Passion of the Christ

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Well i would consider that stereotypical prejudice thinking, and for people like you who don't follow a religion, well... you make them look bad. Or does it not work both ways?
Innervision961 said:
Yeah people who go on missionary trips to poor countries to install clean drinking water through church and faith based organizations are wasting their time, and of course the church that welcomes the homeless with open arms and provides shelter and soup kitchens and volunteers are wasting their time! And you contradicted yourself:

Hmm people are not stupid, but yet people kill no matter what, sounds like a contradiction smells like a.... well you get my point.


Omfg you moron. Its not a contradiction............................People know killing is wrong BUT THEY DO IT ANYWAY.

--------btw. the government does way more for others than any religion ever did.
I just want to know WHY YOU STILL NEED RELIGION. Why is it so important that you would waste your time on it. I don't get it.
For the rest of you, watch passion of the christ, then watch a little movie called roots.
Hell toss in a holocaust moive. Where was you God? 11million an god doesnt do a damn thing.
Seriously Coolio, you've got to calm down before you get this thread closed and give a bad rep to atheists like myself.
Of course why didn't I think of that! Governments do such much more for the people than religion.. Why Hitler still brings faith to millions today, forget all the wars started by governments, what the hell was I thinking... Spending billions upon billions on weapons of murder is far more beneficial than volunteering time to council/work/feed/cloth the needy.... omFG i'm such a moron
Innervision961 said:
Of course why didn't I think of that! Governments do such much more for the people than religion.. Why Hitler still brings faith to millions today, forget all the wars started by governments, what the hell was I thinking... Spending billions upon billions on weapons of murder is far more beneficial than volunteering time to council/work/feed/cloth the needy.... omFG i'm such a moron

Does your church give out welfare? Does it make roads? Did it research power gernerators. Does it fly to other countrys and make peace? Does you religion volinteer for the armed forces. Does it teach the poor and uneducated anything but old lies?
No...........Where was your God when the jews suffered, where was it when the blacks suffered, Where is your God now?

Hah, forgive me, I forgot world war 1, and hiroshima, japan.. You know, the places that accualty matter.
I don't go to church, where the hell was your government when the jews suffered, where the hell is your government when millions around the world are starving yet they still pay billions for weapons to kill said people, where is your government now?
Umm, its protecting YOU AND ME Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. We couldnt save the jews, where not ****ing magic moron. Your argument is so damn stupid it really reflects how simple a person you are.

How can you even call yourself religious when you dont even go to church. You have to practive to preach. Takes one to know one, blah blah blah.

Your God had so many chances to prove he was loving and respectful. No, either he hates us or he doesnt exist. Hmm which one makes more sense to you?
Holy crap this argument is going nowhere. If I was a mod I would freakin close this thread.
And its pretty stupid to compare churches to governments local churches don't have enough money to keep their doors open half the time (remember they have to pay the government for that land, taxes etc.) And i know churches with members who go out and build homes, with money from their own pockets and move people into them for FREE, i know churches who pay for soup kitchens to stay running so anyone who doesn't have a home can at least have a warm meal. I know churches who instead of arresting people for drug problems they intervene coucil and help people to recover from their problems, asking nothing in return, hoping that maybe these people will stay on a straight path and live a happy healthy life.. Want me to continue?
Please guys, calm down. Let's not close this thread with all the flaming. I'd like it if something religious could actually go through the normal thread life cycle without erupting into flames, and I want to hear peoples opinions on the film.
coolio2man said:
Umm, its protecting YOU AND ME Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. We couldnt save the jews, where not ****ing magic moron. Your argument is so damn stupid it really reflects how simple a person you are.

How can you even call yourself religious when you dont even go to church. You have to practive to preach. Takes one to know one, blah blah blah.

Your God had so many chances to prove he was loving and respectful. No, either he hates us or he doesnt exist. Hmm which one makes more sense to you?

You know what, your such a simple minded prick that this will be the last thing I say in this thread, YOUR ABSOLUTLEY RIGHT, every word you say is gold, you have a huge penis, and you will be a millionaire next week, your goverment protects me from all the evil in the world they feed me they cloth me they bought me my house they do sooooooooo much good for me i'm sorry i even bothered to argue this point, i was totally wrong, you rule man!
I am not trying to belittle you, just push you into submission. I'll admit, chuches are great, they do everything they can to make this place a better place to live. But there doesnt need to be a god you thank for it. You did it not god. Why do you always credit him for somethign he has no part in at all.

Thats like me pouring all my money and hard work into building a computer and thanking my best friend who hasent even see it, instead of my parents who bought the parts etc. It was all bill, bill's the MAN, he totaly pwns my box0rz. Thank you bill!
See how stupid that sounds?
Big penis eh? :thumbs:

Just for the record, I am agnostic. Look it up.
Coolio2man - no flaming other people, this is an official warning. (no calling other people "f-ing morons" or "retards" or anything like that)
You have strong opinions but flaming is not needed to help your point.

this topic has degraded from comments about the movie Passion of Christ to flaming about belief in God and governments. Closed.
I'd like to thank god for closing this thread.. With god, a concept that exists in the mind of millions of deluded desperate people, all things are possible.

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