Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

Oh, this thread, auch well.

24 - after 3 bouts of flu this year :bonce:

University campuses - Where more than ideas are shared. :laugh:


A challenge!

PM 4 frendschip & maybee mor lol ;)


Daddie let mee on da compota but i did a brayk on it ;(

I av 2 go now
Oh man Pat, I just realized you look just like Dee in It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia when she's pretending to be retarded to get on welfare.

I know I'm gonna regret this.

Only picture I have of myself - my ID photo. I'm not one to store pictures of myself or to own a camera for that matter. As for my friends... I doubt they'd be happy with me posting their pictures here. :p

And yes, I do realize that my face is unappealing. And no, I will not carve it out.

I need a haircut.
Numbers, you look pretty much exactly as I expected. Except I expected you to be slightly plumper, so congratulations!

I know I'm gonna regret this.

Only picture I have of myself - my ID photo. I'm not one to store pictures of myself or to own a camera for that matter. As for my friends... I doubt they'd be happy with me posting their pictures here. :p

And yes, I do realize that my face is unappealing. And no, I will not carve it out.

I need a haircut.

I remember your picture with the crooked neck.
+10 demerits for having a non-standard haircut.

The SKDF does not tolerate wild spikes, mr.
Yeah seriously, you look like a ****ing poster model.

Except your ear lobes. But nobody will see those with your riot helmet on.

Also ZT thank you.
I'm happy for meeting everyone's expectations. :/

Let us have a party.

Please get into the party submission position or you will miss the party.

Party on the last day of senior year. I'm the kid with the hat.

My recent activity in this thread is disturbing, but I love sharing old pictures from back home, so **** it.
That's not how you're meant to play EVE, moron!
Your world is very plaid isn't it Sledgehammer.