Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

Your face when you see that KA hasn't showered in weeks

Actually I had just had a shower and my hair was wet and I was pretty drunk and then this thread was happening

And then that was the face I did
poor quailty picture is poor :(

Bad luck Blackthorn, I'll leave you guys to it...
Hope my friends don't mind me posting them on the internet.

EDIT: Second from your right btw

Lol Danimal that's an .... interesting group of people :D

and you have 2 drinks and a ciggarette, take it slow man!
One hand is on the beer bottle, the other is in my hoodie jacket.

Follow my arm carefully. :o
Are you blind? He has one drink, and it's the one in his mouth. His other hand is in his coat.

Perhaps you are joking, though, because I'm not sure how one could hold 2 drinks and a cig anyway.

Edit: Damninal.
If I knew it would generate discussion I would have held my bottle of Jaeger in the other hand, while one of my feet is holding a lit joint.
Are you blind? He has one drink, and it's the one in his mouth. His other hand is in his coat.

Perhaps you are joking, though, because I'm not sure how one could hold 2 drinks and a cig anyway.

Edit: Damninal.

Easy, drink in each hand and a cig in a finger.

Anyway, yes I was wrong.
Hey guys, someone snapped a picture of my playing games on my phone, and I didn't even realize it!

*Thanks RimFire*

Another one from that party: Don't remember what I was trying to do to look away like that.


Maybe I was shaking my head?
Well we had a few sparring matches with the gloves but idk lol
Are you kidding me, man? You'd spill the drinks if you boxed on the table.

We were the epitome of saftey; we did it right beside a slippery pool-edge.
Oh man, I would like to lace up my gloves and spar with you mofo bros.

Does the dog attack whoever is getting hit?
She just chills.

She's all like "chill, bro." and then nudges her face into your thigh.

EDIT: Please don't arrest me Mr Australian Internet Tracking etc.
I remember growing up, seemed like all my friends had dogs that would go insane and try to ****ing kill you if you and your friends were playing around (rough-housing).
That dog in question is pretty old fyi

They have some fluffy puppy thing that peaks in that regard.
I hope you have, like, the thickest and most typical New York accent Lucid or else I won't know what to believe anymore.
