PHL Delay Editorial

Originally posted by el Chi
Really? It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. HUGE title with a lot of buyers. A lot of buyers who expect 30th September release date.

But to have all your probably minimum wage workers work nonstop for a few weeks to meet some deadline they don't even care about? Not a very good management decision unless its the sort of job you can pick a crack addict off the streets and train them to do it while holding their pants up...
I *think* the gone gold date was announced before the delay rumors surfaced, so that would mean that they knew how to make and ship enough copies before the actual release date. In which case they are probably pretty sure that they can make and ship the neccessary number of copies in the aloted time.
Yes this is true and the americans never went to the moon too. :dozey:
Originally posted by DOOManiac
But to have all your probably minimum wage workers work nonstop for a few weeks to meet some deadline they don't even care about? Not a very good management decision unless its the sort of job you can pick a crack addict off the streets and train them to do it while holding their pants up...
If they're working minimum wage the sad fact is that it possibly makes them easier to exploit. Besides, there's always over-time. I genuinely think it'd be possible. Not that I'd advocate the exploitation of minimum wage workers in any way shape or form. Just saying what happens.
In any case, I don't think CD-pressing plants are going to give you absolute min. wage...
If you saw ''Doom House 2000'' you know that IF fragmaster is a retard, he has the face to match his status.
your avatar will haunt my dreams

EDIT: @ the guy above this one
Hey read the PHL forum thread concerning the article Fragmaster replies to flames : )
Some of HL2 fans, ala fanatics, are brutal to the core. It seems they will kill and tear anyone apart, be it Gabe or Fragmaster. While I don't agree with him, I don't think he is an idiot. He at least tries to state some facts, most of you here just flame him away. I bet 50% of you didn't even read it, because we all know it's cool to talk shit.

I also agree that his previous news posts were stupid in some respect, but this is editorial.
Originally posted by dscowboy
Yes. TF2 was announced BEFORE HL1 was released

Indeed. I remember hundreds were pissed cause they bought Quake 2 solely for TF2, back before Valve bought them. Then they bought Half-Life soley for TF2 (which is why TFC was originally made, to appease angry fans who were thinking of lawsuits when TF2 changed from a free addon to a commercial product)
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Some of HL2 fans, ala fanatics, are brutal to the core. It seems they will kill and tear anyone apart, be it Gabe or Fragmaster. While I don't agree with him, I don't think he is an idiot. He at least tries to state some facts, most of you here just flame him away. I bet 50% of you didn't even read it, because we all know it's cool to talk shit.

I also agree that his previous news posts were stupid in some respect, but this is editorial.

Wow! A third smart person! Yay!

We can have a little smart person party in our own little corner!

Kudos for thinking instead of just posting. :p
The thing about Fragmaster is that I find much of his logic to be faulty. For one, he has referred to TF2 numerous times, which is a whole different deal because the game was completely scrapped a couple times and is being remade. As far as I know Half-Life 2 has been developed using the Source engine all along.

Much of his editorial made sense except for one part: "Besides, he didn't say September 30th, 2003, so he can always say, 'oh, I didn't say what year.'" Who can honestly say that makes the least bit of sense?.

Let's look at the facts which support a Sept. 30 release:

-Valve very recently re-confirmed a September 30 release.

-Valve has never mentioned a delay.

-Gabe said that they are currently in playtesting stages.

-Steam is going "gold" tomorrow.

Besides, I doubt the game would be delayed almost 2 months as many sites are reporting. Playtesting means that they are testing the game, which is for the most part FINISHED (except for bugs). Unless they come across a truckload of horrible show-stopping bugs, the game should not be delayed very long.
Originally posted by DOOManiac
We can have a little smart person party in our own little corner!
You can be quite a self-congratulating conceited elitist soul at times, you know.
You make some excellent points so bear in mind that when I say this it's because of what you said and not what you've said about the people who couldn't stand another month of waiting or the people who, as you rightly said, flame without thinking.
I noticed something just now: on the PHL forums people actually believe the EB guys, read a couple of "My local EB told me yakitty yak..." threads and you'll see there are no flames, funny hey? : )
Originally posted by CommieX
Playtesting means that they are testing the game, which is for the most part FINISHED (except for bugs).

