Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

Who are you don't talk about Raziaar like you know him.
It's too late the divorce papers are already being sent to Raziaar's house.
I know Vegeta is kind of shy, but I wish he'd post more photos of himself on here. I finally got the chance to meet him (since we live pretty close) and he's really beautiful-

You son of a... I wanted to meet you forever. :(
Me 'n' my new glasses:

You call that a smile.

Does the lighting in your room have that purpley tint in real life? It's so soothing.
I've been trying to learn to smile all my life, but I've never quite managed to get it right :P

And that's just the indirect light coming through the window bouncing off all of the purple stuff in my room + the warmer light from the lamp overhead + the flash on my camera not being on. Whenever I take a picture in my room it always comes out with the blue-purple tint to it...
You call that a smile.

Does the lighting in your room have that purpley tint in real life? It's so soothing.

Atleast it's not a forced smile. Those are just terrible.
I just got some new prescriptions, too. Got them in the form of sunglasses- aviators, to be exact. Love 'em.
Wanted Bob and Raziaar on my s***ty cellphone camera:

Who are you don't talk about Raziaar like you know him.

Bob saw the cow and said it looked Raziaar's avatar. I just took the picture.

It's ok Vegeta no one is stealing your friends.

It's too late the divorce papers are already being sent to Raziaar's house.

Oh lawd. Funny stuff.

Oh BTW Vegeta I'm sending a friend over for my stuff.
i was jk it was joke about how his sister looks like a female vegeta


Also, I don't care. I want to meet you still, Patrick.
The librarian-by-day look is completely intentional -- it makes it all the more impressive when the cosplay comes out at night ^_-

Ohhhh, Stern is going to LOOOOOOOVE you.
Show dem cosplays.

I'll warn you, I only have a few good pictures; I've been cosplaying since 2007, but I had practically no budget until this year (the end of unemployment, yay!), so the outfits weren't exactly the greatest and I did my best to erase all records of them. Of the ones that I liked, I never really go to cons with people, so I never ended up getting very many photos of them.



Me as Tao Jun from Shaman King, AKA my avatar and my patron saint of anime. This was the first cosplay where I really, really tried - there's like 30 hours of work in the dress alone. I only wish I could have afforded makeup >.>

From the same con:


With my little brother as Ren :3 He was totally in character the whole time, and it was a blast - everyone absolutely loved us. This was taken in January of '09, and he is now about a foot taller than I am. We're hoping to do Chell and the Freeman at some point in the future, as soon as he's willing to work on the facial hair (because he will look almost EXACTLY like Gordon once he's done growing :P)

My newest piece:


Major Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: uniform edition. I can't express enough joy at how well this one turned out. The arm next to me belongs to my mom, who was dressed as Prime Minister Kayabuki, because she is awesome.

Aaaaand here's a casual Major I put together for this year's Otakon, because we were only there for the concert and I didn't want to do anything elaborate:


Picture quality is bad because this was taken with my mom's iPhone.
Every time I see this thread title in the lounge, I always think it says "Kill Yourself - Jintor demands it happen"

Just me?
Updated my driving licence photo:

Excuse me sir but you were driving erratically can I see your licen- AAAAHH!!!
Here's some pics taken of me whilst I was working in Greece:



Letting the guests make their own drinks:

Easy on the drink there!:

Man was such an awesome summer, got to drink for free too so I was drunk 10-12 hours a day every day, utterly awesome.
heh those last 2 shots are telling: chick thinks pic taker is creepy/doesnt want pic taken