PC Gamer Counterstrike Source screenshot

i dont know why people care about info on CS:S

its just the same old lamer infested counter strike with nicer graphics and rag dolls.
well some of us may think cs is fun u shouldnt speak for others if u dont have any thing nice to say why even post it?? :rolling:
Dougy said:
i dont know why people care about info on CS:S

its just the same old lamer infested counter strike with nicer graphics and rag dolls.

Maybe because people play Counter-Strike because of the game?

I know I certainly don't play it because of the players.

But I get your point.
but if no one talks about the article then how do we know it is purely cs related, i got the impression it was a HL2 MP article so it may mention other things to look forward to.
Dougy said:
i dont know why people care about info on CS:S

its just the same old lamer infested counter strike with nicer graphics and rag dolls.

I have been playing CS since around beta 6 or something.. And for most of my time, I have disliked about 85% of the CS community.. but I continue to play because I think the game FECKIN ROOLZ! CS:Source is my virtual wet dream, so don't rain on my parade. :p
Counter-Strike is a fantastic game and the community is friendly and helpful.
I think it was already confirmed that it's just a short article on CS:S basically recapping the e3 presentation and with a new high quality screenshot of the level we already saw.
Alright here it is, I don't care if I get banned because I think people should see this!
That CT model on the left has not been changed in any way at all if that's the source model. It looks like it has the same poly count even.
why do you not care if you get banned?

The pics look awesome but nothing on HL2 screens. Why is that?
Dude, you got owned. That's a CS:CZ screenshot. :)
lol is it Far Cry with a CS model?

*edit messed up with the punctuation
Yeah, looks like FC with an imposed CT there... heheh.

PCZone (UK) has some sort of HL2/CS:S article too. I'll investigate if I get the chance...
yeah. Though that may not even be a CS:CZ model like I thought, could just be regular CS.
i look like a gimp, ah well, i nearly commented on the similarity between the Far Cry pistol and the one in the screen, then i nearly commented on the CS guy looking imposed...several other things spring to ming now...where you live again Para?
i am feeling punch drunk, leave my shattered mind alone, it just needs time.
Well, at least I knew it was the same CT model as regular CS. Everything else looked source-ish. Whatever, good photoshop job anyway.
Almost tricked me with the environment, but I knew that those hands belonged to that ratass Jack carver instantly...
BoS said:
That CT model on the left has not been changed in any way at all if that's the source model. It looks like it has the same poly count even.
lmao it's Photoshopped from a Far Cry screenshot :LOL:

EDIT: Whoops, didn't see page 2 :D
Dougy said:
i dont know why people care about info on CS:S

its just the same old lamer infested counter strike with nicer graphics and rag dolls.

You know, I had the same view of CS when I never even played the fricking game. Now my brother plays it and I deduced that people talk smack about it because THEY SUCK AT IT. It's a fricking HARD game, not a pussy game. Yah, there's hacks and idiots, but a lot of the people are fine and don't even chat.

I'm buying CS:S for him when it comes out.
There aren't as many hackers in CS as people think.
Yeah, for every actual hacker I'd bet there's at least six people complaining about "normal" players.

It makes me laugh when people slam VAC for it's ineffectiveness but seem to think that Cheating Death is infallible... I've encountered hackers under both security methods (and that's actual blatant "repeated head-shots through walls on the other side of assault" type genuine hacking); it's a bit like Windows. Once a hole is realised and announced, the hacking groups quickly work on methods to exploit it before the hole is patched up.
erm... "Yeah, for every actual hacker I'd bet there's at least six people complaining about "normal" players"

i can guarantee that cs has a much lower cheater:normal ratio than 1:6..

for the past 1 month i have encountered 1 cheater.. and i have been playing it alot.. over the months i have noticed them becoming scarce..number of cheaters decreased alot since 1.6 has been released imho

o btw can i ask where you found that photoshoped pic ? its a really fake attempt tbh .. they could have atleast not tried using the first level of a game which half the world population has played
It's because, even if VAC is slow to update for new cheats, you never know when it will update, and when it catches someone, they are gone for good. That's a pretty huge detterrent.
Mr-Fusion said:
Counter-Strike is a fantastic game and the community is friendly and helpful.

You're being satirical, right? :upstare:

1)The game is fantastic (if only someone could help me get my sound working- there is no question mark in Device Manager and the sound is all weird)

2) It really depends on which servers you go on... some servers, there are racist bastards ready to assault people, and then there's sophisticated low ping servers like RedOps and McP 1.6 GameGrid that are comepletely awesome and can take down any n00b talkin' trash :eek:
I'm not talking about a "cheater:normal" ratio, I'm talking about a "complainer:cheater" ratio. Then again it's still probably much higher.

I thought Para actually made the screen himself?

I haven't got a gaming magazine for a while, might start doing so again to get some cold hard glossy screenshots.
Is the friggin mag out yet? I thought it was to come out today. So its all garbage from e3? How embarassing...