PCGamer Reviews Crysis

Far Cry was better than Half Life 2 ?...

Far Cry was better than Half Life 2 ?
Linear/Non-linear backwards thinking makes me sick to the bone. Not that I think Crysis should lose points because its gameplay won't be as tight as a linear FPS; I do believe a good non-linear jungle FPS is something I'd love to play. I'm not sure Crysis is it, though, and if it follows the travesty that was Far Cry and its gameplay I won't be surprised.

I haven't played the demo, and I still hold onto Crysis being damn fun, regardless of how non-innovative it is.
Does anyone know if Crysis will be available through Direct2Drive (or anywhere else online for that matter) when the time comes? I've turned in to quite the digital distribution snob.
Does anyone know if Crysis will be available through Direct2Drive (or anywhere else online for that matter) when the time comes? I've turned in to quite the digital distribution snob.

Crysis is available through EA-store. The problem is that it is not cheap (especially if you are european), and if you want to download the game after the first 6 months of purchase you must pay extra. USD 6 (or was it 5?) extends your download period from 6 to 24 months. Still too little if crysis becomes popular enough to have a thriving mod-community.
Does anyone know if Crysis will be available through Direct2Drive (or anywhere else online for that matter) when the time comes? I've turned in to quite the digital distribution snob.

ea link its like EA's version of steam
Crysis is available through EA-store. The problem is that it is not cheap (especially if you are european), and if you want to download the game after the first 6 months of purchase you must pay extra. USD 6 (or was it 5?) extends your download period from 6 to 24 months. Still too little if crysis becomes popular enough to have a thriving mod-community.

It shows that it's price is 50$ can I pre order it now for 50$ if I don't live in the US ?
Aye. It was good back in the day, and HL2 makes for a fitting swan song for fps that let you carry an entire arsenal on your back, but things have moved on.

As if a limited arsenal in games is some kind of recent innovation, the "new way to go". It's simply something that some games do, something that fits those games, but it is in no way, or should it be, the new standard or such. I see absolutely no reason how being able to carry two weapons and grenades would somehow improve HL2, it just doesn't fit the gameplay or leveldesign. Did it work well for Halo? Sure. Does that mean it will work well for HL? Hell no.
It shows that it's price is 50$ can I pre order it now for 50$ if I don't live in the US ?

I think that depends on where you live. EA has stores in many european countries but I don't know for sure if EA forces you to buy from "your" country, allthough I would guess they do. In the UK the price is ? 35, while it is (i think) 50 euros in many european countries.
I tried proceeding to check-out and the only country options were USA and Canada..
in all language versions..I can't even download it ..?
As if a limited arsenal in games is some kind of recent innovation, the "new way to go". It's simply something that some games do, something that fits those games, but it is in no way, or should it be, the new standard or such. I see absolutely no reason how being able to carry two weapons and grenades would somehow improve HL2, it just doesn't fit the gameplay or leveldesign. Did it work well for Halo? Sure. Does that mean it will work well for HL? Hell no.

I wasn't suggesting fps adopt exactly the same system as Halo, but I am tired of games that start you with a pistol and gradually increase the power of your arsenal to match increasingly tough opponents, often making certain weapons redundant in the process. Golden Eye is a great example of a game that - with the cheats at least - allows you to carry a load of weapons without falling into the same tired way of playing fps.
But is it one of those games that deserves a 9 or 10 on an uber system, yet would be pushing a 7 on medium settings?

I'm quite looking forward to Crysis now - will play it on my brothers pc over Christmas - but still have the sneaky impression it'll be the tech demo side of things that impresses most.
That's the UK edition. It's not the US.. US's coverstory was Hellgate: London.
I was under the impression Far Cry was a distinctly average game with shoddy, generic gameplay that only shined for approximately 4 levels out of its 20. I played the best when I picked up the demo in GAME (that level was pretty fun, it has to be said).
Im not a FarCry/Crysis fanboy by any means nor am I a HL2 fanboy, well with the exception of HL I was. But HL2 was a total disappointment for me with many reasons I would list If I have the time. So IMO FarCry was far better than HL2 not HL but HL2. Im just saying that HL2 is no way in hell "The Best Game Ever Made"! Maybe Crysis wont be either but from what Ive played and seen itll be a hell of a lot better than HL2. /end rant
Wait wait wait. There are people that actually think that Farcry is better than HL2? I know they say that there is no such thing as a "wrong opinion", but that opinion is totally incorrect.
Far Cry was better than Half Life 2 ?...

Far Cry was better than Half Life 2 ?

