Petition To Sue Valve!

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ooo shutup... i think hes miffed cos he played on it all day...completed it..thinking hes uber...missed like most of the game because of rushing..and is pissed now :p
Thosands of people buy thier game.

It's buggy...but you only discover that IF YOU CAN GET IT RUNNING!

Steam authentication servers failure.

Civil Rights violated with Steam proceedure.

Having to download HL2 files for the retail purchase.

Only putting 1/16th of the Prima guide in the GOLD package.

Sending a shirt that's two sizes to big.
Yay! A troll! Let's feed him by flaming and insulting him, thus causing the problem to grow! :D
haha , civil rights?

please explain how your civil rights were violated.
Zooloo if u hate it that much how about...hmmmm....not playing it?
And you weren't aware of these things months before the game was released why??? It's not like Valve hid any of this stuff before today you know...
I will NOT join any attemp to sue valve.... and I have had a non- working copy of HalfLife 2 on my machine for over 14.5 hours now! I have the texture corruption/wireframes, missing textures, and referenced memory crash error. No one has been able to help me fix this (although many people on this forum have tried.... So I have been re-downloading the ENTIRE damn game (+ steam, etc) for 8+ hours. I doubt that you have had a worse time of it than me, considering that i took a day off of work for this!! BUT, I also know that I will love HalfLife 2 when I am able to play it (which will hopefully be in about 20 minutes when it is finished downloading AGAIN! So chill out, be patient, and work towards solving the problems, not adding to them.
Zooloo said:
Thosands of people buy thier game.

It's buggy...but you only discover that IF YOU CAN GET IT RUNNING!

Steam authentication servers failure.

Civil Rights violated with Steam proceedure.

Having to download HL2 files for the retail purchase.

Only putting 1/16th of the Prima guide in the GOLD package.

Sending a shirt that's two sizes to big.

actually...the retail CE has a SAMPLER!! the Gold Package has the full canoodle...gotta go pick mine up tomorrow actually...keep forgtting to go and get it!

And by the way, you were probably only downloading the activation it can actually un encrypt all of the files...just let it do takes time :p
My civil rights were violated the very second I placed this god forsaken CD into my drive!! You fools!! Time and time again you allow yourselves to be taken to the cleaners by these game companies!! Stand up for yourselves for once in your pathetic lives!!

It's been a half a day and the bloody authentication servers are still locking thousands of men and women out of the game that many of us paid nearly $100.00 for!

Ya right dawg...I'm retarded because I can't get the game to run. I've been installing games for 20+ years and NOTHING compares to this miserable fiasco! Yet, those of us that can't get it to run are retarded? You want retarded...go upstairs and brush your teeth! This is a travesty of injustice beyond compare.

My crackpot team of lawyers are working on the case righ sign up and let's show them who is the boss around here!

i thought it was: a "sue valve because my gf kicked me out of the house for looking at alyx for 20 minutes kind of thread".
Alex...don't et me started on her. If there is not a nude patch out by this time tomorrow I'm suing the mod makers!
I'm also suing my ISP for the overall slowness of tonight! There will be swift justice!!!
I think if their is a little pain to be had in getting it running (worked first time for me) it is worth it in the long run if it leads to a better mechanism for protecting the intellectual property of the games companies from hackers. Yes we are the guinea pigs, but it will get better.

Now go away and cry elsewhere fool unless you are interested in us helping you get it going.
hum this guy seam's to need medical attention.. doctor in the audience ?
Zooloo said:
Civil Rights violated with Steam proceedure.

Would you mind defining 'Civil Rights' for all of us, just to prove that your a moron?
No doctor can help me! I am beyond repair!! I'm suing everything in sight for this debacle! Steam is evil incarnate! I can not believe all of you are dancing on cloud 9 after todays events. This is a direct slap in the face of every PC gamer in the world. I already have my vote for a mass suing...who's next to join the brigade?
The rights belonging to an individual by virtue of citizenship, especially the fundamental freedoms and privileges guaranteed by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and by subsequent acts of Congress, including civil liberties, due process, equal protection of the laws, and freedom from discrimination.

