PHL Delay Editorial

Originally posted by FoB_Ed
indeed. If that fool vivendi employee (whoever it was) never said anything about a delay (afterwards they said it was a miscommunication! hah!), threads like this wouldn't exist
Very true, the only evidence indicating that they won't make the release date was from that announcement. The "no comment" by Gabe was also used even though it didn't mean anything. So what should be believed, old traditions stating that major games never arrive on time, Fragmasters opinions and a comment by a Vivendi employee? Or are the multiple statements from several Valves employees all recently saying that HL2 is still up for a Sept 30 release?
lol not a fan is he? What does he want? Gabe to personally visit the home of every HL fan and give them free T-shirts and the entire design doc for HL2?
If I was Gabe, and HL2 is delayed, I would fear for my life. Not a joke, I'm being serious.
If I was Gabe, and HL2 is delayed, I would fear for my life. Not a joke, I'm being serious.

I suppose Gabe had better release the game on time then shouldn't he? *cackles insanely* Mwahahaha! :devil:
Originally posted by The Mullinator
Very true, the only evidence indicating that they won't make the release date was from that announcement.

Maybe the only evidence WE'VE had. But clearly Vivendi is talking to the retailers, and whatever they're saying, it's definitely NOT "HL2 will surely ship in September! You can bet your monkey on that!"

Think what you guys like, but when the publisher doesn't believe in the release date the developer is quoting, that's pretty strong evidence that all is not well in Whoville.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
lol not a fan is he? What does he want? Gabe to personally visit the home of every HL fan and give them free T-shirts and the entire design doc for HL2?

That would be nice.
Originally posted by Fender357
Been working on TF2 LONGER? From everything I've herd...hl2 was being worked on "in some fashion" the second after hl was compleated. And I know Valve didn't exactly announce TF2 the second they started working on it. But it wasn't anywhere near to when hl came out.

Indeed it wasn't anywhere near after Half-Life came out that they started work on TF2.. it was BEFORE Half-Life came out (Team Fortress 2 was originally intended to be an expansion for Half-Life, which then turned into a full game running on the Half-Life engine, which then turned into a full game running on it's own engine, and then it dissapeared :D)

Also, Fragmaster doesn't have all his facts.. he states that
There's a reason we haven't seen box art
when in fact there have been pics of the box art floating around since E3. Kinda funny that PHL was once the undisputed master of HL news, but now they can't even be bothered to get all the facts, or even update the news on time (IE: the Steam announcement)

As for Half-Life2 coming out on time.. Give it a week.. if it doesn't go gold in the first half of hte next week, I doubt we'll see it on the 30th. (Which would ultimatly be okay for me, since I get the money for my new computer in October anyway.)

Also, I have no clue where this "Vivendi is the publisher" thing got started.. SIERRA is the publisher. Vivendi just owns Sierra (Like they own Blizzard) Whenever someone talks to Vivendi, they're actually getting second or even third-rung info.. (Sometimes fourth-rung if it's Vivendi UK) unless Vivendi somehow subverted the contract Valve had with Sierra.. (Which is scheduled to end sometime soon, from the Valve-Activision announcement)
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indeed, this isn't TF2, TF2 was cancelled, rewritten, and cancelled again. Half-Life 2 isn't vaporware like TF2 is
Vivendi have got games released within 7 days of going gold before, they can be very quick when it comes to this.
Can I point out that there's a difference between Fragmaster and PHL? While he essentially runs the site, he doesn't post all the news or most of the content. I still have as much respect for Jabberwocky (whose commensense is always great to see) and most of the rest of the PHL crew as I always have. Fragmaster can act like a jerk all he wants, it doesn't mean the site sucks.
(Seriously, if Munro got hit by a bus and had brain:bonce:damage and starting acting like this you'd probably still post here.)
Every thread that says "HL2 is going to be delayed no matter what" in the PHorum stays OPEN.

