Personal Game of the Year for 2009

Wanted Bob

Companion Cube
Oct 17, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys,

So I know this sort of thread is pretty damn late, but after watching the awards show for 4playerpodcast (and searching for a similar thread of course), I decided to pose the question to you:

What is your personal game of the year? The game should be from 2009, though if you played a game this year that wasnt made in 2009 feel free to add that as well.

I'll start. My 2009 game of the year is Borderlands (since I havent played enough of Dragon Age to get a good opinion). To be honest, I am totally amazed that it became that popular. A few years ago I read about the concept in PCG, and while they mentioned the loot system, no-one really payed attention after that. That is, until it received that massive overhaul in the visual department, and picked up steam until its release. This game kept me super addicted for quite a while. Not only did they actually back up their claim of an astronomical amount of guns, but they managed to create a world that had peronality and style. Shame about the story, but IMO this game didnt need it to get you hooked.

As for a game I played this year that was released another year, that award goes to X3: Terran Conflict. Anyone who has paid attention to me in quite a few gaming threads (probably no-one) has heard me mention this game. This game is the definition of what an open world game is all about. The sheer amount of things you can do in this game is mind-boggling. If you perfer to blow anything up that so much looks at you funny, you can amass a fleet large enough to leave literally nothing by charred remains in your wake. However, if trading is more your style, its quite possible to create your own stations and mega-complexes, allowing you to not only create equipement for yourself instead of buying it, but to have a huge effect on the game's dynamic economy. It's also a damn gorgeous game, but requires a good rig to crank up the settings. All this depth comes at a big price unfortunately. The game's pace is GLACIAL, it takes forever to get anything monumental done in the game. In addition, there are a ton of controls that will take quite a while to get used to (but their community is extremely helpful to newbies). Finally, the voice acting and story flat-out suck and are not really worth paying attention to. All in all, I've logged over 120 hours in this game, and show no sign of slowing down.

Whew, now that that is done, what about you guys?

Please try to be respectful of other people's opinions, I know GoTY claims tend to ruffle people's feathers, but just ignore it if you can :)

EDIT: Feel free to explain your choices as well, as in why is it a personal favourite.
Batman for me. Although Dragon Age and Borderlands comes in a close 2nd and 3rd.
COD:MW2 because I logged in the most hours into it and still love it even today. Single player was fun and ridiculous, co-op was a blast for a short period, and multiplayer brings lots of varieties to kill people online and on XBL theres hardly a dull moment. Borderlands would be my #2 game. now if we are talking about our favorite game for 2009 by catagory here we go:

Racing----Dirt 2
Action----Batman, Infamous
Strategy----Pixel Junk Monsters PSP
Arcade: Pixel Junk Shooter

I still need to pump more hours into Dragon Age, and I believe my most anticipated games this year are mostly PS3 games; FFXIII, God of War 3, and on Xbox Mass Effect 2.
2009 was a shit year for gaming, there, i said it, go **** 2009, i dont want to see it again
Games from 2007.

Actually, wait - I didn't play any games in 2009. Or did I?
omg theres a ****load of games for every year! I'm still trying to get caught up on games from the early 2000s so if you think the year sucks for games go play some older ones. also pc 2009 was rather weak, console 2009 was a bit stronger. i'm also surprised no one said Assassin's Creed 2 yet...i heard it was a good one
I really havent played many console games this year, aside from Skate 2 (which was pretty damn fun).
Has to be Uncharted 2.

Maybe Assassins Creed 2 as I loved every minute of that game.

But Uncharted 2 blew me away.

Batman Arkham Asylum was great, but not as memorable for me. Definitely deserves the praise and awards it recieved.
It's gonna be a tossup between demon's souls and uncharted 2, one for raising the standards of production quality and presentation and the other for amazingly rewarding gameplay.

Both are must plays by any means necessary.
Ive heard great things about Demon's Souls.

Ive bought the game, its just on my bed in a package and I'm away from home, grrrr. Sat alongside Bayonetta and God Of War Collection.

I want to go home NOW damn it!
I've barely been able to play games this year, but it's a tie between Arkham Asylum and Plants Vs Zombies.
Depending on the day, either Demon's Souls, ODST, NSMB, L4D2 or SF4.
I dont get what was so amazing about Uncharted 2. I'm almost through with it (probably like 30 mins away from the ending, the system froze right after i beat a hard part so i gave up for the night) and nothing ive seen besides the graphics have been superphenomenal like everyone says. Even the graphics are meh at most points, with only a few settings looking amazing. The gameplay is good, and varied, and the pacing is decent, but this makes for an above average game, not a great game like everyone is saying it is.
I would say Dragon Age, but I'm sort of fresh off the just played it bus so I can't be too objective. What was I playing earlier this year? There weren't too many new games of value out there. I played a lot of games I missed out on in 2008.

