PC Gameplay score 90% vs FarCry 93%?!?

Linear means that there is only one way to do stuff, for FPS games thats one route from point a to b in most cases, Whatever you do will not influence anything in later levels or story.

Scripted events/sequences, are they bad?
Yes and NO, You need those if you want to tell a story or make anything special happen, but when you use it to mutch like for every mob what spawns *coughD3cough* it is very nefast for gameplay since the game gets to predictable.
Bluestrike said:
Linear means that there is only one way to do stuff, for FPS games thats one route from point a to b in most cases, Whatever you do will not influence anything in later levels or story.

Scripted events/sequences, are they bad?
Yes and NO, You need those if you want to tell a story or make anything special happen, but when you use it to mutch like for every mob what spawns *coughD3cough* it is very nefast for gameplay since the game gets to predictable.

While the levels maybe linear to a large degree in HL2... there will be a variety of ways to finish the levels thanks to the great physics system (to most tweaked-to-perfection version of HAVOK around).

Because all the different possiblities (due to the physics) it should be fun to play the games over and over again without it feeling too scripted.

Besides, HL2 suppossedly uses a blend of scripted actions and advanced AI to create it's senarios... add the physics to the mix and you've got a reciepe for unadulterated fun. :sniper:
I quickly read the review in PCgameplay and the only negative points they mentioned were that there was no MP and that the AI off the guys in your group isn't perfect, so they sometimes block you and stuff... just quickly read it, getting it by mail monday :p
RhapSidious said:
While the levels maybe linear to a large degree in HL2... there will be a variety of ways to finish the levels thanks to the great physics system (to most tweaked-to-perfection version of HAVOK around).

Because all the different possiblities (due to the physics) it should be fun to play the games over and over again without it feeling too scripted.

Yes, but having 2-3 complete different routes/ways to complete a map is still alot better especially for replay values :)
I still think it's a fair score, and you have to think it's only an opinion of ONE individual. Singleplayer is awesome but the reviewer is just disappointed by multiplayer, especially when you think of what Gabe did last summer. He said multiplayer was going to be something special. But I think CSS isn't very special either.
Chromix said:
damn dude your idiot farcry is a 1 year old game in those times he got 93 , ofcourse farcry was the best game in those times
Far cry got released half a year ago.

And franky, it still is one of the best FPS's for our time, as the gfx are still solid and the gameplay was much better then Doom 3's.

But the (online) multiplayer sucked ass.

Lans pretty sweet tho.
Hanta Swe said:
How long does a Single player game live? 4 months tops.

How long does a great MP live? 3-4 years maybe.

Therefor its definately a big diff when it comes to the review, that they review the MP part as well.

Good call, PC-GP

i still play half life 1 on single player ... dam i even play chucky egg 4 months top's lol my a$$
I do think its unfair to mark it down because of a lack of Multi but who cares?! The actual text of the review covers the SP experience with praise, and thats whats important so what more can you ask for?

Wake up! This is NOT a negative review!
Are people already playing HL2? Am I missing something? Your assumption of what HL2's gameplay will be like should be better than what Far Crys game play is like?

Imo Far cry seemed like its movement was modeled identically to that of HL1, with the addition of a stamina bar and sprint. Both will have intuitive HUDs Im sure, both have exellent graphics. As far as story is concerned...well FC did a good job for turning what was essentially an engine demo into a pretty solid game with a decent, albiet cliche and kinda cheesy story. HL2 I assume will have an exellent story, and be a little more immersive (Mostly because the locations are more familiar and relatable...to me anyway)

The main difference I can see is where in far cry the graphics and physics really only held the role of creating an immersive environment...In HL2 they fill that role, and the physics are an interactive part of the gameplay. Not to mention how natural feel of the NPCs. I see HL2 being far more immersive a game, but theres no doubt in my mind that my FC box should sit proudly on a shelf beside HL2...cant honestly say as much for Doom 3.
Feath said:
Have you read the review?
Yes I received a translation of all the Half-Life2 related stuff in the magazine, and that's how I come to the conclusion that the reviewer marked down Half-Life2 because he was bitter and shocked that it did not come with the specific DM mode that HE wanted. Therefore CounterStrike Source to HIM has pretty much 0 value. It's quite clear and almost explicitly stated in parts of the magazine. It's a bad review because of the way he reached the score, not because the score is 90. PCGAMEPLAY NL review should be disregarded. :p

