mega maniac said:But you do get clues in half life, you just have to ick up ont them. Many of them have already been said, and did you listen to the radio in the prison? Dowsnt tell you a great deal apart from the fact that breen is talking to the prison guards like he has been expecting you all along. Trying to psych them up, telling them you are just a aman, nothing special, he then goes on to talk about your past and how you came to be in black mesa. Its all subtle clues and for me they are given to you EXACTLY how a good murder mystery givs you clues. I think the game is superbly crafted and i really think they spent a god damn lot of time working out the story.
As for your friends, they dont know where you have been, they just as likely think you know where you have been for the past few years, and im dont expect them to ask yu where you have been. But this will be wrapped up, as i said if you left a novel before the end you would be guessing about it for the rest of your life. Thats what Hl3 is for, and if nothing is explained the i will eat my sock.
Subtle clues? I can't listen to Dr.Breen if I have combine guards trying to gun me down. Yeah it's a great idea but poorly implemented, take this example: near the end, when you're in the citadel waiting for the lift, Breen starts to talk and you have a thousand combine guards storming the place at the same time... I heard him say something about Gordon having genes implanted and talk about choosing his own path but I can't hear him clearly. I guess I have to extract the wav files to find the "subtle clues" then huh?
The story clearly has no meaning at this point; the G-man supposedly wakes you up for a reason, yet he gives you NO assignement, instead he lets you wander in an unknown world with no weapons or your suit for that matter. For what? what is Gordon's purpose in C17? Why now? If he wanted to rid C17 of the combine why didn't he wake Gordon before Breen and his goons took over...
You'll find out in HL3 you noob!
Yeah right, they'll just add more plot holes.