Planet Half-Life news coming soon.

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I doubt it. Knowing Valve they probably say a release date for the screenshots and then they probably get leaked on the net. Those leaker's will be then tracked down by the FBI. ;)

By the way, I don't hate Valve, I love them. :D
/me whistles and waits

As long as it's out this week I'll be happy :D I mean hell otherwise it would be so close to Doom3's release I would probably just skim it and then get back to my game o_O
hey can someone please gimme the lowdown on what happened in this thread? any pics, videos? thanks
ELIXIR said:
hey can someone please gimme the lowdown on what happened in this thread? any pics, videos? thanks

» PHL visited VALVe. Got to play CS:S/HL2
» They took screenshots, and wrote up an article. They're waiting on VALVe to send them the screenshots through e-mail before posting the article
» The pictures he took with his digital camera can be found here:
Shuzer said:
» PHL visited VALVe. Got to play CS:S/HL2
» They took screenshots, and wrote up an article. They're waiting on VALVe to send them the screenshots through e-mail before posting the article
» The pictures he took with his digital camera can be found here:

thanks..........10 char
i dont think theres any point in people taking their digicams to valve.. we just see the same shots ALL the time ... think i'll wait for the article.. hopefully it wont be useless
reektan said:
i dont think theres any point in people taking their digicams to valve.. we just see the same shots ALL the time ... think i'll wait for the article.. hopefully it wont be useless

umm Shuzer said the dude's waiting for valve to sort him some screenshots that he took,

for HL2 and Counterstrike:Source?
Harryz said:
I doubt it. Knowing Valve they probably say a release date for the screenshots and then they probably get leaked on the net. Those leaker's will be then tracked down by the FBI.:D

OMFG! SCREENSHOT DELAY!?!?!?!?1/1/?!/1/?1/ejdjfff****zxfe14you1jjr11//11/1/1

quoted for funny
Reaperman said:
OMFG! SCREENSHOT DELAY!?!?!?!?1/1/?!/1/?1/ejdjfff****zxfe14you1jjr11//11/1/1

quoted for funny

HAHAHHA LOL!!!~``~!!!!111
As it turns out, PHL was in another 2-day email vaccuum. I find it (what's the nice way of putting this?) ... challenging to try and work this way. So HL84 and I hadn't talked since Monday. Had to install IRC just to find him.

At any rate, article #1 is in the system (sans pics), and article #2 is just waiting on an intro. 84's supposed to be on the phone with Doug tomorrow - so we'll see what shakes out. The hands-on is nothing mindblowing, unless you haven't read one before (but with PHL's large user base a lot of people won't have). The Q&A is nice tho. A lot of you rabid forum people may already know some of the info in there, but there's some new tidbits as well. Hopefully 84 hasn't given all the secrets away already. :)

Again, thanks for all the enthusiasm. You guys have a great community here, and Chris_D's a good guy.
This is kind of funny. News about a possible delay of news about a delayed game. I'd tell you guys to get a life, but I lead a pretty computer-centric life myself, prolly moreso than a lot of other people here :E The fact that I bothered to read 15 pages of this 'news' really says a lot about how much I want to hear this too...

At least it's better than news about all these stupid celebrity's relationships and similar crap.
checking PHL mighta been faster than typing a post out : | lol
My God what the hell is going on?!

How bloody long does it take to post an article? They are seriously taking the pistachio with this delay...
seriously.. this thread should be closed... it brings back memories of the delay.. and that surely can't be any good.
I thought this was old news:

************* sends info that a playable demo of Half-Life2 will be shown at the G-Phoria gaming awards on G4/Tech-TV on August 6th starting at 7:30pm EST for the Pre-Show, and 8pm for the actual awards show.
I'm guessing no one's read this, then? It's dated as "February 27th, 2004" on the Articles page, but within the article it's dated as July 27th, 2004... It's just the CS: S play-by-play article, with nothing really all that new (to me). No pictures either.
planet halflife is one weak ass bitch.

i think august 6 or august1 = gphoria hl2 footage.
Lol thanks Harvey, I didn't noticed that, they are waiting the HL2 and the screenshots to post in the main page. As the others CS:S reports, every new report unveil us a few new and interesting details. Let's see what happens with G4TV Show, I think it will be much more interesting.
Shit that's like tomorrow they film it and then a week later then show it
Aren't they going to show G-phoria live today?

anyone *gulp* going there? that is if public is allowed?
Dr. Freeman said:
seriously.. this thread should be closed... it brings back memories of the delay.. and that surely can't be any good.

Agreed, someone will make a new thread anyway when the info has been released.

Note: No info/screens yet!
Harryz said:
There wasn't news asked 48 minutes ago when you asked and there isn't any news now.:p

I think i got what your saying, just maybe :/

Any news yet? :rolling:
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