Pictures of Hot Girls

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What I would give to cuddle with Audrey Tautou...



I dont know, I dont find many of these girls attractive, except for the redhead of course. I've never really liked beauty when its too obvious.
I have found a lot of them attractive, but not the overly airbrushed photoshopped ones. **** that.
I didn't find most of the girls posted in this thread very attractive.

Pretty, maybe, but... meh.

Maybe I'm a lolicon or something.
Nah, not a furry. I find it a bit.... blegh. :p

My friends tell me that I am a lolicon though. :/ Maybe I should embrace it.
The meaning's probably distorted then.

I don't know if urbandictionary got it right, but well...

It means (here anyway) that you like younger girls, like as an example: if you were 18, you were going out with a 15, or 14 year old girl, you are a lolicon. Someone that is fond of lolis.

It's often used incorrectly to refer to someone with a 'alice complex', or 'heidi complx', in which the person likes prepubescent girls below 13 or 14.

So, many times it is inccorectly said that lolicon = criminal.

Most of time, it generally points to people who like cute girls with small breasts and short stature, with very girlish faces.



I think I should go now. ;)
It's often used incorrectly to refer to someone with a 'alice complex', or 'heidi complx', in which the person likes prepubescent girls below 13 or 14.

Yeah, no, that is criminal. No "alice complex" there, just plain ol' paedophilia.
I thought lolicon was the term for the shitty drawings of naked underaged girls. Pedophile is the word for the people who are into that sort of thing.
I dont know, I dont find many of these girls attractive, except for the redhead of course. I've never really liked beauty when its too obvious.

You bring up a very good point.
Being a pedophile is nothing one can help.

One is perfectly normal if he or she does not act out on any desires that would be illegal. In other words, able to know right from wrong etc.
Such a person does not belong in jail, nor are they doing anything wrong.
Being a pedophile is nothing one can help.

One is perfectly normal if he or she does not act out on any desires that would be illegal. In other words, able to know right from wrong etc.
Such a person does not belong in jail, nor are they doing anything wrong.

Would you call someone who likes to have sex with 16/17 year olds pedophiles? I mean, it's not like they can't make decisions for themselves...? I've always wondered how people classify that.
Technically that's "ephebophilia", which is attraction to adolescents. In Canada the age of consent is 14, so I call it "legal" :p
Copy and paste the img address they don't like hotlinks.
Yet another reason to move to canada.

Holy shit, agreed.

In Japan, the age of consent is 12. Seriously.

As for the lolicon issue... I usually find girls who have a "loli" body attractive (small boobs/hips, short), but I'm not really into actual lolis. 14-year-olds who try to be sexy are just... ughhh.

Hey, actually, me too. :p Unfortunately, still makes you lolicon.

I don't know if urbandictionary got it right, but well...
[lolicon definition]
I was unaware until now that there was a polite euphemism for paedophile.
Every day's a school day.

Especially if you're a lolicon! Wheeeey!

Incidentally, my market stall gets a lot of attention from 14-16 year old girls, some of whom are disturbingly attractive. It's seriously creepy.
What I would give to cuddle with Audrey Tautou...



Audrey Tautou absolutely makes me melt. I get Bambi eyes and hear nothing but wedding bells.
Josefine Sundstrom. I've had a crush on her since she hosted a music show on telly in the late 90's to early 00's. She's super cute!



She plays Elliot on Scrubs right?

Too much makeup, and the only thing I hear her saying is...

"Oh gosh, sorry guys, I somehow purchased a bra WAY TOO BIG!" *giggle*
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