PCGamer Reviews Crysis

HL2 has good story but combat and all that is boring, too simple, bland, etc.

The levels after Red Letter Day suck, but once you get to the helicopter chase in the airboat it goes from ok to ****ing awesome and doesn't stop from there in my opinion.
Far Cry was only cool because it was the first of the big trio of FPS games in 2004. (Far Cry, Doom 3, Half-Life 2) Half-Life 2 pretty much beat the shit out them and has continued to beat the shit out of everything else since with episodes 1 & 2. Sadly, there's not a new episode out every month so we have to have something to play in between. :p That's where Crysis comes in!
Far Cry was only cool because it was the first of the big trio of FPS games in 2004. (Far Cry, Doom 3, Half-Life 2) Half-Life 2 pretty much beat the shit out them and has continued to beat the shit out of everything else since with episodes 1 & 2. Sadly, there's not a new episode out every month so we have to have something to play in between. :p That's where Crysis comes in!

The one significant difference between Crysis and Far Cry is that there are no other announced super high profile shooters to look forward to after Crysis is released.
Painkiller was better than Far Cry for me from the 2004 FPS's but that doesn't really matter..

Anyway I think that Crysis is a rather fun game,a lot of ways of dealing with situations and a lot of stuff to explore, but in no way it's the greatest game of all time or close to being one,I hate the fact that with all this hype people treat it like it should be THE game.
I wouldn't give it 98,or 95, I would give Crysis about 85 based on the demo which I played a lot ,the MP beta and the editor.
But of course I can't fully judge it until I play the entire game,maybe it will totally suck after the first level,maybe it will be super awesome or maybe just good.
Heretic! Thou shalt be thrown into thy holy fire of retribution, and thou shall repent, Pro Dimidium - Vita Duos vadum exsisto vobis , quod Recedentia Vox ero pessum ire , iam quod forever.

For those people who are not schooled in Latin, please translate
Don't care about the PC Gamer review/score (I can decide for myself, thanks), don't care about the hype (DX10 FX yada, yada), don't even care that I thought Far Cry was just about the best FPS ever.

Been playing the demo of Crysis. It's good ...... but it's not that good. It feels very much like Far Cry except the combat system has been complicated & IMO messed up somewhat by the capabilities of the nano suit. It was always my fear that this could be the case & unfortunately, on early impressions, it seems they have been confirmed.

Others have mentioned how difficult it is to dispatch enemies & I agree with this. They take so much abuse I'd swear they were wearing nano suits as well! It's quite tedious trying to bring down enemies. Try as I might I can't seem to dispatch them in a satisfying way. They just take far to much stick!

I've been really looking forward to Crysis but I'm quite dissapointed at the moment. In the wake of EP2, TF2 & Portal Crysis feels like it's gone backwards a bit. Essentialy what we have here is Far Cry with better graphics but gameplay that's been hampered by an over complicated combat system & enemies that take more punishment than you can be arsed to deal out1
It wasn't hard..just don't shoot the guys with the vests ON the vests and if you want more damage don't shoot with the silencer.
Playing demo again. It's getting better now. I'm getting to grips with the nano suit more & I've re-assigned some of the controls to make things easier. Combat is getting more interesting now but it's still feels to much like Far Cry. I reckon if I can fully get to grips with the nano suit this is going to be much, much more interesting. Good tip about shooting without the silencer - didn't realise how much difference that made, which is actually demonstrating a fantastic gameplay mechanic - The silencer makes the weapons only really effective close enough to get accurate headshots. This is where the cloak comes into play. You can get in close, take cover & then start picking guys off. Things are starting to look a lot more interesting now.
Finally checked out the demo last night. My first impression was:
Wow, my computer is a piece of f@#$king sh!t. I can play fluidly at 1280x1024 but I have to set EVERTHING to low. It looks pretty terrible. I admittedly only played for about 15 minutes, but in that quick time I didn't enjoy it as much as I enjoyed Far Cry. I plan to dive back in though so this isn't my final opinion.

Quick Question:
Instead of using "V" or the middle mouse button to bring up the nano menu and then selecting a nano ability, can you assign hotkeys to each nano ability? Can you use "1" for shield, "2" for strength, etc? In the heat of battle it just seems to cumbersome to do it with "V" or the middle mouse button and then selecting a nano ability.
Playing demo again. It's getting better now. I'm getting to grips with the nano suit more & I've re-assigned some of the controls to make things easier. Combat is getting more interesting now but it's still feels to much like Far Cry. I reckon if I can fully get to grips with the nano suit this is going to be much, much more interesting. Good tip about shooting without the silencer - didn't realise how much difference that made, which is actually demonstrating a fantastic gameplay mechanic - The silencer makes the weapons only really effective close enough to get accurate headshots. This is where the cloak comes into play. You can get in close, take cover & then start picking guys off. Things are starting to look a lot more interesting now.