Every thread that says "HL2 is not going to be delayed" gets LOCKED.

I've come to a conclusion that all the PHorum moderators are Fragmaster enthusiasts, or Fragmaster ordered them to lock it. The mods there are also red-neck jackasses. Although I've never posted there before, I've read the posts. T..Th..The.. HORROR!

But, I agree with Direwolf on one thing. Do not relate (some) of the PHL staff or the site itself with Fragmaster. Especially Jabs.

EDIT: I'm in a bad mood today. So you can just ignore my posts since I didn't really make any valid points...
Fragmaster is not an idiot. You can call his editorial stupid but don't attack him as a person...that lowers you below him. He stated his opinion and you are stating your HOPES.
You see, there is no concrete proof anyone has. it's all speculation and rumors

That's exactly my point. Everyone is tearing up this editorial because it's based off speculation and rumors. The same thing can be said for everyone arguing that HL2 will without a doubt ship on Sept. 30th.
I didn't really call Fragmaster an Idiot or anything negative about his Editorial, but I'm just saying that the PHorum mods want to 'enforce' Fragmaster's views. Which I find kind of, unfair.
Originally posted by Steelwind
That's exactly my point. Everyone is tearing up this editorial because it's based off speculation and rumors. The same thing can be said for everyone arguing that HL2 will without a doubt ship on Sept. 30th.

Greg Coomber and Doug Lombardi's statements at ECTS do not fall under the 'rumor and speculation' category.
the guy said he flunked out of college. because of a computer game. heh.

he probably just wants lots of hits for the website...gets gamespy better advertising revenues or something. it'll come out when it comes out....hopefully 9/30/03 (not '04 :p )

all i have to say is have faith in valve they kept HL2 a secret for years im sure it would be pretty easy for them to keep the production or duplication a secret 2

just my 2 cents
Originally posted by Steelwind
That's exactly my point. Everyone is tearing up this editorial because it's based off speculation and rumors. The same thing can be said for everyone arguing that HL2 will without a doubt ship on Sept. 30th.

I know that I wouldn't have "teared up" the editorial if he actually presented any valid arguments for a delay. All he does is say that there is no evidence for a delay than present flawed arguments against any evidence there is no delay (to the point of just calling Valve employees liars).
Originally posted by Feath
I know that I wouldn't have "teared up" the editorial if he actually presented any valid arguments for a delay. All he does is say that there is no evidence for a delay than present flawed arguments against any evidence there is no delay (to the point of just calling Valve employees liars).

I wish fragmaster would get off his ass and tell people what he has heard to prove the slip. He keeps telling us that he has this secret source that proves that HL2 will, truely, slip. If he wasnt such an immature kid, he would come out and tell us instead of holding it over our heads like some big bully with our lunch :)
Originally posted by Deadline
I wish fragmaster would get off his ass and tell people what he has heard to prove the slip. He keeps telling us that he has this secret source that proves that HL2 will, truely, slip. If he wasnt such an immature kid, he would come out and tell us instead of holding it over our heads like some big bully with our lunch :)

I think he just has a friend that works at EB.

I had no idea about the whole TF2 thing. But thinking about it made be realize somthing else. When everyone was getting all hot about it and they were talking about the tech of it and showing pics. There were release dates for it. I remember looking in a magzene and it said "tf2 release June" or somthing like that. They kept putting out dates when they thought it was going to come out even though there was no announcement that the game was anybit done at all. little tiny point is that the retailers don't always know what their talking about.

If they say the game is gonna come out on time......figure that its gonna be late or they'll get it like a week or two before they say.

If they say its gonna be later, it just might not be.

(fragmaster is a dope)
I posted this in the other PHL thread, but I thought I'd add it here too, because it plays havok with Frag's credibility on this one:

A few weeks ago, I sent Fragmaster an email asking him what information he had that had him so convinced that HL2 was delayed. His response, as well as other things he was saying at the time, strongly suggested that there WAS a reason, but he couldn't say what it was. His exact words, in response to me asking if there was some secret information, and if so, what is was, were "We can't say."

