Peak oil

but seriously what we all should do?
start to cry in the floor and prepare to fight for food?
but seriously what we all should do?
start to cry in the floor and prepare to fight for food?
In all honesty, move the hell out of cities. Learn to raise your own food, buy gold, not as an investment, but physical gold that you can keep in a safe. Paper money will be about as valued as the material it's printed on soon. That way if the economy collapses you'll possess something someone might value as currency.

The fewer people there are in the area around you, the less likely it will be that you'll have to fight for food.
Well if Y2K didn't get you, if asteroids from space don't get you, if climate change doesn't blow you away, if the terrorists don't blow you to bits, and if Bush doesn't blow the building you're standing in to the ground, perhaps Peak Oil will.

Or perhaps its just another stupid internet scare story written by people with no access to reality.
So..Should I receive training in something useful instead of Computer Science/Graphic Design, etc?

Should I act as if this isn't going to happen?

What skills would be more useful in the case of the collapse of society?
is just that if is so serious then why not spread the messages

also why they dont make those "get ready" books for free if is going to be so tragicall?
Well if Y2K didn't get you, if asteroids from space don't get you, if climate change doesn't blow you away, if the terrorists don't blow you to bits, and if Bush doesn't blow the building you're standing in to the ground, perhaps Peak Oil will.

Or perhaps its just another stupid internet scare story written by people with no access to reality.
And you're a dumbass with no grasp of logic. Read the damn site.
This is more than just an "internet scare story", this is scientific fact
Do you see theory in there any where? I don't think so.
is just that if is so serious then why not spread the messages
That's what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to get the word out.
so why go to collegue or stuff like that if is not going to be usefull in the future?
Well if Y2K didn't get you, if asteroids from space don't get you, if climate change doesn't blow you away, if the terrorists don't blow you to bits, and if Bush doesn't blow the building you're standing in to the ground, perhaps Peak Oil will.

Or perhaps its just another stupid internet scare story written by people with no access to reality.

No dude! It's real this time! Honest!
what about nuclear energy and electricity?
what about nuclear energy and electricity?

Nuclear energy is good, the problem is, there aren't enough plants, and many have been decommissioned and creation of new plants has ceased.

By the way, once this hits, it's open season on environmentalists.
so whats the solution if there is any?

I really dont believe there will be a apocalipsis in this,after where the like the god of our technology,many stuff that where like impossible years ago are comon now so problably some solution will apear
so whats the solution if there is any?

I really dont believe there will be a apocalipsis in this,after where the like the god of our technology,many stuff that where like impossible years ago are comon now so problably some solution will apear
Humanity will survive, but in a pre-industrial age state.

Nature has a way of getting rid of its problems, that's for sure.
Peak Oil? Is that like Teak Oil?

I think oil is a bad thing. We're killin' the planet, maaan.

There's plenty of alternatives. If it takes a catastrophy in the current generation to make us get things straight, then so be it. I'm willing to die in the interest of saving the planet and keeping it habitable for future generations.

First thing I thought of was Peak Antifreeze!
And you're a dumbass with no grasp of logic. Read the damn site.
This is more than just an "internet scare story", this is scientific fact
Do you see theory in there any where? I don't think so.

It's not scientific fact that civilization will crumble as we know it. That's preposterous. Oil as we know it only started to affect our lives tremendously from 1846 onward.

Again as I said... the lack of oil will not bring progress to the future for a halt. There's nothing that says oil is the only way to the future, and without it nothing can progress.

Oil is just hindering us. We'll find better alternatives eventually, and it won't be after the world has reverted back to the middle ages either. That's just silly talk.
Again as I said... the lack of oil will not bring progress to the future for a halt. There's nothing that says oil is the only way to the future, and without it nothing can progress.
So the fact that our entire society depends on oil means nothing in the long run, even if oil runs out? -_-
If oil goes, civilization goes. It's our foundation. Name a cheap alternative, one that doesn't depend on oil to be produced.
So the fact that our entire society depends on oil means nothing in the long run, even if oil runs out? -_-
If oil goes, civilization goes. It's our foundation. Name a cheap alternative, one that doesn't depend on oil to be produced.

oil is our civilizations foundation, thats true.

picture it this way. when oil prices become really high, people will start using public transport. more people will start building energy efficient houses. there will be less luxuries for the masses. there will be laws of more rational consumption of food.

we'll adapt. look at Europe, we're heading the right way. US is still stuck in the 1950.
The question isn't weither we will adapt or not, we will.. it's weither we can adapt quick enough to prevent economic compression from becoming enough of a problem to collapse the system.

