Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

^^ I've never been able to properly pronounce your screenname in my head. every time I see it, I mentally enunciate it as "neptuneyoouhk
d00d I just say "Neptune UK", though half the time I don't really pronounce any of your mofuggin' names.

"Oh that guy"

2+ year old school photo.

I'm the one on the left.


**** the sun.
You're ruining this thread and I don't care if it's ironic or not.
I have to post this picture of my fiance (selizabeth) and our kitty Deli:
I'd pet that pussy. Rowr.

oh come on, you know what I mean.

Her vagina.

That cat's fuzzy moist vagina.
Her avatar pic reminds me of toaster-chan, but that image does not in the least.
This is me after 4 days of being sick and too lazy to shave. Look at that LUXURIOUS FULL BEARD I grew.

The people working at the Chinese place near my home have a sense of humor.


"You gonna eat them gook dick and balls?" - my grandad
The spring roll is even relatively tiny compared to the balls.