Clearly mine have been breeched with today's dubious events. I have been discriminated against on this bleak day. Once the Steam proceedure initiated...and stalled...initiated...and stalled...initiated...and stalled...initiated...and stalled...initiated...and stalled...initiated...and became clear what the proper course of action was to be. Victory will be mine!!
Kind sir...I DESERVE A GAME!!! $100 and all I get is a steaming pile of Steam. Do does this mean I can count you in?
Steam evil ?? Steam is a small company by gamers for gamers ! they are not an Microsoft Evil licenses selling suing-O-Matic corporation !
i registered my game around 730 pm est. Installed from retail with no problems. Steam loaded up no problem. Unlocking was no problem. CS runs flawless. Other than sound stutters in HL2, my game is running perfect.

Some people didnt prepare their systems. Mine was.
& I guess its valves fault I can't play the game on my computer. They should have made it able to run decently on a pentium 3 866 mhz pc. Its not fair I don't get to play when others can. :hmph:

Why is it that our society is soo sue-happy. Sheesh......
Hay Guyz Can I Sue Valve Because I Cant Activate My Game, Even Though Thousands Of People Had No Trouble? Oh And Wtf The T Shirt Doesnt Fit Me, Looks Like Im Going To Have To Take Legal Action! Omgz The Prima Book Is Incomplete, Even Though It Was Mentioned Countless Times That The Guide Wasnt The Full Version. Wtf Omg 111! It Is Valve's Fault That Im A Moron! Who Is With Me
U can't complain Valve did not do their job !! 866 is not 1.2 GHz ! and 1.2 is the MINIMUM specified by them !! get another computer and if you can't then go play in a cyber-cafe !! it piss me off to see someone with a 386 SX33 complaining he can't play Flight Simulator 2004 1600x1200 AAx8X ASx16X ! come on ! you get the performances you paid for ! and if you have a P4 3.0 w R9800 and up then ask a specialist how to optimize it or read on the net but don't threat Valve of suing them because they did not include a "Fix and optimize this nOOb computer before lauching the game" program !
Nobody is with you, they are contemplating siding with me...kind SIR!
I would suggest that you change to a more low sodium cracker, the clogging of your arteries is evident! Now chant with me "1-2-3-4 we won't take it anymore! Sue! Sue! Suuuuuue Valve!"

Oh wait...I think i'm in...
Would a class action suit be more appropriate in this instance?
Perhaps a civil suit would be thrown out here...allow me to rethink this.
hahahaha at least you are funny !! you can't be serious but you look so sincere !
I think you should sue. Good for a laugh. :)

(Your not going to win though, then again if you spill cofee on yourself, $$$!!)

Why not try and install Half Life 2 whilst drinking coffee, and then when you spill the cofee over yourself you can sue valve for making you stressed enough to spill the cofee!
Zooloo said:
Thosands of people buy thier game.

1. It's buggy...but you only discover that IF YOU CAN GET IT RUNNING!

2. Steam authentication servers failure.

3. Civil Rights violated with Steam proceedure.

4. Having to download HL2 files for the retail purchase.

5. Only putting 1/16th of the Prima guide in the GOLD package.

6. Sending a shirt that's two sizes to big.

1.. most games arnt perfect... 99% of the games made is usually buggy at first... They will release patches to fix these problems.

2. the steam authentication gets busy it cant do everyone right away. (mine it timed out but it said it will keep trying till it goes through but until then i could still play the game, when i rebooted my machine because of a graphic driver upgrade i was greeted with a message saying the cdkey went through and the key is now tied to my account)

3. Read the EULA!!! by agreeing to the agreement you waive any RIGHTS you may have

4.. not me i didnt need to download anything... all i had to do was wait for the unlocking

5.. You cant sue over anything they told you before (if they said a full strat guide included in the CE then maybe but they even said it was a sampler before, so in a way you should have already known about this)

6.. same thing as 5.. but really you know how expensive it would be for them to offer varing shirt sizes? they chose XL because most people would be able to fit in it... its better than getting a shirt 2 sizes too small

But honestly if you were to sue the courts will laugh at you and throw the case out of court.. costing you alot of money...

is it really worth it?
LOL...this day has driven me nuts. OK, for now the legal proceeding are on hold. The only definite suit I'm filling is against my parents for birthing me! WHO'S IN?!?!
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