I think Half-Life2.net should make a page dedicated to Half-Life2 scores and have a paragraph as to whether certain reviews like PC Gameplay can be trusted :D
SoSorry said:
I think Half-Life2.net should make a page dedicated to Half-Life2 scores and have a paragraph as to whether certain reviews like PC Gameplay can be trusted :D

I agree :) (but only if we can add every uk pc gaming publication to the 'ignore list' too ;))
If HL2 got a 90% when it had, according to the reviewer's definition, no MP, then it's SP must be very good since it almost matched the Far Cry package of both SP AND MP.
Apos said:
If HL2 got a 90% when it had, according to the reviewer's definition, no MP, then it's SP must be very good since it almost matched the Far Cry package of both SP AND MP.


Far cry= 73% for SP + 20% for MP (overall 93)

HL2= 90% for SP alone.

Also, IIRC, PC Gameplay gave Doom 3 19/20 for graphics. HL2 got 18/20 in graphics, just one short of doom 3.
Apos said:
If HL2 got a 90% when it had, according to the reviewer's definition, no MP, then it's SP must be very good since it almost matched the Far Cry package of both SP AND MP.

hey, are you back?
I can't belive it's come down to this, arguing over 3 points on a HL2 review....
Zeus said:
I can't belive it's come down to this, arguing over 3 points on a HL2 review....
Its not the three points,.. Its that FarCry scored higher due to its present, but shitty, online play, and that they did not take into consideration CS:S.

Its most unnerving to think that FarCry was a better game then HL2. FarCry was great, but we're all expecting HL2 to be so much more (even if it is more linear).
Wernt they saying there was some surprise, dunno if it was a mag or someone at Valve. There was a few threads about it as well and people were wondering what it was, the majority went for somin on the confirmation on HL2 MP and then after that it was TF2. I fail to see this surprise, i thought it was coming with the reviews.

I think valve are trying to show the fact that HL2 is a single player game. if some one puts the score down because it doesnt have MP has some issues (no pun intended). Valves MP is TF2
I've read far too many good reviews of bad things and bad reviews of good things to ever pay attention to reviewers again.

For example, PCzone gave Quake2 97%...
Umm who is PC Gameplay and why should we assume they are a reputable source?
It should have been at LEAST a 94%. PC Gameplay can blow me. :sniper: :flame:

EDIT: Opps, I already repleyed. Sorry.
Translation from the pcgameplay

"His all mighty majesty (the head editor) has just got a phone call from Seattle from the Madman (the reviewer). He told him that Half-Life 2 doesn't have it own multiplayer" OEMPF! that hit hard like a sledgehammer in your most private parts. An icy silence erupted through the room until one spoke up "So what, no big deel, thats not the end of the-" he shut his mouth when all the rest gave him a chilling evil look. "No big deal what do you know about that, you were in diapers when we played here every day death match". Snapped Vrancx (another reviewer). And right he was everyday since the release of the original half life, end 1998 it had become a tradition to play death match at the lunch break were we could kill mock and maim without the risk of punishment

bla bla bla talking how great they imagined hl2 multiplayer would of been bla bla bla.

Every time valve was asked about the multiplayer they replied "it will have multiplayer but we don't want to talk about that now!" Sorry but a 5 year old mod for the original half life ported over and then tried to be sold as the REAL multiplayer for such an amazing game as half-life 2, that doesn't make our water run.

Valve took a risk that their single player would be so amazing that missing multiplayer would be excusable. Well that worked, the single player is so amazing and impressive that you just must of played it. However this still cost it points. As you may of noticed has Half-Life 2 not become game of the month, and that is for one reason, the missing of the multiplayer. If valve had just taken the normal multiplayeroptions as the original adapted it with the physics, levels end vehicles that you could find in the singleplayer well, then had Half-Life 2 perhaps the highest score ever.

bla bla bla counter strike source sucks bla bla

The Mod community can create the most amazing things as they have proven for the original half life, but the quality hat valve could bring from its professionally designed multiplayerlevels have now escaped us. We are curious to see how this is going to turn out.
pc gameplay is a rubbush mag anyway. listen to pcgamer instead, as they know what theyre doing. 96% from pcgamer....enough said.
Pureball said:
pc gameplay is a rubbush mag anyway. listen to pcgamer instead, as they know what theyre doing. 96% from pcgamer....enough said.

