Plane Crash near my home


Jan 25, 2009
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I just got back from the scene but a plane of about 30 people crashed near my house tonight. my friend and i were watching a movie and we heard tons of firetrucks coming down the road. we got a closer view then they turned us away.

This is near Buffalo NY

I just got back from the scene but a plane of about 30 people crashed near my house tonight. my friend and i were watching a movie and we heard tons of firetrucks coming down the road. we got a closer view then they turned us away.

This is near Buffalo NY

Shit I live in Ontario NY, probably be hearing about this soon.
I live near Syracuse, so it'll probably be in the papers tomorrow. Scary that it happened so close to you though.

I'm East of the crash, had they been 5 seconds sooner I'd be dead right now. they crashed on Long street somewhere but I still can't find out whose house it is
Did you hear the crash or just the firetrucks?

the firetrucks but its about 1000 yards from my house. my friend and i were watching a movie but just as it finished we walked outside to see what the fuss was all about. my friend said the crash was really loud because he lives a lot closer. also just now they say 40 people dead
omg a girl from my high school was on that plane, this sucks so much right now
It should be an equal tragedy whether you knew the people on the plane or not.

heres an update on where the plane was on the street. my friend's parents live right next door but no one was home at the time. we used to play down this street a lot as kids, but it feels so weird right now
Holy crap, Warped. I'm glad to hear you're not dead and I'm sorry for all of those people who died, including that girl from your high school.
that's terrible....I can't imagine bearing witness to that. Nothing you can do but watch and cringe.
It's actually a fear I have sometimes that comes and goes imagining helicopters or planes or something landing in my neighborhood and hitting my house.

This is very sad. :(
It's actually a fear I have sometimes that comes and goes imagining helicopters or planes or something landing in my neighborhood and hitting my house.

This is very sad. :(

tell me about it. every day i can look up and see planes overhead or even during the summer when i'm in the pool and i notice it gets really dark out of nowhere then light again. my sister called to make sure i was all right but said she had a nightmare the other night about a plane crash around our home which was very strange.


In all seriousness though, that's extremely scary especially seeing how close it happened to you. I heard it on the radio (in AUSTRALIA). It's terrible that something like that happened and I too feel sorry for those who died and their close ones have my greatest respect.

...but it does look like Dead Air.
shit that was extremely close call. I'd leave if I were you. if Irv Weinstein and the team and Eyewitness news is any indicationmost homes in buffalo seem to be made from kindling doused in gasoline

I spent time in a buffalo holding cell once and I didnt like it
Whoa, crazy shit. Planes fly over here every day and I've never thought about this happening... until now. :(

It should be an equal tragedy whether you knew the people on the plane or not.
Oh, please shut up. What is it with you people lately droning on and on with the "ALL EVENTS ARE EQUALLY [interesting/tragic/relevant], YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE MORE [entertained/upset] JUST BECAUSE A [friend/relative/celebrity] IS INVOLVED." Like a ****ing drill to my forehead, I swear. And the guy was even involved somewhat, little tact maybe?


In all seriousness though, that's extremely scary especially seeing how close it happened to you. I heard it on the radio (in AUSTRALIA). It's terrible that something like that happened and I too feel sorry for those who died and their close ones have my greatest respect.

...but it does look like Dead Air.

REALLY bad taste, but I lol'd.
That's like an hour away from where I live. BEE TEE DUBZ what's with all the planes going down?
i still can't believe it happened so close to me. also had it hit 150 more feet it would have hit my friend's house. EDIT: someone near the wreckage put this on Facebook near my house:
I had a dream about a plane crash outside my grandparents home last night. It hit a motor home/caravan.
That's all I remember. Too much dead air, probably.
I could make a joke about the plane hitting the cemetery but that would be incredibly shitty of me given the tragedy. All I'll say is this: I'm just glad that neither you nor any of your family and friends were hurt. That report on the MSNBC website made my eyes well up. :(
What if the plane hit warped house house? We would have no idea it was him. I wonder how many posters here have died without us knowing.
What if the plane hit warped house house? We would have no idea it was him. I wonder how many posters here have died without us knowing.

we should set up some kinda emergency phone chain for things like this...
I've already got that goin'. If I die, I have a few friends that would come on here and post that I was dead. Might as well let you guys know, since you all love me so much...
I've already got that goin'. If I die, I have a few friends that would come on here and post that I was dead. Might as well let you guys know, since you all love me so much...

the least we can do is set up some kinda A.I. program that acts like you if you shall perish. that way we'll never miss you at all :(
apparently although early to determine is that ice and snow played a factor in the crash. if you descend like most aircraft around here but with a lot of snow on the aircraft it can really effect your velocity and they think the plane literally dropped from the sky because of this. you need to head in faster if there is a lot of ice buildup and unfortunately the pilot only had a few months experience with the aircraft he was piloting.
Wonder why it exploded so easily, considering it was descending which meant it was at the end of its journey therefore most of its fuel must have been used up.
Wonder why it exploded so easily, considering it was descending which meant it was at the end of its journey therefore most of its fuel must have been used up.

i heard them saying there was actually a lot of extra fuel left in the fuselage. the fire was burning all night long before they got it under control
Wonder why it exploded so easily, considering it was descending which meant it was at the end of its journey therefore most of its fuel must have been used up.

May not have been a flight that used it all up. Don't they top out the tanks every flight before takeoff?
Heard on radio there was ice on some wing part. And they were landing so apparently it forced the craft to turn sharply into the ground before they could even react to it.