Peak oil

Peak oil theory takes into account every drop of oil currently known to exist on the planet.
Who are "they" that say there's enough oil to fuel the entire world's need for oil for 40 years?
I've got a very large numbers of Ph.D-possessing scientists that firmly disagree.

Parrot: Pull your head out of the sand. You're disagreeing with the almost all the scientists that study this issue. People that think like you are the reason we're in this mess.

But of course, some random average joe on the internet knows LOADS more about this subject than scientists that study this field, right? And the earth was created in 6 days. *sigh*

The people mining it, I guess. They've already sold twenty years worth of it, or so they said on the show I was watching.

I guess what they're using is probably the overall usage of oil estimated worldwide, vs how much they're able to pump, and predictions on how much they have via imaging scans or whatnot.

But what do you mean every drop of oil in the earth? We don't know where every oil well on the entire earth is. The world is mostly water, and hidden beneath that water could be vast swaths of oil buried beneath the ground.

I actually don't know anything about the place other than what I saw on the discovery channel. So getting into deep conversation about it, I cannot. I just thought the complex was intriguing.
It's not possible that the scientists are lying. In fact, it's impossible.

It is also impossible that they were just wrong.
The people mining it, I guess. They've already sold twenty years worth of it, or so they said on the show I was watching.

I guess what they're using is probably the overall usage of oil estimated worldwide, vs how much they're able to pump, and predictions on how much they have via imaging scans or whatnot.

But what do you mean every drop of oil in the earth? We don't know where every oil well on the entire earth is. The world is mostly water, and hidden beneath that water could be vast swaths of oil buried beneath the ground.

I actually don't know anything about the place other than what I saw on the discovery channel. So getting into deep conversation about it, I cannot. I just thought the complex was intriguing.

Deepwater oilrigs are much more costly and I can't imagine putting them too far off shore and trying to maintain them with any success. And your right we do not know about every SINGLE drop of oil on this earth, but we've been searching for it for over 100 years and we've gotten pretty darn good at it, despite that, discovery of new oil crawls along at a snails pace compared to where it was in the 1960's. Why is this? Well, the logical conclusion would be that there isn't much more out there for us to find, so we have to live with the wells that we are pumping now and the ones that will come online in the next few years.

Thats where peak oil comes in, every field has a MAXIMUM OUTPUT that is reached, or the "peak". Then a plateau may follow or decline will start to happen, which means LESS OIL is produced from there on out form that day forward, day after day after day. This has been studied and PROVEN TO BE TRUE for every single oil field we have found in all of existence. Also in a similar fashion entire nations peak as the culmination of their different fields production, just as the US PEAKED IN 1970. The US peaking is one reason why it has to import so much of the stuff daily from countries that don't like it. Eventually one day the world will peak and then there will be no excess capacity nowhere else to import from it will just be a downhill slide for our global economy. If you would like a more in depth look at peak oil, for the love of the non-existant god, read the site in my signature.
It's not possible that the scientists are lying. In fact, it's impossible.

It is also impossible that they were just wrong.

The scientists that say peak oil is nothing to be concerned about generally work for Exxon. Think about that one for a few :)
Parrot, pardon me, but you seem to disregard all doomsday theories of the day as obvious bullshit simply because they're doomsday theories. I mean, I've never heard you explain actually why global warming will definitely not be a problem, or why we'll all definitely be fine with regards to oil. Saying "there's plenty of it left" seems insufficient (the idea is that we require oil production to constantly increase, and if it begins to decrease...) - it's not about oil just running out.

I mean, healthy cynicism is one thing...
Parrot, pardon me, but you seem to disregard all doomsday theories of the day as obvious bullshit simply because they're doomsday theories. I mean, I've never heard you explain actually why global warming will definitely not be a problem, or why we'll all definitely be fine with regards to oil. Saying "there's plenty of it left" seems insufficient (the idea is that we require oil production to constantly increase, and if it begins to decrease...) - it's not about oil just running out.

I mean, healthy cynicism is one thing...

1. Global warming will not be a problem because its part of the cycle of climate change that this planet has been witnessing for billions of years. The science suggesting that mankind has an affect on this process is thus far unproven. Healthy debate of the subject is discouraged - to the detriment of the science surrounding the issue.

2. Peak Oil will not be a problem because I have complete faith in mankind's ability to survive and to be creative and invent solutions to problems as they arise. Currently, I do not believe the doomsayer's view of events. I believe thats theres a ****load of oil left, and that when it does run out (in however many hundreds of years) science by then will have easily found a way of replacing our dependence upon it.

There ya go. Now you can bring out the Spanish Inquisition to torture me.
Possible War-for-Oil Scenario #1

It's the year 2015. Oil reserves are giving out less and less oil by the day, and the superpowers and their allies realize that in order to overcome the shock, they'll need more oil first to change. Without more oil, they cannot possibly overcome the massive repurcussions that the change will have on the economies.
2. Peak Oil will not be a problem because I have complete faith in mankind's ability to survive and to be creative and invent solutions to problems as they arise. Currently, I do not believe the doomsayer's view of events. I believe thats theres a ****load of oil left, and that when it does run out (in however many hundreds of years) science by then will have easily found a way of replacing our dependence upon it.
Do you have a source to back up your beliefs or are you just speculating?
I really think the whole will not go into a apocaliptic state of killing other people for oil,humanity may be stupid but sure it will not go like that
So what will we power our society with after oil runs out? All of our transportation is based on oil. No transportation means you don't get any more bananas, no more cheap electronics, no more cheap chinese clothes, no more raw materials used for local manufacturing. A lot of our electricity comes from petroleum as well. That means electricity prices will go up and the power grid gets more strained. Natural gas heating willl have to run out one day. Planes run on gas so forget backpacking in Europe unless you plan on swimming.

People say we can replace oil with ethanol. Well there isn't enough crop land in the whole world to produce half enough ethanol to meet oil demand. The worlds gonna be a bit less cheerful for quite a while once we run out of energy.