Obviously you've never worked as a software developer :p Adding features to software is EASY, by far the most amount of time consumed in software development is fixing bugs. The fact that they're 'playtesting' doesn't really tell us much about how close they are to being finished. Unless it's already gold, THEY don't even know how close they are to being finished.

And on top of this, we have no idea what's happening on the multiplayer side. Maybe singleplayer HL2 is ready to ship but CS2 (or whatever it is) is still at least two months away from being ready.

Hearing Doug Lombardi say 'Sept 30th' is nice, but that doesn't even begin to explain why Vivendi doesn't think it will ship within the next two months.
Originally posted by Nippy_Kangaroo
he's gonna look like such a f**kin clown if it does get released on the 30th :sniper:
And if it doesn't come out September 30th, loads of HL2 fanboys will look like clowns.

I am tired, so I will put as little thought into this post while it till making some sort of meaning.

Weather HL2 is released on the 30th everyone will be happy, the game that a large number of people counted down the days since it was announced a couple months ago.

If it is delayed even now (Bit late to announce a delay because something is unfinished, IMO.) everyone will still be waiting for that special day for when it does come out. And when it comes out we will all rejoice that we finally got the game that we have been waiting for.

One path is nice and smooth, and the other is rocky. Yet they lead to the same place.

As for Fragmaster... I don't give a ****. He has his own opinions as I have my own. I don't know why everyone needs to bash him every time. If you don't like what he makes, don't read it, simple as that. Though most people seem to like to make it a lot more difficult.
The playtesting could be going so smoothly atm. They find a bug they fix it. No problems. And since when has a PC game company released a game that was totally bug free?

Valve just have to make HL2 decent enough to play without to many bugs then the tension/stress is gone for a little while for them to fix the bugs even further and start releasing patches...
Hit or miss the Sept 30 target, HL2 will be good.

However, Fragmaster's fault lies not in being a cynical [insert derogatory term of choice] but rather in using one of the largest fansites (a commercially backed fansite at that) to spread his cynism. It's not just one editorial, it's a comment here, a blurb there, something new every week. It gets REALLY old.
You probably won't be either in a little while. But it doesn't matter: you're still going to buy the game.
Just not on September 30th.
He's right you know, me and many ppl here aren't buying HL2 on Sept 30th.

We've pre-ordered and payed for our copies long before then :cheese:

Fragmaster is really starting to piss me off, with his lack of confidence in Valve, and above all, with the horrifying amounts of arrogance he writes with.
Maybe I'm missing something, but why is Fragmaster an idiot just because he doesn't believe HL2 will ship on time? So because everyone here (for the most part) is hell-bent on HL2 coming out 9/30, that everyone else who disagrees is an idiot? Maybe someone could explain a little further why he's such an idiot, because he makes a statement that the game will be delayed?
Hes entitled to an opinion yes. What hes doing though is using his power of a major Half Life website to try and tell everyone he is right. His arguments are also pretty weak.