Now he's claiming that he has no secret information: that the delay is just plainly obvious.

In short, he's full of it. Either he lied to me then, or he's lying now. Either way, his credibility is pretty low.
Apos, I did the same thing. I asked fragmaster what his source was and he said it was a secret, so it seemed kind of weird to me that he didn't claim any proof in his editorial.
Fragmaster is not an idiot. You can call his editorial stupid but don't attack him as a person...that lowers you below him. He stated his opinion and you are stating your HOPES.

I have no idea whether he's an idiot. But I do have it on pretty solid authority now that he's a liar, and at the very least, is scatterbrained and rumor mongering.

Valve has stated over and over Sept. 30. They've been wrong before, but the fact is: this is all we have to go on at the moment. No one has raised any credible evidence or arguments to suggest that they are wrong.

Utterly regardless of whether his CONCLUSION turns out to be true or not, Frag's arguments were misleading and deceptive. He's now contradicted himself on a matter of fact, and he's made some seriously goofy arguments.

He knows full well that the lack of screenshots and other media is a choice, not forced on Valve by a delay. I mean, does he seriously think that, even if the game is delayed, Valve couldn't snap a couple more screenshots of what they've got done? Or does he really think that the areas we've seen in movies and other screenshots are the ONLY areas completed enough to be viewed, and hence there is nothing else to snap a pic of? The fact that he made that argument simply shows that he's grasping at some pretty slim straws to justify his stance.
Originally posted by Apos
I have no idea whether he's an idiot. But I do have it on pretty solid authority now that he's a liar, and at the very least, is scatterbrained and rumor mongering.

Valve has stated over and over Sept. 30. They've been wrong before, but the fact is: this is all we have to go on at the moment. No one has raised any credible evidence or arguments to suggest that they are wrong.

Utterly regardless of whether his CONCLUSION turns out to be true or not, Frag's arguments were misleading and deceptive. He's now contradicted himself on a matter of fact, and he's made some seriously goofy arguments.

He knows full well that the lack of screenshots and other media is a choice, not forced on Valve by a delay. I mean, does he seriously think that, even if the game is delayed, Valve couldn't snap a couple more screenshots of what they've got done? Or does he really think that the areas we've seen in movies and other screenshots are the ONLY areas completed enough to be viewed, and hence there is nothing else to snap a pic of? The fact that he made that argument simply shows that he's grasping at some pretty slim straws to justify his stance.

No offense and all...I agree with you that Fragmaster is an idiot, that much is known, but what do you expect to get out of this? Have fragmaster lose his lowly job at PHL? Not gonna happen. Have him admit fault? Not likely. You seem to be picking a battle that has no real victory in sight. I think most on these boards agree with you, but why rub it in so much? Again, I want to reiterate that I mean no offense, I just want to understand why you're so adamant about slamming this guy. You make it seem like he's committed a capital offense or something.
Fragmaster is an idiot. he just wants to start all these rumors to throw the community into a state of commotion. He talks alot of crap but he contradicts himself so much in his article. He has no credibility. Even you guys who said that you agreed with him(the Hl2 would be delayed) said you found it fishy when you questioned him on his source and he backed out. HOW MUCH MORE PROOF DO YOU NEED TO SEE THAT HE IS FULL OF CRAP? If he wanted to get his point across he would have told you with no hesitations.
I don't know what you mean. I'm not picking a battle. I'm just saying. A lot of people are questioning whether he has any credibility. And the fact is, regardless of whether he turns out to be right or wrong, he's not credible (that is, whether it is delayed or not, he has no good basis on which to know).
Wow, never really been to the site but since normally Gamespy sites have to win my respect because they are in the negative immediately, that site has totally lost any chance of me going there regularily.
Also, the guy posts contradictions, vague cliches and genearlly sounds like a grade 10 english student who's getting 60s or 70s
Originally posted by Nippy_Kangaroo
he's gonna look like such a f**kin clown if it does get released on the 30th


All the blowhards in this forum are going to look like clowns if it DOESNT get released on the 30th. If you people would just accept the obvious fact that HL2 is NOT guaranteed to come out on Sept 30th you'll be a lot happier when you finally do get HL2, whether it's delayed or not.

