Pictures of Hot Girls

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Hot Pocket

Recommended by Willeh


Hot Woman

Recommended by Meh
Maybe... maybe... who knows?

Get your sexy on then we'll discuss it.

Edit: so the main purpose of the thread doesn't stop:

I actually used to have a picture of me dressed as woman for school. It's long gone now :(
Does that mean you are unable to get your sexy on? :(

That means Phobie wins. :O

Also, try to post a picture, too much chatting and too little hawt.
Does that mean you are unable to get your sexy on? :(

That means Phobie wins. :O

Also, try to post a picture, too much chatting and too little hawt.

Hahah, I have a picture of me when I dressed as a zombie prostitute for halloween, but it isn't that great.
I meant a picture of a hot girl because almost the entire last page was chatting, this one too :O
No, admit it, you wanted to see me :p

This thread is way too similar to the "people you find attractive" thread I made a while ago.
But it is hawter, just because Phobie posts here.


Lol Phobie will have a lot to read when she comes back.

Right I will stop it. Poor Phobie.
Thank you phantomdesign! You saved us all! :thumbs:

Had to post something so just googled it. Got first one I saw.
Eurggh, why why why why why WHY?!

What is so difficult about going into Paint, opening the image and resizing it?

Edit; Thank you Pi.
I don't think I've ever seen a strait picture of Phobie. Normally she's hiding behind something.

EDIT: Same with Toaster-Chan. Her avatar doesn't count. It's too small.
I don't think I've ever seen a strait picture of Phobie. Normally she's hiding behind something.

EDIT: Same with Toaster-Chan. Her avatar doesn't count. It's too small.

That's because Phobie is as gay as the day is long.

Probably Toaster too.

Rumour born:

Phobie and Toaster-chan are internet lovers.
I don't think I've ever seen a strait picture of Phobie. Normally she's hiding behind something.

EDIT: Same with Toaster-Chan. Her avatar doesn't count. It's too small.

What the **** are you talking about, check my myspaz if you must, plentry of "strait" pictures on there, son. I ain't got nuffink to hide.

Rumour born:

Sam's rumour may or may not be true.
Lily Cole looks slightly odd, but that's just what I love about her. Also she is ginger which is rather hot also.


Also, I'm slightly in love with The Long Blodes' front-lady, Kate Jackson...



There aren't many women who can look cool, let alone sexy, in tight silver trousers and leopard-print scarves...

Rumour born:
Those pictures aren't actually of Phobie.

Rumour born #2:
Phobie and Toaster-chan can't out-gay me and Sam. Despite my previous testimony of adoration for Lily Cole and Kate Jackson...

Rumour born #3:
el Chi swings every which way rapidly and capriciously.
Rumour born:
Those pictures aren't actually of Phobie.

Rumour born #2:
Phobie and Toaster-chan can't out-gay me and Sam.

Exactly. We can look at each other while going at it like mountain (mountin') goats. They can't.

Remember, it's not gay if a girl is watching.

Also, me and Chi high-five with our penises.
Surely it'd be more difficult for us to make eye contact whilst doing the dirty than them? We'd need a mirror or something...

And it's not gay if there's a picture of a woman in the same room.
Surely it'd be more difficult for us to make eye contact whilst doing the dirty than them? We'd need a mirror or something...

And it's not gay if there's a picture of a woman in the same room.

No, no, I just mean that one of us can see the other.

Eye contact is on the next level.
Eye contact is easier is you're a lezzer. So I've heard *Coughs*
Rumour born:
Phobie and Toaster-chan are hot because they were conceived on the surface of the Sun.
Rumour born:
Phobie and Toaster-chan are hot because they are part of a discussion that took up half the "Pictures of Hot Girls" thread, and they didnt even need to post their picture in it.
Rumour born:
Krynn72 is a guerrilla advertiser for Toaster-chan and Phobie.
Rumour born:
We're actually covered in horribly disfiguring burn scars that we photoshop out.

We're also both four hundred pounds. Again, photoshop.

For the love of GOD shut UP! Why did you have to go and tell them?

Remember last summer?. That vacation was FUN. Oh lol look at me grabbing you there, how funny. I loved your lime green swimsuit. So cute.
Rumour born:
Krynn72 is a gorilla.

His picture is a cunning disguise. He'll rip you in ****ing half if you try to stroke him.
Rumour born:
Krynn72 is a gorilla.

His picture is a cunning disguise. He'll rip you in ****ing half if you try to stroke him.

But I'll shower you in love if you stroke me in the right place.
Oh man, that was such a great vacation. I wish we hadn't invited that anorexic redhead, though. It was so annoying to hear her go on about how she was SOOOOO FULLLLLL after just two or three pizzas. Whatever, it's her body and she can starve herself if she wants, but let the rest of us enjoy our food in peace, kthnx.

Remember when that other dark haired girl and I decided it'd be a good idea not to wear bikini bottoms? That was HILARIOUS!

Yeah that girl was all skin and bones, I kind of felt sorry for her :(
*notices all these rumours*
*leaves thread but adds to favorites*
I almost got run over by a tank today, so to celebrate my near death experience, I give our last defense agaist the russian bear:


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