Petition for a class-action lawsuit



I can't play half-life 2 because I registered my key on my old computer and my steam account on my new computer says I need to register but I already have, so I can't do it again.

Steam team is not responding to my emails, and their site is no help at all. The only option I see avaible to me is to reset my registration for $10 not to mention mailing costs. Thats not right, I own this game with intention of playing it without having to pay for further rights.

Maybe, I'm not the only one who is can't play because of the ineffective way Steam does bussiness. If anyone can't play their game because Steam is a poor program that can lock rightful users out of the game they paid for, post below, we could start a lawsuit.
I couldnt get direct help i gave them my system summary and they still gave me the same stuff ALREADY on thier website.
Eventually someone on community servers helped me out cause
(i wasnt gonna blow 200 bucks on my Geforce 5700 without reson too).
It took me about 2 weeks to get the game working, Halflife is a great game but its support sucks they should put that on the box cause people are gonna need theropy after this crap.
P.S u sue them i want some money :)
iamharper said:
I can't play half-life 2 because I registered my key on my old computer and my steam account on my new computer says I need to register but I already have, so I can't do it again.

Install Steam on new computer, use your old username and password. Steam will then download and install HL2.

Maybe, I'm not the only one who is can't play because of the ineffective way Steam does bussiness. If anyone can't play their game because Steam is a poor program that can lock rightful users out of the game they paid for, post below, we could start a lawsuit.

If you didn't keep track of your username/password, that's hardly down to Valve or Steam.
Heh, online petitions NEVER work... Prepare to get Rhowned.
If you win, I better get money. If you lose, I laugh at you.
Why do I get the feeling most people here are Steam fanboys?
I agree that Steam is crap, and we shouldn't need to put up with, but I don't think your reason is good enough for a lawsuit.
I can't play half-life 2 because I registered my key on my old computer and my steam account on my new computer says I need to register but I already have, so I can't do it again.

You can use a Steam account on more than one computer, if Pi Mu Rho didn't make that clear. Use your old username and password.
iamharper said:
I can't play half-life 2 because I registered my key on my old computer and my steam account on my new computer says I need to register but I already have, so I can't do it again.

Steam team is not responding to my emails, and their site is no help at all. The only option I see avaible to me is to reset my registration for $10 not to mention mailing costs. Thats not right, I own this game with intention of playing it without having to pay for further rights.

Maybe, I'm not the only one who is can't play because of the ineffective way Steam does bussiness. If anyone can't play their game because Steam is a poor program that can lock rightful users out of the game they paid for, post below, we could start a lawsuit.

The only person to blame here, is yourself - for not taking 30 seconds of your time to make a note of your username and password for Steam - as is made plainly obvious during the installation process. Unlucky mate.
A lawsuit for this?

Why do I get the image of the sort of people who happily sue strangers who "Look at their dog funny and cause untold mental anguish to said pet" and other literally idiotic court cases...

"Your honor, I wish to sue ATI because they didn't state that their product would not work if I welded it into my computer machine case"
I hope you enter the courtroom and instantly get headshotted by Jess Cliffe. Then he sticks a large flag that says "STEAM ROXORZ" on it, into your dead corpse, and Gabe does the chicken dance on your mangled body.
I wonder what Judge Judy would think of all this..

Anyway I hope it's televised.

A clear case of "the problem lies between the keyboard and the chair".

iamharper said:
I can't play half-life 2 because I registered my key on my old computer and my steam account on my new computer says I need to register but I already have, so I can't do it again.

You didn't register your key on your old computer, you registered it to your steam account on the Steam server. Your games are tied to your Steam account, not the machine you happened to use to register -- that wouldn't be a good system at all. Your Steam username, password, email address and secret question are the keys to your account. If you share them with someone, forget your password or question, or change email address without updating it in Steam, you're in trouble.

When you install Steam on a new machine it'll ask you to log in or create a new account. Since you already have an account, which happens to be on the Steam server and not your old computer, you can just log in. If you get asked for a CD-key at any point just hit cancel, since you've already registered your game key to your Steam account.

iamharper said:
Steam team is not responding to my emails, and their site is no help at all. The only option I see avaible to me is to reset my registration for $10 not to mention mailing costs. Thats not right, I own this game with intention of playing it without having to pay for further rights.

I've always found their site has given me all the help I need. But then I can read and I'm not an idiot.

iamharper said:
Maybe, I'm not the only one who is can't play because of the ineffective way Steam does bussiness. If anyone can't play their game because Steam is a poor program that can lock rightful users out of the game they paid for, post below, we could start a lawsuit.

That's the way to do it. Don't come on a support forum and ask a sensible question from people willing to help, just send in the lawers.
iamharper said:
I can't play half-life 2 because I registered my key on my old computer and my steam account on my new computer says I need to register but I already have, so I can't do it again.

Steam team is not responding to my emails, and their site is no help at all. The only option I see avaible to me is to reset my registration for $10 not to mention mailing costs. Thats not right, I own this game with intention of playing it without having to pay for further rights.

Maybe, I'm not the only one who is can't play because of the ineffective way Steam does bussiness. If anyone can't play their game because Steam is a poor program that can lock rightful users out of the game they paid for, post below, we could start a lawsuit.
I fail to see how steam is to blame. You register software to a steam account, and wheever you go you can use the same account which knows who you are and what software you have. Nothing is kept locally that can't be replaced simply by loggin into your account again (it'll just update itself to what it should be if any files are damaged or missing)

Makes no sense letting you register your CD to as many accounts as you want, since there's really no legal reason to do that
Orcone101 said:
Why do I get the feeling most people here are Steam fanboys?
They aren't. You get that feeling because people here are constantly having to defend Steam against idiots like this. Steam isn't a perfect system, but it beats the hell out of your favorite software company going down the tubes because of piracy. I think that's pretty representative of most people's attitude round here.

Orcone101 said:
I agree that Steam is crap, and we shouldn't need to put up with, but I don't think your reason is good enough for a lawsuit.
I've never had any problems with Steam, and all the people whos' problems I've read about on this forum have turned out to be illiterate (i.e. they can't read), stupid (don't think too good) or trying to use an illegal key (total wankers). I'll say that again; out of the hundreds of posts I've read on this forum complaining about Steam (the system not the games), not a single one was a legitimate complaint.
I use the same username and password for almost all my accounts and email address', so it is pretty easy to follow. Haha, I laugh in your general direction.
Steam does suck, but it's your fault if you forgot your user/pass, not valve's
I didn't make myself clear enough..

I know I registered through Steam, I have my old logon and password and when I use them it fails to recongizes that I have already registered my game. Then I go to register and tells me I have already registered this game another computer and I have to contact valve.
In what way does it "fail to recognise" that you already have the game?
Have you tried contacting valve?

And not trying to rape the support tickets because everytime you update the ticket, the ticket gets sent to the back of the line.

Well good luck with that clas action suit, i'll just point you to the last 4 people who asked if they should sue and found out the problem was on their end.

Who the hell spends $200 in a 5700? :p

To the question:

It creates a hash of the computer now, that's the trade-off for not requiring a CD (from what I understand).
iamharper said:
I didn't make myself clear enough..

I know I registered through Steam, I have my old logon and password and when I use them it fails to recongizes that I have already registered my game. Then I go to register and tells me I have already registered this game another computer and I have to contact valve.

That's quite correct, it won't let you register the game to a new Steam account, otherwise Steam wouldn't provide any copy protection at all. But mouthing off on a forum about lawsuits isn't going to get you any help. How about asking for help nicely and actually providing enough information that people can work out what your problem is, like what exact steps you followed and the exact text of the error messages you encounter?
If it was your old computer, why don't you just take the hardrive out of it and set it up with your new one? Sure it's a little more trouble then you should be begged for, but you'd at least get two hard drives out of it. :) If you don't have your old hard drive, then I don't know what else to suggest.
Um, I don't think it registers to computers... I first installed on a old comp and (tried) to play it there and then I got a new comp.

I just reinstalled on new comp. It is registered to your steam accountnot your computer.
Sorry mate but I can't work out why you're having a problem!

I installed HL1 on my old comp with my old Username. I recently completely upgraded my system and installed HL2 with a new Username. When I tried to install HL1 again it said it had already been registered and as I didnt know my old Username I thought I was buggered.

Luckily steam has an option to send details of the username and password to the current owner's email. I did this - roughly 24 hours later I had an email telling me my old Username. Brill! I simply logged in to Steam with that Username and DOWNLOADED the game! I had the CD in front of me but I just wanted to see what happened :)

So if I can do all that - why can't you install HL2 on your new PC?

Now Windows XP.....don't get me started on that. If your hard disk crashes you're F**ked - unless their Customer Service team are being especially nice you're looking at a new hard disk and Windows CD as you can't register it on a "second" PC.
Why are we suing them for this. e should be suing them for the ginormous downloads its putting on to my computer. How big does a patch have to be.
Noxid said:
Why are we suing them for this. e should be suing them for the ginormous downloads its putting on to my computer. How big does a patch have to be.
hehe nobody is getting sued. And as for massive patches? Their pretty small and the game is around the same size as most others of its class these days.

You can always uninstall it if you need the space, or get a bigger drive.
Well, when fat people can sue fast food companies, you have to take a minute to realize that anything can bring on a lawsuit, and when there is big money and publicity involved lawyers get a collective hard-on. With all the controversy with vivendi, Valve better be careful. After all, beaing able to sue the living crap out of someone for hardly any reason at all is the American dream, sad as that may be.
kmack said:
Well, when fat people can sue fast food companies, you have to take a minute to realize that anything can bring on a lawsuit, and when there is big money and publicity involved lawyers get a collective hard-on. With all the controversy with vivendi, Valve better be careful. After all, beaing able to sue the living crap out of someone for hardly any reason at all is the American dream, sad as that may be.
I think, thankfully its becoming more a joke these days though, and many of these dumbass cases are being kicked out of court for time wasting, so many random people started abusing it and trying to sue for anything.
Let me reinstate why I would like to sue the socks off these scoundrels.

I had half-life2 registered and running on my old computer. After I installed it on my new computer, I logged into my Steam account only to findout it wanted me to register half-life2 again before I could play. Can't do that, cause of Steam. I mailed Steam and Valve and I haven't gotten anything back from them. So screw them, I wanna do the paper work, this is all too frustrating. I can pay them $10 to reset my account, bullocks. I want a damn refund cause I don't own the game anymore, Steam took it back from me.
Wait, so?

You got a new PC and you tried to register the cd keys to another account?

You are being too vague.
So, once again, what exactly does ti say when you log in with your old account?
Try uninstalling HL2 from your PC and then download it through Steam instead. Unless you have a dial-up in which case you'll probably have to have a rethink - it's 4gig I think.