I'm not even going to get into how obvious it is that HL2's own publisher does not expect the game to be released Sept 30th. If you don't understand the significance of that, there's nothing I can do to help you.

LOL im not a fanboy and I do accept that it might not get released on the 30th... that's why i used the word IF and not WHEN in my post above... I think you should read posts more carefully in the future!
For once I agree with Fragmaster. Don't flame me but you know what I think he is right. This is my last comment on Half Life 2 on these forums until it goes gold....
In order for Half-Life 2 to hit stores worldwide on time, the game would need to "go gold" or be finished... well... now. The 15th at the very latest.

Lies, my inside sources say that gabe = santa and he'll deliver them all on the 30th
Originally posted by d8cam
Fragmaster is not an idiot. You can call his editorial stupid but don't attack him as a person.
An editorial is based solely on personal opinion, so is there really much difference between saying that an editorial is stupid and the author of the editorial is stupid? No, there isn't, so I stand by what I said: Fraqmaster is an idiot.
Please don't be that harsh... if you're falling into personal disqualification like "X is idiot" and such you're getting even bellow him.

ah, and 2 things:
a) It's just a damn game.
b) I'm sure many people would like to write for gspy network or phl, but they just feel jealous. (just a thought, don't flame on me because this post isn't intended to offend anyone)
Fragmaster should really keep his personal oppinions to himself, make observation and point out what facts are known, and let readers decide for themselves. He seems to be trying to convince everyone that he's right. He's being very arrogant to stand by his oppinion so firmly without proof, but the same could be said about people who argue just as strongly that it will be released. We can't possibly know what goes on in the Valve offices, so there's a chance it will be delayed. Based on the reassurance of various Valve people in interviews, things look pretty good for a sept. 30 release, but I can't deny the possiblity that something could go wrong. I'm not saying it's probable, just possible.

On a complete sidetrack.... :
Originally posted by spitcodfry
What's the origin and meaning of saying "Word" to express agreement with something?

Makes about as much sense as me saying "This sentence is a sentence." when I agree with something. As a matter of fact, I just might do that. :cheese:
Originally posted by Logic
What's the origin and meaning of saying "Word" to express agreement with something?
Far be it from me to post something off-topic but it comes from the phrase "Word Up"
Which means? :)
(excuse my ignorance of american colloquialisms.. oh and excuse the OT too)
Official statements from Valve. 'Nuff said.

Official statements?! What official statements? If there were official statements they'd be posted all over the web. There would be an official website for HL2. At the very least there would be a section for HL2 on Give me a break, these guys in the interviews dance around the subject, giving you guys just enough to believe HL2 will be in stores on the 30th. Their official statements have been "No comment." "Valve's working hard to meet the Sept. 30th deadline." "At this point everthing seems on track for Sept. 30th." etc, etc, etc.
This argument could go on forever (or until Sept. 30 at least :) ), so perhaps everyone should accept two facts:

1) Everyone has their own oppinion, and generally, they'll stick by it no matter what you tell them.

2) There's no way to 100% guarantee the game will be delayed, and there's no way to 100% guarantee that the game won't be.

I'm sure we'll all be a bit dissapointed if we can't get our hands on HL2 on the 30th, but that's life. Besides, if you accept the possibility that it may not come out on time, you'll appreciate it more if it does :cheese:

I believe it will come out on time, but I have no proof to back it up, so I'll leave it at that.