PC Gamer UK Score

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kaf11 said:
i hava a question for anyone with the magazine and cd. are there any new screenshots among those 45 "exclusive" ones on the cd?

its a dvd, and scorps said there are
since those new images are on a dvd, im really suprised we havent seen them spread all over the net yet.
i dont care who you send them too, where you host them but get some goddamn scans on the net already.
Looks like to me that only 3 people in the WORLD have this magazine right now.

Some of you people's responses only confirms my belief that some of you will never be happy, no matter happens regarding this game. Some of you just bitch constantly whether it be toward Vivendi or toward Scorps for his posting of the review. Why don't some of you ungrateful idiots just grow up and thank Scorps for even taking the time to do this for you? He didn't have to. You should even be grateful that he took time to write out part of the review for you. I don't think you get that the MODS HAVE SAID ABSOLUTELY NO SCANS AND YOU IDIOTS ARE STILL ASKING FOR PICTURES.

Again, grow up you ungrateful noobs and thank's Scorps for going through all that to keep us updated.
i'm guessing that since no one has posted a score or anything regarding the US PCGamer, that nobody actually got it today. that stinks, i was kinda hoping to see it in my mailbox when i got home. :(
The only bitter-sweet note amongst all this excellent news is still no release date/gold announcement :rolleyes:
fish99 said:
The only bitter-sweet note amongst all this excellent news is still no release date/gold announcement :rolleyes:

*coughcough* lawsuit bullshit remember *cough*
sssshhhh sweet killa, go to sleep child, the adults are talking.
HL2 Review

God, i want that demo disc. i cant wait till its released here, i need a fix :)
Stop Asking For Scans.... They Will Not Be Posted Here Its Against The Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The two best games released so far is Far Cry(SP) and UT2004 (MP) IMHO.
What scores did PCGamer UK give them?
hendrix13 said:
Plz Scan The Damn Thing
why the hell are people still asking for scans, cant they figure out there aren't going to be any. you'd think after the first 1000 post saying no scans allowed, they'd get it.
just reading an old pc zone with farcry, how the **** did it get 93%? I think review scores are getting meaningless nowadays
pingu said:
just reading an old pc zone with farcry, how the **** did it get 93%? I think review scores are getting meaningless nowadays
i think that sounds right. i thought Far Cry was Far better than Doom 3 (IMO)
scores in mags are too high, i would give doom 3 88% and far cry 85%
i'm sorry, but i thought the PCgameplay review stunk. friggen 90%, lower than far cry. whatever they're smoking, i want some.
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