Stealth was the favorite thing for me to do in the demo,it's fun sneaking around some times hehe..
I'm pretty sure that Crysis will be good fun, even if it is 'Far Cry 1.5'. I'd give the demo a whirl but I can't be bothered with this machine.
Seemed a bit jerky but not that bad running on my system. That is until I got into some fire fights, then I noticed it a lot. Ran about 20 fps with my X1900gt, 1280x1024 and medium settings. I have not played much of the demo. Just trying the demo out when I have a short time to kill.
Okay, okay. Guys sorry to do an about turn like this but I'm warming to this thing now. I'm getting the hang of using the nano suit much more effectively & it's making things a lot more fun & the combat a lot more engaging & rewarding + I'm re-discovering that element of Far Cry that made it so enjoyable, which is all the different ways to tackle situations. I could play through this demo loads of times & I'd probably do things different every time. The sense of exploration as well. It makes for a very engrossing & realistic environment. Still feels a little to like Far Cry though. As Samon said, Far Cry 1.5. Even the island setting is obviously the same as Far Cry. I wonder what Far Cry 2 will be like?! It's set in Africa so it least the environments will look a lot different.
There will be desert environments and also african-jungle ones, from the 20 minute video Far Cry 2 seems really awesome.

As for the first Far Cry..I pretty much liked the first few levels,going from different directions and exploring a bit, but there were A LOT of things I hated in Far Cry.
The trigens of course , the AI was cheating on high difficulty levels,they knew where you are and were absorbing bullets like tanks and a few other things I won't bother writing.
But still there were a lot of fun moments too.
I actually didn't mind the very first 'monkey' Trigen. The first level they were introduced was pretty awesome, as were most preceeding. It was when they became poor Doom clones with rocket launchers and invisiblity that the game went to shit.

The best bits of Far Cry were very good - if either Crysis or Far Cry 2 can build on these without any of the rubbish they will be great fun.
I actually didn't mind the very first 'monkey' Trigen. The first level they were introduced was pretty awesome, as were most preceeding. It was when they became poor Doom clones with rocket launchers and invisiblity that the game went to shit.

The best bits of Far Cry were very good - if either Crysis or Far Cry 2 can build on these without any of the rubbish they will be great fun.

The introduction was good,but then when I first got to fight them it sucked.
Won't be getting this til I get a rig that can run it good and proper. Oh well, my consoles will console me in the interim. :D
emergent gameplay

Does that mean "we can't be arsed to create interesting gameplay so you, the gamer, have to find ways to have fun with the game" like in Bioshock?
I actually didn't mind the very first 'monkey' Trigen. The first level they were introduced was pretty awesome, as were most preceeding. It was when they became poor Doom clones with rocket launchers and invisiblity that the game went to shit.
Yeah the first Trigen level was great. But every other mutant enemy sucked!
The introduction (to Far Cry) was good,but then when I first got to fight them it sucked.
I remember when I first played Far Cry. I thought the sane after the first fight. Combat felt woeful at first. But I gave it another chance & soon got into the swing of things. Remember the second battle after the short swim across the lagoon? I must have done that a dozen time just to see how many ways I could get through it. It was fantastic. Crysis is now starting to look like this. Takes a little while to get into things, especially the nano suit capabilities & functions. But once you start to get to grips it starts to feel very natural. First impressions were pretty bad for me but this is starting to shape up for a definite purchase ;)
For some reason EA don't allow downloading in some countries so I can't pre-order Crysis,which I kinda want..meh.
Can't pre order UT3 either >.>
WTF?! An EA game the highest rated PC game ever?! i can't tell my friends this we had a bet where I thought crysis would tank.

Um, new retail packages of Valve games, including the HL2 episodes, are effectively EA games, no?
yeah but EA has had very limited involvement with them and also the games were made before EA decided to make the new retail boxes. It was sierra that did the last retail boxes wasn't it?
EA merely distribute the game.
Yes, I know. They also merely distribute Crysis, so unless I'm missing something, HL2 Ep2, for instance, is as much an EA game as Crysis is... o/t
I actually didn't mind the very first 'monkey' Trigen. The first level they were introduced was pretty awesome, as were most preceeding. It was when they became poor Doom clones with rocket launchers and invisiblity that the game went to shit.

I agree here. I loved that level where they were introduced. Even though I'm a big FarCry supporter, it did get to be way too much at the end I fully admit. I loved most of the game though. I was lucky enough not to have the whole mutant thing spoiled and I thought they did a good job with the transition. I don't see why other games can have mutants and aliens, but when FarCry does it the sky falls.

Oh well, off to give the Crysis demo another whirl.
Those videos were incredible.

The source engine has met it's match.
I just installed the latest Nvidia patch (169.01 I believe) and it has made a world of difference. Before installing the patch, I couldn't play on medium due to texture failures; but now, it runs pretty well on medium. So if you haven't patched your nvidia cards yet it is a good idea.
I think I might just keep typing cynical of responses.

Seriously though. We have an Episode 2 section. You can move your soapbox over there.

If you read the post in question, you will note that the post as a whole is not about my crits of HL2. But I do agree I went on too long on that...
Gabe Newell played Crysis 3x on the GamesConvention in Leipzig (Germany).

And he liked the game ;)