Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

Chase you look so goddamn cute in that pic you're like Kilroy or something goddamn are you going to sing a carol for me
I always mentally add blackface to photos of Willie.
I'm not posting my pic until you promise not to make fun of the souless face I'm pulling in it because I have a really smug smile I hate.

Halloween.... IN VEGAS!! I went as a drug running trucker!


The wig and beard make me look even fatter lol.


Ready to check in and hit the clubs. I ended up getting kicked out of the Rockhouse( and banned by security. Lucky for me they thought the wig (not beard) was real so my identity was concealed haha.


The only scavenger hunt picture we ended up completing- find the nastiest prostitutes we can and take a pic with them. The syphalis was almost smellable LOL.
The women in your pic might as well be any young women you'll find on Halloween night.
A picture of me and coworkers with Robin Williams. (I'm in the blue.)

How did you get to meet him
I work for Sony Music Entertainment as a College Marketing Rep, and Columbia Records is going to release a new Robin Williams stand-up DVD next year that I'm going to have to promote. During my college rep meet-up in NY, Columbia treated the entire college department by letting us have an intimate Q&A session and a photo session with Robin.
Two queers holy shit.

Edit: Holy shit look at this queer's hair holy ****ing shit god damn look.
