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Oil companies are the only things holding back the electric car. I'm sure we'd survive without oil. Plus I doubt it'll run out that quickly.
Razor you should read the article. Its not the running out of oil that is the main problem here. Its the price of oil when production peaks and supply falls whilst demand increases that will cause the crap to hit the fan. Every facet of modern life currently involves oil in some form. Alternatives to oil still require lots of oil to manufacture and when oil is prohibitively expensive these alternatives will not be feasible.

The only way to overcome this would be to nationalise domestic oil supply or get rid of capitalism. Have you read the entire article out of curiosity? You seem intelligent but still put forth ideas that have been covered already in that article.

CRAWFORD, Texas - President Bush is seeking relief from record-high gas prices and support for Middle East peace as he opens his Texas ranch to Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil producer.
Bush Seeks Relief From Record Oil Prices - News Article

We dont have to run out of oil for us to be in dire straights. Its rising oil prices that will kill off our modern way of life.

Keep the discussion going :cheers:
Very interesting article, can't say I'm surprised by the conclusions though :(

Although not all economies are as oil dependant as the US, granted new economies such as China are increasing their oil imports yearly, I don't see the world economic impact as devastating as the author suggests. Time will tell I suppose heh.

Here's a simple solution: ditch your cars and walk, that would also solve the obesity problem ha!
Yeah its not all doom and gloom when you consider how frivolous most of our dependancies on oil are. Its only the food and heating that we really need.
Well, I read the article and I'm glad to read it. BTW Bush is hosting the Saudi king to persuade him to drill more oil. Spooky :)
subz- said:
Razor you should read the article. Its not the running out of oil that is the main problem here. Its the price of oil when production peaks and supply falls whilst demand increases that will cause the crap to hit the fan. Every facet of modern life currently involves oil in some form. Alternatives to oil still require lots of oil to manufacture and when oil is prohibitively expensive these alternatives will not be feasible.

The only way to overcome this would be to nationalise domestic oil supply or get rid of capitalism. Have you read the entire article out of curiosity? You seem intelligent but still put forth ideas that have been covered already in that article.


Bush Seeks Relief From Record Oil Prices - News Article

We dont have to run out of oil for us to be in dire straights. Its rising oil prices that will kill off our modern way of life.

Keep the discussion going :cheers:

Hes a Bolschwist kill him :eek:
We're a smart race. I'm sure we'll be just fine. If not, who cares? We had a fun century of war, technology, fast living and longievity. If a race of Superfish shall come after us, they'll say "**** me, these guys had it good! We need some of this oil crap. It turns everything into gold!" Well, something like that. Maybe it'll be some race of Superdogs.

Then who'd be the master? Then who'd fetch the paper?

You and me, that's who.
Actually, it'll be a super-race of Lawyers.

And why am I reminded of the song Dry County by Bon Jovi?

Damn, you people are depressing.

-Angry Lawyer
Well, concerning the problem of transportation of goods, VALVe solved it pretty good with Steam :D :D
Jebus!! Thats some heavy reading!!
I am saving that one for when I have time to read and digest properly.A quick read shows it looks pretty useful(if a little usa-centric in its data) and level headed.
Thanks for the link A.I
I have told this story to 4 kids now they are very paranoid and extremely upset. Thanks subz
Zeus said:
I have told this story to 4 kids now they are very paranoid and extremely upset. Thanks subz

So you have already said,

Zeus said:
By the way I have spread this around in my school and now everyone is afraid and really upset

