Pictures of Hot Girls

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Remember when that other dark haired girl and I decided it'd be a good idea not to wear bikini bottoms? That was HILARIOUS!

Yeah that girl was all skin and bones, I kind of felt sorry for her :(

That picture makes me want to meet you and toaster chan in person, baby. Gimme your adresses. I can't wait. I'm taking you both to eat pizza. Look at my picture so you already know what to expect. Hot, heh?

See you BOTH there, because I don't accept only one of you. Also, bring extra money because you are going to pay my pizzas for me.

But I'll shower you in love if you stroke me in the right place.

What happens if you stroke the... erm... wrong place?
What is the right place anyway?
Don't Mind If I DO!


Resizing images is something of a pet hate of mine, link if you have to FFS.

Also LOL, there is now a picture of Homer Simpson in the "Pictures of Hot Girls" thread.
That's not a problem. He's hot enough to make me crazy.


I'm losing control already

Oh shi-
Speaking of Homer Simpson pictures . . .

*cough* WARNING, VERY NSFW *cough*
That means resizing pretty images makes Operational something something.
OOOOOOH, OK I get it now. Thanks for clearing it up.

Seriously... I didnt even realize his name was operational. I thought he was saying the picture becomes "operational" or something.

No problem. I see you understood exactly what he said, just because of my brief explanation. Damn I'm good at explaining things. I should do this more often...

I am usually not into these types of gals, but I find Naike Rivelli to be very sexy, I think she is interesting looking. And in the spirit of having at least some male instincts, I should post at least one scantily clad woman in this thread-

hey, like i said, i usually do not find those fake promiscious type of gals and there photos to be hot, but she's sexy, period. I'd post more realistic photos of her, but most of them are well, nude.
How dare you say that in a context where it actually makes sense.

That's just gross.
We seriously need a hot men thread. Admittedly it would just be me and the other girls here posting properly and the rest of you posting stalkerish photos of Angry Lawyer, but dammit why am I part of the minority group????
We seriously need a hot men thread. Admittedly it would just be me and the other girls here posting properly and the rest of you posting stalkerish photos of Angry Lawyer, but dammit why am I part of the minority group????

Just for you.


Future French First Lady.

We seriously need a hot men thread. Admittedly it would just be me and the other girl here posting properly and the rest of you posting stalkerish photos of Angry Lawyer, but dammit why am I part of the minority group????


By the way I didn't realize we had TWO female regulars... at the same time! :shock:
Shippi, Skaadi, Toaster.

That's all I can think of right now.
Me, on sunday.

I just want to remind you all that my intense love is available to all of you every sunday.
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