Photo edit contest rebirth #2 discussion/entries

I find it highly coincidental that you happened to choose the same picture as a recent shop contest on a major site. But whatever.
I find you the most annoying poster on these boards, Vegs. The hell does it matter? That looked like a fun one to pick.
****ing lol, just got a ridiculous idea.

I find it highly coincidental that you happened to choose the same picture as a recent shop contest on a major site. But whatever.

In his defence, it was all over Reddit too.~
Only six entries? Come on ya'll, this is a way better photo than the last contest.
You can declare yourself the winner, since your entry is the most creative.
I don't care about winning, I want to see more entries. And it would be dumb for me to make the next contest, so any volunteers?
I'll put something together tonight, not that it'll be great (probably), unless you two are saying this one is finished?
It's not finished until nobody else wants to make entries and we get someone to make the next thread.
I've got nothing, but Krynn wins my vote so far.
Well, here's my obvious and 3 minute shoop job:
