Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

That child is my greatest enemy. His destruction would only make me more powerful.

Me with my enormous fork.
What's that all about? Would be more useful if it was a steak-knife.

I save all your photos in files with your username on them... And all information you might give out. In case someone pisses me off.
We do the same Rizzo. We do the same...


Except we use it for porn.
I had to stop myself from pulling a Pitz just then... For better or worse.
Well actually he's the [REDACTED] of my [REDACTED]. Kind of a weird relation.
VT2, I just was at that classroom and that giant fork was there, and thought that it was too awesome to pass up taking a picture of it.
ugh i wish people would buy clothes that actually fit them instead of buying things that are like size 0 and squeeze into them ugh do you realize how much bigger it makes you look

no you aren't a size 0, cry and eat some more fatty
You're just jealous because of how amazing my rack looks in that tight little top. All the boys love it, but they just ignore you with your head always stuck in a book! The only book worth reading is the kama sutra.
Don't listen to her, Eejit, you look beautiful. She's just jealous.

Thanks sugah.
Pic is strangely arousing.

Well it is Toaster, so maybe that isn't so strange.
What the hell, are you some model child for a new Hipster Clinic or something?

That hip blue background, that look in your eyes like you just found a tree to take a picture of with your Polaroid Camera. Don't think I don't know.

That look in her eyes is a look of evil. Pure unadulterated evil. Those eyes.
Danimal are you related to Junglist? You look a bit like him.

No idea who that is.

Holy shit that's an old picture. Maybe I'll take a new one tomorrow.


Purely out of interest, do these girls actually consent to these photos, or do you just run up, strike your default pose and take the picture before they have a chance to object?
What? Not at all.

If she does, then that other chick looks like Amanda Bynes.
Purely out of interest, do these girls actually consent to these photos, or do you just run up, strike your default pose and take the picture before they have a chance to object?

I've known that girl for about a year.

Most of the older pictures are random club chicks I was making out with or took home... that was sorta an ego thing back then, but these days I prefer to not flaunt my conquests.

He has more money than you.

So far, and I agree, success is success. Still I am allowed to be annoyed by Owen Wilson & that guy.
You gun nuts will yawn but getting to fire an M16 for the first time was pretty awesome.

People like you caused Virgina Tech and the Gulags.

Yes, PRECISELY people like me. :upstare: At least that's what our wonderful media would have people believe...
Besides, I'm sure the Virginia Tech shooter did more than take a shooting range's M16 for a spin during his bachelor party...