PC Zone 97%


Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
This must cheer up all those who could not believe PC Gamer ONLY :rolleyes: gave it 96%
Bah, I hate to think of the fact some editor is now having big fun with HL2 while we got to wait for another two months. :x

this screenshot is odd. Looks like alyx had a close encounter with a low ceiling.
spaz1 said:
PC Zone 97%? Is this confirmed?
It is indeed confirmed. I have seen part of the magazine which shows you the score. Dedalus is the first person so far to receive the magazine as far as I know, so he may very well want to summarise it for you :)
Clavius said:
Bah, I hate to think of the fact some editor is now having big fun with HL2 while we got to wait for another two months. :x

this screenshot is odd. Looks like alyx had a close encounter with a low ceiling.
On the contrary, they're not... They all reviewed it at Valve HQ :)
Chris_D said:
On the contrary, they're not... They all reviewed it at Valve HQ :)

I think the Icarus interview said partially at Valve, and partially at the office.

But, that's a pretty... high score :)
What the highest score ever given to a game ?
in any magazine ?
no 97% is the highest in PCZone i think. i think Quake 2 got either 96 or 97%, so HL2 is either the highest or joint highest in PCZone history.

there are practically no spoilers in the review. no new information, but it definitely does confirm what we already know and puts to rest any fears we might have for HL2 being a flop ;)
Chris_D said:
On the contrary, they're not... They all reviewed it at Valve HQ :)


How long do they get alone with the game? This all sounds very dodgy.

Call me a pessimist, but memories of the early Doom 3 reviews still linger.

I'm not saying this is the case with HL2 (which looks fantastic) but even so, in these circumstances it's worth taking the reviews with a pinch of salt.

These magasines (at least the uk publications) are known for giving high scores to very average games. (Seeing as PC Gamer US gave Doom 3 94%, it doesn't seem a trend perculier to the uk :/)

Too much hype and there's going to be plenty of dissapointed gamers around here. Imagine if HL2 turns out to be just a solid, good game* /o\ The moaning will make Invisible War look like a hit.

(*of course, plenty will say that's all they want - but we all know that isn't true. After HL, the years of waiting, and all the hype, everyone expects the second coming)
pc gameplay(benelux) gives it 90%! negative points:there is no Deathmatch,only cs:s. if there was a MP ,they gave it definitely more then 95(maybe highest score ever)...
Warbie said:

How long do they get alone with the game? This all sounds very dodgy.

Call me a pessimist, but memories of the early Doom 3 reviews still linger.

I'm not saying this is the case with HL2 (which looks fantastic) but even so, in these circumstances it's worth taking the reviews with a pinch of salt.

These magasines (at least the uk publications) are known for giving high scores to very average games. (Seeing as PC Gamer US gave Doom 3 94%, it doesn't seem a trend perculier to the uk :/)

Too much hype and there's going to be plenty of dissapointed gamers around here. Imagine if HL2 turns out to be just a solid, good game* /o\ The moaning will make Invisible War look like a hit.

(*of course, plenty will say that's all they want - but we all know that isn't true. After HL, the years of waiting, and all the hype, everyone expects the second coming)

Thats what im afraid for too..
Now that my 3 second excitement is over....

Pinch of salt indeed. Exclusive reviews -> MEH! Especially since they were in this "Valve controlled" environment, no doubt surrounded by robots poking them with needles every time the brain-wave scanner picked up negative vibes about the game.....

And hurry up Vivendi. What in the name of toast are they doing?
So they spent 20+ hours reviewing the game at Valve?

I find that hard to belive. Maybe it was like a slumber party lol.
Hmm, everybody stands around gabe, and gabe says: I made HL2, who wants to touch me? who wants to frikking touch meh! ><
Warbie said:
Call me a pessimist, but memories of the early Doom 3 reviews still linger.

These magasines (at least the uk publications) are known for giving high scores to very average games. (Seeing as PC Gamer US gave Doom 3 94%, it doesn't seem a trend perculier to the uk :/)

Doom 3 is not an average game, it's a great game!

But that's besides the point, Hl² got 97%! Deserves a celebration :)
Warbie said:
How long do they get alone with the game?

PC Gameplay got 3 days to review HL² at VALVe, so I guess other reviewers got about the same time. (maybe they were all playing it together)
CB | Para said:
Doom 3 is not an average game, it's a great game!

Agree, but it didn't even remotely match the hype. (and HL2 has much more hype around than D3 had)

Not one of the features I got excited about when reading interviews/previews made it into the game.
Ari de Verci said:
Not one of the features I got excited about when reading interviews/previews made it into the game.

What were these features?
and how do you know said features aren't in the game?
I think he's talking aobut Doom 3's features.
MadGuy said:
What the highest score ever given to a game ?
in any magazine ?

I think he means on the percent scale, (i.e. 0%-100%), from any and all magazines. I would be interested to know also.
mirageacg said:
I think he means on the percent scale, (i.e. 0%-100%), from any and all magazines. I would be interested to know also.

Correct. Highest score that HL2 has gotten so far, is 97% right
Is that the highest score ever ?
MadGuy said:
Correct. Highest score that HL2 has gotten so far, is 97% right
Is that the highest score ever ?

Yep highest score ever for PCZone Uk :)
KagePrototype said:



oh sod it, w00t!!11 HL2 is going to pwn!11

ahem, it does sound rather good doesn't it :)
HL1 got an 11/10 in some magazine i forget which.. so i think 110% takes it
yes i agree HL2 will pwn it will pwn better than any game has pwned before