Just because they rated HL2 low doesn't mean they are "rubbish".I personally think their review had the proper criticsim, considering they rate very harshly too - so a 90 is actually very good.

They consider MP as important as SP, which is their personal preference. Their ratings seem very fair to me:

55/60 Gameplay
18/20 Graphics
17/20 Sound
LOL. Reviews praising HL2 are good, accurate and fair. HL2 reviews that aren't perfect are biased, junk, invalid and inaccurate. HL fanboys are a sick breed indeed.
lans said:
Just because they rated HL2 low doesn't mean they are "rubbish".I personally think their review had the proper criticsim, considering they rate very harshly too - so a 90 is actually very good.

They consider MP as important as SP, which is their personal preference. Their ratings seem very fair to me:

55/60 Gameplay
18/20 Graphics
17/20 Sound

No. The review and the way they decided the score is rubbish. Just read part of the translation that LAYP posted. They completely disregarded the MP that comes with Half-Life2, which is counterStrike Source, because they are upset that they did not get the specific gametype that THEY wanted. It's almost as bad as taking 10% off Half-Life2's score because Alyx looks different from earlier screenshots, and she is not what they expected :D. They don't give it "game of the month award" because they are bitter it does not have Half-Life2 Deathmatch. ROFL!

PC Gameplay should start taking 50% off for multiplayer focused games that do not contain a full blown single player experience, if they want to be consistent :p .
SoSorry said:
No. The review and the way they decided the score is rubbish. Just read part of the translation that LAYP posted. They completely disregarded the MP that comes with Half-Life2, which is counterStrike Source, because they are upset that they did not get the specific gametype that THEY wanted. It's almost as bad as taking 10% off Half-Life2's score because Alyx looks different from earlier screenshots, and she is not what they expected :D. They don't give it "game of the month award" because they are bitter it does not have Half-Life2 Deathmatch. ROFL!

PC Gameplay should start taking 50% off for multiplayer focused games that do not contain a full blown single player experience, if they want to be consistent :p .

If they had to rate cs:s as HL2's multiplay they had to put the score even lower.
Don't tell me you are that impressed with CS:s ...
Its just part of the Valve recycle mill, something I started to dislike about Valve.

You are just bitter because the score doesn't live up to youre expectations. Don't trust scores or translations, read the review.
Edge said:
Umm who is PC Gameplay and why should we assume they are a reputable source?

Nr1 magazine of the benelux (3 countries)
Or do you think everyboy in the world reads english magazine's?
Bluestrike said:
Nr1 magazine of the benelux (3 countries)
Or do you think everyboy in the world reads english magazine's?

Well... I didn't say that sir. I just asked who this unknown magazine was... do you think everyone not in benelux (3 countries) knows of your local magazine? Oh and it's Benelux. If you are so proud then capitalize it :) :bounce:
they did mention that if hl2 had some form of vanilla hl2 style DM multiplayer, hl2 had easely the highest score ever in that mag
Bluestrike said:
If they had to rate cs:s as HL2's multiplay they had to put the score even lower.
Don't tell me you are that impressed with CS:s ...
Its just part of the Valve recycle mill, something I started to dislike about Valve.

You are just bitter because the score doesn't live up to youre expectations. Don't trust scores or translations, read the review.

That's interesting since I said earlier that I did not have a problem with the score. Half-Life2 could be worth 80% for all I know. My point is that the review and their motivation behind the score is totally rubbish. I also said I hate CounterStrike Source but I recognize its value as it is the Number one played online game in the world. PC Gameplay review is rubbish and so is your reading skills :D
Here's a question, would PC Gameplay be as upset about the multiplayer if they hadn't played the CS:S beta?

They must think CS:S is old news now and choose not to include it is as the multiplayer, personally I think if the beta had never been released to the public they would be plesently suprised by a completely updated CS and given it a higher score....
I doubt it, CS aint impressive. and they where seriously reffering to their old times when tyhey used to play hl2DM and how dissapointed they where when they found out hl2 didnt had a vanilla DM