Crysis is way better than what Farcry was. This time round you actually have; More Check Points, and now Quick Saves (It even has a load/save manager :O)

Stupidity was Punished for in Farcry (you die, you have to load up the checkpoint load about a mile away), this time round Stupidity is rewarded

At one point I was low on health and ammo, and had koreans coming round the sides of the building. So instead of sticking around I punched my way through the buildings corragated walls and made it out alive
Your opinion has been documented.

in the great book of stupidity.

like static primer I'm all for people having different opinions but saying that far cry is better than HL2 is just too ****ing retarded.:rolling:
Im not a FarCry/Crysis fanboy by any means nor am I a HL2 fanboy, well with the exception of HL I was. But HL2 was a total disappointment for me with many reasons I would list If I have the time. So IMO FarCry was far better than HL2 not HL but HL2. Im just saying that HL2 is no way in hell "The Best Game Ever Made"! Maybe Crysis wont be either but from what Ive played and seen itll be a hell of a lot better than HL2. /end rant

Heretic! Thou shalt be thrown into thy holy fire of retribution, and thou shall repent, Pro Dimidium - Vita Duos vadum exsisto vobis , quod Recedentia Vox ero pessum ire , iam quod forever.
I wouldn't necessarily say HL2 is the 'best' game ever, but I can't think of a better single player First Person Shooter... Far Cry was just rubbish once the mutants showed up, and I don't see how these aliens will be much different.
Half Life 2 proved that games aren't only about graphics and gameplay. They implemented emotion into the experience and that alone set it apart from all other games. On top of that it had a beautiful, razor sharp engine and good gameplay to boot.
HL2 has good story but combat and all that is boring, too simple, bland, etc.
Wait wait wait. There are people that actually think that Farcry is better than HL2? I know they say that there is no such thing as a "wrong opinion", but that opinion is totally incorrect.

How so? I enjoyed the combat much more than HL2's, and the open-ended gameplay appealed to me greatly - enough so for me to call FarCry better than Half-life 2.
How so? I enjoyed the combat much more than HL2's, and the open-ended gameplay appealed to me greatly - enough so for me to call FarCry better than Half-life 2.

You are entitled to your wrong opinion.

1.Horrifyingly terrible plot
2.terribly written charachters
3.dumb-as-bricks NPCs
7. Profit!!!
Far Cry was good up until the Trigens appeared, then it was uninstall time.
Far Cry was good up until the Trigens appeared, then it was uninstall time.

Even then the story seemed like it was fished out of the dumpster from behind the community college. I've coughed up stuff more interesting than Far Cry's story.
This is my first time on the forums for this website...and I am very disappointed to see some very contradictory and hypocritical comments made by pretty much most of you. I am no Crysis nor HL2 fan boy...however I am a fan boy of great FPS games, but moreso of great PC games. What I find increasingly frustrating about your comments that HL2 is basically the high point of FPS games...why? Is it written in stone!? So what your all basically saying is **** all other FPS games that came out since HL2? I also noticed most of your "Graphics>Story" crap talk, WTF is that? what kinda hypocritical comment is that? Do you all not remember when HL2 was still in development that valve constantly touted their source engine for its graphics and technological marvel? I clearly remember because I was following it very closely. What I find also interesting is that you guys are saying its a crap game not because neither of you have played the full game but also that its being published by EA...wait a minute? what? Is it not that EA also publishes valve games aswell? If EA is so bad a publisher why did valve go decide to go with EA rather than THQ or any other publisher. Spore is also with EA...oh wait I guess thats crap aswell :).
Anyone also realize the lack of exclusive FPS titles for the PC this year? two! thats right only two this year...which are Crysis and Stalker. Instead of saying its crap or it doesn't deserve and credit you should all praise it for either trying to or moving the genre forward in one way or another. I know some of you complain that FPS genre has been somewhat stagnant for a while but yet when a rarity comes along, like Crysis that not only creates excellent visuals but has been given critical acclaim in story and gameplay you dismiss it? It is not hype that brought game to this score, because to be honest everyone was judging the game as a "dumb blonde" before it even reached any sort of polished state. I remember HL2 generating huge amounts of hype, so why didn't people question PC gamers US for giving it a 98% and calling it "The Best Game Ever Made"? The biggest thing that HL2 had going for it is its emphasis on story, which I must was brilliant for a game, so why is it impossible for Crytek to create something of their caliber? I love HL2 and I think so far its currently the best FPS game ever, but to dismiss another company because you believe only valve can produce games like HL2 is pretty ignorant.

NOTE: This is not a attack on everyone just some people who believe HL2 is the pinnacle of the FPS genre. I will reserve judgment until I have played Crysis. Also remember the only PC only FPS that is scheduled for 2008 release is Far Cry 2, which extremely poor for the PC platform. I believe Valve will never make another game of HL2's caliber in the future because they have moved multi-platform which basically reduces resource output and quality.

