PC Zone 97%

CB | Para said:
Yep highest score ever for PCZone Uk :)

yes it is.
there is no point comparing magazine scores. every magazine has different approach to reviewing, a 90% on one magazine can be the same as a 94-95% on another. so the best thing to do is to look at every score in perspective to the magazine's history.
i've been a pczone reader for 7 years now, and i know they wouldn't give hl2 97% if there was anything they didn't like. :imu: :imu: :imu:
Alyx to me looks more like an Crackwhore now, but maybe they updated her with some years, so she and Gordon can start some releationship?

I mean, Gordon is ~40, and she is looked like ~20, no no, now she looks like.. crackwhore <_>
I gotta say hype or no hype, these high scores are NO WAY , overhyped,
as soon as you hit 90's every 1% is like 10%, so theres no way they have just overhyped, they will have played the title through from start to finish and probably wrote pages and pages of notes.

I for one am going along with the reviews.
Warbie said:

Call me a pessimist, but memories of the early Doom 3 reviews still linger.
Fair enough. But when I actually read many of those Doom 3 reviews, I was surprised by how lukewarm they sounded - didn't really match the score. You'll notice that the HL2 reviews are far from lukewarm.

Oh, and BTW - HL2 will be the second coming, so prepare!
omghalflife2omg momomomimimimninininifuanifnasifnian cumcumucmucmcumcumcucmcumcum omgomgomgomgogmogmogmoamahahahahahhhhhhhhfucjkfekckhalflife2omgomaomgoangpillspiillpsilllspilllspilllspilllspippi
pingu said:
omghalflife2omg momomomimimimninininifuanifnasifnian cumcumucmucmcumcumcucmcumcum omgomgomgomgogmogmogmoamahahahahahhhhhhhhfucjkfekckhalflife2omgomaomgoangpillspiillpsilllspilllspilllspilllspippi

more proof that hl2 is bad for ur health :E
Serbian magazine Svet Kompjutera (or World of Computers) gave HL1 a 99% !!! Wow!!! And in this issue they celebrate 20 year aniversary!
Its bound to be same with hl2!

/sorry for misspells
gordon is not forty, he was in cryosleep or something,hes the same age,everyone else is 10 years older,hes 27.
BTW, how is PC Zone with scores? I remember one of the PC Zones giving Unreal II a 9,2 or something. Are they very generous and do they have a 'omg best game evah' every other month?
MadGuy said:
What the highest score ever given to a game ?
in any magazine ?

Nintendo Power gave Zelda Ocirana of Time (sp) a 100%.. ,but for some reason i think that they were alittle biased... I thought the game was amazing but 100 to me means perfect and nothing is perfect.
PvtRyan said:
BTW, how is PC Zone with scores? I remember one of the PC Zones giving Unreal II a 9,2 or something. Are they very generous and do they have a 'omg best game evah' every other month?

They gave Unreal 2 something stupidly high, like 94%. They're known to hype things way out of proportion.
Dedalus said:
there are practically no spoilers in the review. no new information, but it definitely does confirm what we already know and puts to rest any fears we might have for HL2 being a flop ;)
That's so superb. I was really worried about that. Are there any spoilers in the PCG review?
97% was the same score as Quake 2 got. They were all stupidly excited by Quake 2 and it's awesome (if not a tad brown) graphics. That score was later amended to the low 90's, when the ironically titled 'Ground Zero' add-on came out.
el Chi said:
That's so superb. I was really worried about that. Are there any spoilers in the PCG review?

I don't remember any myself. Only the screenshots coul be deemed as spoilers, but even then there's nothing much new.
But then, if you run Quake 2 in software mode at 320 x 240, then run it with a 3d graphics card...
KagePrototype said:
I don't remember any myself. Only the screenshots coul be deemed as spoilers, but even then there's nothing much new.
That's cool, no big spoilers is good good news. Now we set up for a lovely 2 month wait. What fun :|
KagePrototype said:
They gave Unreal 2 something stupidly high, like 94%. They're known to hype things way out of proportion.

I can't confirm what they've given unreal2, but they've given doom3 90%. i'm absolutely positive that they won't give hl2 97% unless they thought it was really exceptional
could someone give some pros, cons and some interesting bits from review...PLEEEEEAAAAASEEEEE ???
The second coming? This is the Second Coming! Of Gordon Freeman! Man, I just can't wait. This is what we've all hoped for. Just two more months. Valve deserves a nice long vacation after this.
Kel Thuzad said:
could someone give some pros, cons and some interesting bits from review...PLEEEEEAAAAASEEEEE ???

yes pleeeeeeese! i still haven't recieved my subscription copy. damn u postman, damn u to heeeeeeeeeeeelll :sniper: :x
its not just about getting the subscribed copy...we dont even have pczone around here...
oooh, after reading the danish review i was quite disapointed, but now after pcg and pc zone i am so happy again!!!
Mr_Kittles said:
oooh, after reading the danish review i was quite disapointed, but now after pcg and pc zone i am so happy again!!!
Maybe the danes fear fun?

More likely, they chose to have low expectations so they can enjoy the surprise when something actually turns out great.
I remember the good old days, when
DonkeyKong Country got 100%..
then a month later, the magazine apologized and said it was all int the hype..

(no game can get 100%)
HL2 cant get 100%... beacuse you dont see gordons hands when he throws, and beacuse the shadows bug ECT...

but still 97% is a FU**ING HIGHT SCORE! damn..
is it really that good?..
She said:
HL2 cant get 100%... beacuse you dont see gordons hands when he throws, and beacuse the shadows bug ECT...

but still 97% is a FU**ING HIGHT SCORE! damn..
is it really that good?..

According to them, yes!

And please don't bring up the shadow bugs evar again! :LOL:
To get 10/10 a game doesn't have to be perfect.

It just has to be an example of the best video gaming has to offer.

Take Zelda OoT - it was an absolutely fantastic game, but could have been improved upon. Does that mean it wasn't worthy of it's 10/10? Of course not :)
CB | Para said:
According to them, yes!

And please don't bring up the shadow bugs evar again! :LOL:

I second that! "She" mentions it again and I'm flying to Tokyo or wherever "she" dwells, and beating "her" over the head with a sushi handroll!
DeViouS said:
did hl1 really get an 11/10 ????
Yeah in some magazine I forget which... it wasn't very good mag though. alot of games got 9/10 and there were a couple i remeber seeing with 10/10... got a subscription for christmas
Aint here ANYBODY whos got the mag...?!?!?!
damn...it isnt really that difficult to write some info from the review is it ?!
97%??? oh man.. this game is going to own so hard, even valve will be owned by hl2. :p
Kel Thuzad said:
Aint here ANYBODY whos got the mag...?!?!?!
damn...it isnt really that difficult to write some info from the review is it ?!

I doubt many people have it yet. It's released on Friday.....so I guess most subscription copies will arrive in the post tomorrow.
Anyone know of any tech mags that are going to review the game?, I'm not really intrested in a 'writers' view of the game, every mag review I have seen so far hasn't been anything I don't already know. I'd like to see some test setups / hardware tests ect. with the game instead of someone just being descriptive of what the HL2 world looks like. Maybe I'm missing something but it just seems like a writer sat down and watched someone play, heck anyone who has seen an e3 vid or any other vid for that matter could tell you what the game looks like, granted, maybe not in so many words as to take up twelve pages but still...