sneak peek on showering people when you can have sex? generally i personally enjoy more to just do really cool "impossible" stuff like flying or going through objects

What i love doing during spontaneous OOBS nowadays is just getting really close to things and observing them, everything is in such perfect overwhelming detail, even much more vivid than reality. Sitting here, my vision is limited by the clarity of my eyesight and where i'm focusing, it's not at all like that when you're OOB. You just see everything perfectly, no matter what you're focusing on. it's even possible to zoom your vision on things.

one thing worth mention that i've experienced is seeing in all directions at once. it's really hard to describe, but is damn cool

you're not constrained by any kind of physical force, except what you believe you can't do. your mind influences everything alot. christians that have OOBs often see angels and stuff and believe they're in heaven. there's been entire books written about christian's experiences explaining sensations similar to any OOB, like plunging into the water and bathing and getting up later completely dry

though, it's somewhat common to get stuck in the air, or get caught in "winds" that push you somewhere, and can require some concentration to deal with. generally it takes a while to "fly" properly. its more like just concentrating to move through the air.. not in a matrix or superman fashion :p

I'm generally very reserved when it comes to talking about this, because of the assumption that people will instantly regard me as a new age wacko. but people in this thread seem to be pretty accepting and most importantly interested in this stuff so i just thought i'd help out abit with my personal experiences of the matter..
CrazyHarij, how long do your experiences usually last? How long do they seem to last?
that's a very difficult question, because time feels so different when you're "out there".

basically, it can last anywhere between a few seconds to 20 minutes to several hours, but usually, when you "return" it doesn't feel like alot of time has passed at all. i haven't looked at the clock or anything before and after.

a few factors usually influence how long it's gonna be, like the amount of concentration when you're out there. if you start to daydream things can begin to drift and eventually youre back. fear or anxiety can stop the experience pretty quickly. or you can just return by choice. when you're near your body in your bed there's a sort of magnetism pulling you back, usually that's the hardest part, just getting out of your room, away from the body.

usually the longest periods of time are when youre very calm and focused, and most of all mentally relaxed. it can seem to go on for hours and hours and everything is very consistent.

again, it doesnt feel like regular time so it's kind of difficult to say.
i think i have had these all my life but have never let them continue......I remember a few days ago this happened and I coudlnt move, even though I was concious. Is that the same?
I remember a few days ago this happened and I coudlnt move, even though I was concious. Is that the same?

Did you wake into this state during sleep? Sounds like sleep paralysis.

My second try I was so relaxed that I just fell asleep.

This is a common problem. Try doing it during mid-day, when your not tired, and not in your bed. Lay on your couch or something. Your mind associates your bed with sleep.
You guys are lucky. I've tried a few times and I haven't really felt anything, till today. I felt a slight tingling on my left hand and a little on my right hand. Am I supposed to feel this eventually for the rest of my body? I guess it just takes a few more tries in my case.
yeah, it doesn't happen overnight. i struggled with it for like 6 months or more before i even experienced anything at all beyond the basic sensations.
Hearing sounds or seeing things that shouldn't be there while trying to OOBE is quite common. Most people hear screams or shouts, or voices. Rustling isn't a big deal. Is there really something there? Not physically. I can't say with certainty, but my first inclination would be that it's just your mind creating the sound/sensation of being brushed up against. Probably an unconscious fear manifesting in some way. Many people fear that when they project they wont be alone, something will be there with them. Many people see a dark or robed figure in the corner of the room when they first project. It is commonly referred to as the Watcher, so many people have seen it. All this, including your rustling sound, is more than likely a manifestation of an unconscious fear and nothing to worry about. But thats just my opinion. You are a better judge of your experience than I am, you decide! :E
I can't decide. The noises didn't stop all night. :/

Also I got it on video so it's definitely not my imagination. I kow what you mean by the watcher though. I've seen plenty of Discovery documentaries on what we are discussing.
Are you okay Ryuken? O_o
I'm not dead if that's what you're asking. Although, last night was an extremely strange series of events. LD to attempted OOBE, broken by a noise and a touch, no physical evidence of anything in my room other than sounds I caught on video, camera going wacky... I'd swear I was being haunted.
How long does it take you guys to start vibrating?
I never vibrated, but I believe the equivalent for me is a cold flash and a prickly electric sensation followed by apparent numbness, though I could bring back my sense of touch if I wanted. The numbness gives a sense of floating in space.
Getting to that stage took me approximately 30 seconds on two attempts before getting catapulted back to reality by the scratching noise and the touch.

Man, I don't think I ever moved so fast in my life when I jumped out of bed after that. I think I literally flew out of bed. :laugh:
i think its the same, its not so much vibrating as it is what you are descibing.....I sometimes get it randomely but i always tried to wake up because I felt like i wouldnt be able to wake up if I didnt.
broken by a noise and a touch, no physical evidence of anything in my room other than sounds I caught on video, camera going wacky... I'd swear I was being haunted.

that's some weird shit right there. i seriously havent heard of anyting like that in this context. upload the vid?

Is it possible to create music while out of body?

Yeah! it's fun, especially for me as a musician there's soo much inspiration to gather, both when you're OOBE/LD or just dreaming the melodies. bad thing is i can't seem to remember anything when i'm working with my music.
harij, do you see yourself when your OOBE? After you vibrate, what do you do? I kept my eyes closed....but woke up
that's some weird shit right there. i seriously havent heard of anyting like that in this context. upload the vid?
Sure, but you probably won't get anything from it. The sounds are difficult to make out but since I know very well what they sound like I can easily tell the mic picked them up.


What's happening is I have my camera, searching around, camera has a built in light, good for poking in dark corners.
TV is on and staticy because I thought if it was a cockroach or something (we don't have them btw) it would avoid the light and stuff and go away or something.
So I'm poking around where the sound is coming from. This is like the third time I've looked. There is nothing under the bed or in the cabinet or behind anything. Nothing is in my sheets. I tore those off and looked.
About 21 seconds in I jump as I can hear the noise directly below me. That's where I point the camera and if you concentrate you can hear a very faint clicking sound, but trust me in person it is quite loud. The TV is also making a nice white noise but the camera doesn't pick it up for some reason.

When I was done looking around the viewfinder suddenly turned white and the controls stopped responding. I went downstairs and made that post, looked at my camera and it would not turn off so I pulled the battery and I guess it's ok now.
Ehm, photobucket seems to have borked the video a bit so there is even less sound, so if you want I can just IM it if you are really curious. It's only about 30 seconds, nothing real internesting but my room. :/
harij, do you see yourself when your OOBE? After you vibrate, what do you do? I kept my eyes closed....but woke up

the thing is, you dont do anything. its more about letting go than doing something. just suggest yourself the mental image of floating up through the ceiling, or just detaching. it's really really simple, but i can't stress enough how important it is to relax and not to try and force it to happen, tensing up yourself etc.

and yeah, i see myself. i see both my "flying body" and my body still lying in my bed. but its not like that for everyone, i've read that alot of people see a cord between the body and their OOBE body, but i've never seen that, and some apparently just see their bed as empty when they're OOB.

Sure, but you probably won't get anything from it. The sounds are difficult to make out but since I know very well what they sound like I can easily tell the mic picked them up.

strange man.. it's hard to make anything of it.. but still, really strange.. could be anything, the wood in the house, maybe someone else downstairs? just guessing.