I realize people will flame me from here to the moon for this but I stand by my statement, I might have gotten the number PC exclusive FPS games wrong but I am pretty confident I am correct, feel free to correct it :).
You are entitled to your wrong opinion.

1.Horrifyingly terrible plot
2.terribly written charachters
3.dumb-as-bricks NPCs
7. Profit!!!

I wouldn't call it better than HL2, but I still had fun with it.
It is not hype that brought game to this score,

This is where I completely disagree with you.

Games are often rated with hype factored in. Take a look at Halo 3. Don't get me wrong, I bought it and I've had fun with it, but in no way does it deserve the scores and accolades bestowed upon it. It's basically Halo 2 + some more content (with 1/9th of the game being the worst part of any game I've ever played in a game), but people and reviewers have treated it like the game to end all games.

This is pretty much what I'm seeing with Crysis.

because to be honest everyone was judging the game as a "dumb blonde" before it even reached any sort of polished state.

People have been judging this game on the MP beta, while unpolished, without a doubt has the core gameplay elements and features that will be in the full game. They've also been judging it on the recently released demo. Demos are NOT supposed to be unpolished or unfinished versions of a game. They are created for the sole purpose of giving players an idea of what the full game is supposed to be.

I think it's perfectly fair to judge a game's core gameplay, graphics, sound, basic features, etc. based on a demo.
I also noticed most of your "Graphics>Story" crap talk, WTF is that? what kinda hypocritical comment is that? Do you all not remember when HL2 was still in development that valve constantly touted their source engine for its graphics and technological marvel? I clearly remember because I was following it very closely.

Well for one, their technological marvel was actually revolutionary and not just a polygon + texture size upgrade. The physics engine and gameplay integration was innovative, and worthy of the technology being put into the game. Thats why everyone was so excited about it, because of its implementation. Crysis is bringing nothing new to the table besides sweet normal mapped characters and far view distance. Nothing that really changes gameplay whatsoever.

Also, Valve had an amazing track record already by the time they started talking about hl2. Not so with Crysis. Far Cry was mediocre at best, most would say it was rather below average. Why should we expect something amazing this time around? What proof, or even hint have we gotten thus far that suggests this incarnation will be that much better?

What I find also interesting is that you guys are saying its a crap game not because neither of you have played the full game but also that its being published by EA...wait a minute? what? Is it not that EA also publishes valve games aswell? If EA is so bad a publisher why did valve go decide to go with EA rather than THQ or any other publisher. Spore is also with EA...oh wait I guess thats crap aswell :).

I havent been around to see someone say what you're claiming they did, but if thats the case, then yeah they're wrong. People have a problem with games DEVELOPED by EA or by companies owned and wholly influenced by EA, because they're usually shit. As a publisher, EA isnt so bad, because they have a lot of resources to give the games plenty of exposure.

Anyone also realize the lack of exclusive FPS titles for the PC this year? two! thats right only two this year...which are Crysis and Stalker. Instead of saying its crap or it doesn't deserve and credit you should all praise it
Yeah, Im gunna stop reading right here. We're no so self absorbed that we will automatically praise any game that comes out as PC exclusive. If its going to be ass, we'll say its going to be ass, whether its on the PC or not. Also, who care about PC exclusives, multi platform games are just as good if done well (Half life). So we will praise a game if the game deserves to be praised, not if the developers "tried hard"
WCrysis is bringing nothing new to the table besides sweet normal mapped characters and far view distance. Nothing that really changes gameplay whatsoever.

These two things aren't even new either. Long-range draw distance was in Far Cry, and if I'm not mistaken, UE3 has normal mapped character models and whatnot.

Crysis does bring a few new things to the table graphically, but like you said, they don't affect gameplay.
These two things aren't even new either. Long-range draw distance was in Far Cry, and if I'm not mistaken, UE3 has normal mapped character models and whatnot.

Crysis does bring a few new things to the table graphically, but like you said, they don't affect gameplay.


We arnt saying its not going to be a decent game, we are saying it in no way deserves the same score as a game that broke industry ground, had innovative, boundary pushing features, and still had solid gameplay and great story.

Giving Crysis the benefit of doubt, the most it will have is a good story and well polished but "same-old" gameplay.
These two things aren't even new either. Long-range draw distance was in Far Cry, and if I'm not mistaken, UE3 has normal mapped character models and whatnot.

Crysis does bring a few new things to the table graphically, but like you said, they don't affect gameplay.

Playing the devils advocate, I must say that Crysis seems to bring a new level of physical interaction to the shooter table. When you can punch through walls to escape from enemies and chop down trees to kill the enemies, you are using a physical interaction system that is superior to any before it. Abet, it may be an evolutionary step rather than a revolutionary step (HL2 revolutionized), but it is a rather large step that the developers must be given credit for. P.S the game also looks better than God.