If he just wanted to get his opinion accross then he should simply post on his forums, or allow other people to write up and post their opinion articles on PHL.
I don't know he already had 2 polls up on the site, and has talked about it a few times before. It is getting little "Okkkkk, whatever..."
Planet Halflife is turning to crap. My God, I used to rely on that site for all my Halflife needs. But now, they have just been slacking off. And as for Fragmaster, THE GUY IS AN IDIOT. He even says so himself("...why I flunked out of school"). I think that was very childish of him saying this about Doug Lombardi: "I'll stop short of accusing him of lying, but I think he's been a wee bit misleading." How stupid is that? I mean, he doesn't even know the man. He has as much info on the game as we do and for him to say that about Doug is retarded. Doug has more info on the game than he does. For Doug to say that the game was on scheduleand it not be true would be like him putting a pistol in his mouth and pulling the trigger. Fragmaster can bite me. He even has the audacity to say "...there's a reason why all the major retailers are saying it's not coming out on the 30th: because it's not!" and earlier in his article he says, "...I can't post any proof that the game is delayed..." His credibility is shot when he says that the game is not coming out on the 30th and he says himself that he cannot post any proof that the game isnt delayed. Plain and simple, THE GUYS A RETARD. HE HAS NO CREDIBILITY AND HIS THEORY IS FULL OF HOLES. PLANETHALFLIFE SUCKS!
Originally posted by Steelwind
Maybe I'm missing something, but why is Fragmaster an idiot just because he doesn't believe HL2 will ship on time? So because everyone here (for the most part) is hell-bent on HL2 coming out 9/30, that everyone else who disagrees is an idiot? Maybe someone could explain a little further why he's such an idiot, because he makes a statement that the game will be delayed?
Because he has done considerably more than just "make a statement." He's a conceited asshole who gloats over his prediction and rubs it in the Half-Life community's face every chance he gets with the glee of a grade schooler. The fact that he is outright calling Valve's marketing department liars for stating unambiguously that the game will be released on September 30. The fact that he has not a shred of proof to back up his claims while the evidence against him is overwhelming.

Seriously, anybody who stands their ground in such a situation is an idiot.
Originally posted by DOOManiac
Well, his assumption is that even if HL2 went gold today its almost impossible to reproduce, package, and deliver the game for worldwide distribution in only 15 business days. (I sincerely doubt the publisher will go into crunch mode :p)

Actually I've seen games go from gold to being in stores in less than a week, so anything is possible.
The fact that he has not a shred of proof to back up his claims while the evidence against him is overwhelming.

Ok, where's everyone else's proof that HL2 will be out on Sept. 30th? How is everyone else here any less of an idiot for flaming Fragmaster over his opinion, when they make opinions based off unsubstaniated claims?
well steelwind, our "proof" comes from Doug Lombardi and Greg Coombi telling us the release date still stood (they said this at ETCS, which was 2 weeks ago)

Actually I've seen games go from gold to being in stores in less than a week, so anything is possible

that's true, see UT2K3 for an example
Hmmm... Let's think, evidence.... Oh I know, all of the release dates given to us by Doug Lombardi himself, Gabe Newell, all the info on Steam, the fact that retailers never know the correct release dates....
That's all fine and dandy, but if it is infact going to be released Sept. 30th, why isn't there an official press release stating this? Proof isn't something a marketing director said in an impromptu interivew. Proof would be a press release confirming or denying the release date of HL2.
That's all fine and dandy, but if it is infact going to be released Sept. 30th, why isn't there an official press release stating this? Proof isn't something a marketing director said in an impromptu interivew. Proof would be a press release confirming or denying the release date of HL2.

That's all fine and dandy, but if it is infact going to be delayed, why isn't there an official press release stating this? Proof isn't something a vivendi employee mutters under their breath. Proof would be a press release confirming or denying the release date of HL2.

You see, there is no concrete proof anyone has. it's all speculation and rumors
Originally posted by Steelwind
That's all fine and dandy, but if it is infact going to be released Sept. 30th, why isn't there an official press release stating this? Proof isn't something a marketing director said in an impromptu interivew. Proof would be a press release confirming or denying the release date of HL2.

Why do they need a press release to say that nothing's changed? It would be pointless.

Also, Doug Lombardi said this in a number of ARRANGED interviews. They weren't just someone randomly asking him. He sat down and talked to him.
It may not be "proof" but there is still far more evidence indicating a Sept 30th release and until that changes my opinion is guided by the amount and the credibility of the evidence given. Not by gut instinct like Fragmaster is doing.
indeed. If that fool vivendi employee (whoever it was) never said anything about a delay (afterwards they said it was a miscommunication! hah!), threads like this wouldn't exist
Originally posted by planethalflife editorial
Half-Life is a big part of the reason why I flunked out of school. Ooops.

That says it all.
Originally posted by Anwar
That says it all.

yeah seriously. If he had even a tiny shred of willpower he could have just uninstalled HL and concentrated on what really matters