The main problem when people realise this is actually happening all of a sudden is investors will stop investing for fear of loosing money, people will stop taking loans.. etc, and as a consequence the economy contracts and money begins to literally vanish from the system, this accelerates interest and pricing increases and at some point the banks will have to freeze interest to stop the problem from escalating into something uncontrollable.
Alternative place to live?: Yes, girlfriends house (in the country side, warmed with firewood, massive amounts of forest around + sea is 5 min away by foot) OR our summer cottage on OUR island. Wood, sea and fish.

Guess I'm all right !
Alternative place to live?: Yes, girlfriends house (in the country side, warmed with firewood, massive amounts of forest around + sea is 5 min away by foot) OR our summer cottage on OUR island. Wood, sea and fish.

Guess I'm all right !

buddy, there are almost 7 billion people in the world, do you really think you'd have that place all by yourself?
People can be as sarcastic as they like but I would prefer someone to honestly explain to me exactly how Peak Oil will not fuck up absolutely everything.

The Olduvai Theory also scares me immensely.

I have a house on a Scottish island, which will be nice until global warming hits, lol!

I plan to take to the highways, Mad Max style. Anyone care to join me?
I will join you, but I think our cars may have to be pedal-powered.
buddy, there are almost 7 billion people in the world, do you really think you'd have that place all by yourself?

How many of those billion would ever get to Finland? or come here anyway? It's not the best place to try to survive.
Yes, peak oil is a myth because everyone knows that their is an infinite supply of oil under the Earth's surface, and that combined with a steady level of global population (i.e not exponentially increasing) should ensure our survival.

By the way I was being sarcastic. Playing them at their own game, Skull dudds! Hah!
In my opinion the impending energy crisis is why overunity technologies should now atleast be investigated seriously, if any of it is atleast remotely true it could be the key to completely saving the entire planetary system.
So the fact that our entire society depends on oil means nothing in the long run, even if oil runs out? -_-
If oil goes, civilization goes. It's our foundation. Name a cheap alternative, one that doesn't depend on oil to be produced.

Do you really think that humanity won't be able to get past the oil dependency? Yes, sure things will grind to a halt for a period, quite possibly. At least a huge excess of what we humans use. But that doesn't mean those things will stay inactive for the remainder of humanities existence. They'll start again as scientists discover new ways to harness energies.

As I said before, there's nothing in the laws of physics that says petroleum is the only way to the future. It's actually a very piss poor way to the future. And because we're not limited only by oil to progress, we'll find those other ways, and it won't take dozens of years/centuries either. It'll just require considerable pressure... pressure which people have been under before and developed amazing things. Even if it requires oil for the research process... it'll be able to happen. Why? Because all oil as we know it won't just disappear.

I'm not pretending that it won't have a huge effect on us... but I don't think its an unclimbable wall. I believe it is just a considerable speed-bump on our future path.
I forsee a dying gasp and spasm of humanity all scanvenging in a free-for-all battle for the last resources of Earth that are circling the drain in the near future.
We REALLY need to start thinking about alternate-fuel.
I'm not gonig to go all hippie..
But if we keep using oil, soon enough we won't have anymore and we wont be ready to change.
If we run out of oil we will just use something else. There is a guy who got his car to run on just water. There are lots of better alternatives to oil, its just that the government doesn't want us to use them since they get such a big cut on oil.
We REALLY need to start thinking about alternate-fuel.
I'm not gonig to go all hippie..
But if we keep using oil, soon enough we won't have anymore and we wont be ready to change.

That's true,as people we must insist on investgating alt.fuels.
They're supposed to give off 10 times the energy that you put in, if things go successfully. I don't think it's a sustainable design (not sure though), it's the prototype to do the initial experiments with, after which (probably 30 years from now) they'll be in a position to build a sustainable and commerical plant.

The current JET design only gives off 2/3 of what is put in, so it'll be a huge leap forward.
You can buy a car that runs on water, but it's $1,000,000 I think.
well yes iter it's in its experimental stage.

if there were more funds wed be cooking on fusion energy by the end of this decade.
clarky fusion is the power of the future, stop being silly with your silly overunity devices, at least for 200 years.
stop being silly with your silly overunity devices

rofl, what do you think the process of fusion is?

I'm not being silly, Tesla claimed it, many people have claimed it over the years, The company Steorn have got a prototype on the table, if it works and it's cheaper than hot fusion.. use it.
rofl, what do you think the process of fusion is?

I'm not being silly, Tesla claimed it, many people have claimed it over the years, The company Steorn have got a prototype on the table, if it works and it's cheaper than hot fusion.. use it.

you certainly didn't meant hot fusion, with overunity technologies, or did you?

link please!
If you insist. The most recent was a news piece that Steorn did, it was also on sky news.