Well I think if we're going for best game all around for 2009... Left 4 Dead 2

It's all the fun of Left 4 Dead 1 with Left 4 Dead 2 included.
Its widely praised for the way it tells the story.

The voice acting combined with the actual voice actors doing the motion capture, so youre basically watching them act on screen eventhough they did all the audio in a booth.

The graphics are pretty much the best the PS3 is capable of (and many critics agree).

The settings were incredible.

The cut-scenes melted into the gameplay perfectly.

The setpieces were incredible and memorable.

The script was funny.

You just wanted to play more and more.

It was, more importantly, a huge leap forward in the method(s) of storytelling, motioncapture and casting/audio.

You dont get the same experience in any other game these days. The only game that came even slightly close, but still misses the mark, is MGS4.
So basically it was just expensive to make. Gotcha.
Its widely praised for the way it tells the story.

The voice acting combined with the actual voice actors doing the motion capture, so youre basically watching them act on screen eventhough they did all the audio in a booth.

The graphics are pretty much the best the PS3 is capable of (and many critics agree).

The settings were incredible.

The cut-scenes melted into the gameplay perfectly.

The setpieces were incredible and memorable.

The script was funny.

You just wanted to play more and more.

It was, more importantly, a huge leap forward in the method(s) of storytelling, motioncapture and casting/audio.

You dont get the same experience in any other game these days. The only game that came even slightly close, but still misses the mark, is MGS4.

My response to this can only be summed up with this:


Oh dear- 2009

I can't really think of any. Cod 6 is a worthy contender but cod is always a contender. Nearly all games that I play now are not from 2009. I will let cod have it. :(


I cannot believe I just gave cod 6 game of the year. Ouch.


For the multi. Single player is a waste of a whopping 2 hours.
My favourite of the last year was probably Plants vs Zombies, for the simple non-objective reason that I had consistent fun for hours upon hours. That and I skipped on most of 2009's full-price releases until I can pick them up a lot cheaper, filling my time with Steam bargains and 2007 / 8's best titles. (Also, I'm too cool for school and enjoy turning my nose up at MW2, which I've almost forgotten playing).

Best non 2009 game I played for the first time? Either Little Big Planet or Thief: The Dark Project (though I've played the first mission and a half of the later a million times over, I only got round to completing it fully this past year).
I dont get what was so amazing about Uncharted 2. I'm almost through with it (probably like 30 mins away from the ending, the system froze right after i beat a hard part so i gave up for the night) and nothing ive seen besides the graphics have been superphenomenal like everyone says. Even the graphics are meh at most points, with only a few settings looking amazing. The gameplay is good, and varied, and the pacing is decent, but this makes for an above average game, not a great game like everyone is saying it is.

same here, in fact i haven't even touched it after getting past the train level. i probably should have just bought this when it hit the $15 price point a year from now used at gamestop.
I didn't get any new game from 2009 this year. I played some COD6 on 360, but that's about it, really. Huge meh this year was.
battlefield 1943 was pretty good, although a lot of major releases came after i started college and stopped buying games so idk for sure.
Racing:Forza 3
Shooter: Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
I've hardly played any games from this year so my options are limited but I've had the most fun playing:
New Super Mario Bros Wii
Star Ocean: The Last Hope

Runner-up: Mirror's Edge

Neither of those should really be game of the year material... good job 2009!
Dragon Age.

It was...decent. I pretty much bought it on a whim without having any real interest in it beforehand. Really enjoyed it at first, but spending hours and hours grinding through some of the longer sections of the game just completely killed it for me. I still haven't actually completed it, even though I'm basically at the final boss, and have been for weeks now.

The only other new game I remember buying last year was ArmA2, and a couple of others during the Steam xmas sales which I haven't even installed yet. So all in all - big fat meh.
Dragon Age.

It was...decent. I pretty much bought it on a whim without having any real interest in it beforehand. Really enjoyed it at first, but spending hours and hours grinding through some of the longer sections of the game just completely killed it for me. I still haven't actually completed it, even though I'm basically at the final boss, and have been for weeks now.

The only other new game I remember buying last year was ArmA2, and a couple of others during the Steam xmas sales which I haven't even installed yet. So all in all - big fat meh.
ArmA 2 looks so good. I wish it was on 360 or I had a good PC to play it.
ArmA 2 looks so good. I wish it was on 360 or I had a good PC to play it.

Yeah - it looks nice alright, but it's essentially a clunky 10 year old game dressed up nicely. The last time I tried to play it the campaign was bugged to shit and didn't work properly. The mission editor's a lot of fun but isn't worth the admission price alone.