Would you rather be kept in the dark and not told the truth about the future? Dont blame me for the bad news either im just giving people information that I feel they have the right to know.
Umm, They were telling us the same shit in the 70's!!! The meat industry alos did a sort of price fix via false projectories... There is alot of price manipulation goin on RIGHT now in front of our noses, and we need to stay alert... Bush makes a freakin ton of money off oil, how good is it to be the head of a country your business is thriving in? Anyways, anyone notice how as soon as stockholders started showing their panick, and how oil prices have recently impacted our economy, all the sudden WOW, the price of oil per barrell freezes, AMAZING isn't it??? And its not cause Bush met with syria ro whatever, it's because the oil industry is playing the gauging game, and keeping track of whether we will fall for this crap or not.. Total price manipulation.... See, Oil companies don't wan to see another alternativce, it probably wouldn't be as lucrative as this, or we would be a hell of alot further down the road of oil independence... It's like the tomato shortage, we were told there is a shortage of tomato's this year, and the price went sky high, the TWO weeks later, they had more tomato's than we've ever had available, same crap.... PGE, utilites, "Oh we're bankrupt"!!! LoL, All the sudden when agancies started coming down on the utilities, a Miracle happened, they came up with the money, more than likely the money they robbed from their customers... It's this kinda shit that kills me... Guys, It's the Rich against the poor, always has been... Don't beieve half this crap... Watch, when gas prices drop to all time lows after summer, I'm gonna laugh my ass off, cause I already know whats going on, and wont be surprised... Remember, if what these people are saying is true, Oil can never come down price right? If we're on the downswing of oil in the world, prices can never come down right?... Watch when we use less, watch the oil companies squirm and oil prices drop, remember, it's not because we used less oil if our supply is terminally being depleated... I would hope that everyone see's whats happening and understands it for what it is... It's the rich gouging the poor!
Just blame these SUV whores, seriously, do you need a freak'n hulking sports vehicle to pick your kids from school? Or go home from your office job? We should all poor sand into the gas tanks of SUV's we see, it'll do us all a favor.
Cumon now, in the 70's alls we had was 8 cylinder freakin gas hogs... Same BS we've been fed for decades..!!!
It's easy to make excuses for shit, and not have anything to back it up.... We want hard evidence... We want real figures... For the love of god, we never get chalkboard evidence of anything... We always have to take someones word for it... Lets make public some real statistics for once.!!! You know why that will never happen?.. Do you? Because it would ruin the way of life of the rich... We will never have concrete info of anything having to do with our economy, our ventures into other countries, or our state of existence because....... Lets hear it, they dont want us to know the truth about where our money goes, it would be damaging to our brainwashing, we have to be programmed, that's the american way, we can't think for ourselves, we need someone to tell us everythings OK, when it isn't.. we are cattle, and always will be!!!!! Did any of you hear Bush's speach tonight, Doesn't he just sounds sweet? He cares about each and every one of us.... Americans..... Don't fall for this shit please, I am begging you to think for yourselves.. There is a big mess to clean up in america, I don't envy the next president, I certainly wouldn't want this mess to clean up....
Dude the Oil Crisis of the 1970's was artificially caused by the Iranians. They were angry at the American meddling in their country so they threw a spanner into the Worlds oil supply. A shortfall of 5% in supply vs demand caused the Oil crisis of the 1970's/

This is a completley different set of circumstances. The shortfall in supply of 2% per annum for the last 4 years is being caused by a peak in oil production coming from Oil wells running out. Its not the same.
STEELH3D said:
It's easy to make excuses for shit, and not have anything to back it up.... We want hard evidence... We want real figures... For the love of god, we never get chalkboard evidence of anything... We always have to take someones word for it... Lets make public some real statistics for once.!!! You know why that will never happen?.. Do you? Because it would ruin the way of life of the rich... We will never have concrete info of anything having to do with our economy, our ventures into other countries, or our state of existence because....... Lets hear it, they dont want us to know the truth about where our money goes, it would be damaging to our brainwashing, we have to be programmed, that's the american way, we can't think for ourselves, we need someone to tell us everythings OK, when it isn't.. we are cattle, and always will be!!!!! Did any of you hear Bush's speach tonight, Doesn't he just sounds sweet? He cares about each and every one of us.... Americans..... Don't fall for this shit please, I am begging you to think for yourselves.. There is a big mess to clean up in america, I don't envy the next president, I certainly wouldn't want this mess to clean up....

'ere you go 'bout the figures: (90 pages long report about oil depletion)

And maybe get this documentary - The End Of Suburbia.
I can't say that oil will always be here, because it's not. We're gonna run out, but by then hopefully we'll have layed down some good concepts of new energy sources (ie, the sun, which is a pure producer, and would be awesome to grasp its power on a massive scale)

Oil burns effeciently. Perhaps, with genetic engineering or chemical mixing, we could make other things burn effeciently too?
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