Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

I swear I posted an image here like two/three days ago and I just can't find it.

Not even search can find it!

I'll keep calling it's mobile, if it doesn't reply? I'll have to lodge a missing post report. :(

The only acceptable outcome, is: MOAR.
What. You looking nothing like I imagined Monkey. I always had this mental image of a Swedish James Dean in my head or something similar. Still a sexy man.
So I was close.

He does appear to have the proper amount of crankiness however.
You are aware that that is probably the tenth picture of myself I've posted?
I approve of your jacket, since I got one very similar just the other day, cept shorter.
I was looking for a denim one today. No luck.


My sister and I are pretty much the coolest kids on the block.
I laughed so hard all the food I ate in the last 24 hours came rushing out my ears and my penis hole. Then I made a mad dash to the bathroom, but was to late. I started puking up stomach acid. My throat was burning like the rear end of a baboon on a sunny day, so I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. The water actually had a rare sea monkey living in it. 3 minutes later, my lower intestine burst open, and a picture frame came out containing a picture of a tree. Amazing, right?
Veggers did you by any chance purchase those aviators from wal-mart?

If so, we might just be sunglasses twins cause those look identical to a pair I got recently.
I can't tell if thats a good price or not. I don't think I've ever bought sunglasses.
That shit will make you blind. With no UV protection, the dark shade just expands your pupil to absorb more radiation than you would without sunglasses!

I realize you are joking, but I wanted to slam ultra cheap sunglasses anyway.
i was in hawaii or something at a crater I guess ugghgh it was raining and raining and rai

You should have that picture of Veggie in the next photo edit thread.