Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

Why are you wearing Dexter's murder outfit for?

Holy shit!

That's his sleuthing outfit.

Which shows off all his muscles.
Look at those biceps you **** and he's got some nice pectorals as well!

Have you ever seen the show? They specifically chose that tight fitting shirt to increase female viewers.

And gay viewers like me.
Ask Danimal. Making jackoff jokes is offensive to him.

I actually think you got far more offended from that little incident then I did, especially if you're still bitching about it in the same thread after all this time. Infact, I remember that I suggested you look up pornography involving naked people ****ing each other to masturbate to, rather than the MySpace photo of a 15 year old fully clothed girl.

But hey, apparently suggesting better things to masturbate to makes you against masturbation. I'm still convinced you were drunk when that happened anyway, so I won't hold it against you.

Yeah you can go ahead and envy me as well.

I whould post pictures of what happend next, but Pi whould just delete them and put his face there.

I'll repost this old fat-danimal picture, just because I have a feeling you, Eejit and myself will be making some damn-hot furry porn in the near future.


EDIT: Now looking at it, you seem to look exactly like I thought you would, Eejit. I certainly don't mean that in a negative sense either.
Wait why is toaster leigh speaking like a belfastian so she is like, did solaris hack her account like?

I didn't know there was a alternate version of the 'You gonna get raped' photo, then again, I tend to see the world as a dark place so the logic of an alternate 'You gonna get raped' photo need not apply itself to my world, since you've shown me the light, I best thank you, here, have a picture of a pie.

I was actually thinking that for a while.

In fact I've debated with myself four times whether or not to report it!
Yeah, it makes perfect sense that he's hotnumbers. Annoys me like hell.
How can you possibly stand scrolling past even more posts per page? No seriously, I'd like to know how you page up/down.
How is using the scroll wheel for longer worse than clicking between all those extra pages?
I don't know about you guys, but I have to roll the wheel like 15 times per page as it is (bottom to top). If I increase the wheel speed any more, it's too much when using it for work documents, so text gets skipped.

So what happens here, is I end up scrolling up like 7 times, and then just get frustrated and hit the page up button or something, which is much faster. But I don't really want to use the keyboard to navigate a webpage.

I'm really looking forward to Logitech making a new mouse model that I like. I like this Deathadder better than my mx518, but the wheel is horrible.

I forgot there's a Top button now... if only I can remember to use that.

Your question, "clicking between pages" - I don't have that issue. Do you routinely click through hundreds of pages? I usually am looking through 3 pages or less (6 at most), and with several minutes in between changing pages since I'm reading, it's not tedious for me.
Personal preferences, I guess. Obviously that's why they are settable, even though there's CLEARLY A WRONG SETTING AND IT IS WHAT YOU PICK
You don't need to use the mouse wheel, the page down button is pretty sweet.
Press and hold the middle mouse button, drag down, realize what a fool you've been.
Logitech MX Revolution + Mouse wheel that free rolls *No annoying click*. Sex
Press and hold the middle mouse button, drag down, realize what a fool you've been.
You know what? I didn't know you can just hold it down. Mine also has click middle mouse to lock, which is the only one I knew about. Because if you lock the scrolling, clicking links doesn't work the first time (it unlocks it).


Logitech MX Revolution + Mouse wheel that free rolls *No annoying click*. Sex

Logitech has the best mouse wheels.
This is the most banal derailing of a thread I've ever seen, my god. STOP TALKING ABOUT MICE START POSTING PICTURES
I actually think you got far more offended from that little incident then I did, especially if you're still bitching about it in the same thread after all this time. Infact, I remember that I suggested you look up pornography involving naked people ****ing each other to masturbate to, rather than the MySpace photo of a 15 year old fully clothed girl.

This was a dumb thing for me to bring up again, I was just trying to be funny. But instead it was a stupid form of flamebait, I didn't mean it to be that way and I hold no grudge. Sorry about that.
Because KA demanded it. I really need something with better quality.


Edit: I lol'd at how my finger blends in with my face.
deathmaster post a pic of yourself

also cptstern

feed my curiosity.