PlayStation 3 Revealed!

spookymooky said:
I can actually see it coming down to a shooting war between sony and microsoft...

Don't count chickens until they are all in the coop.

Meaning: Wait till the Revolution is shown before deciding which one is best. I'm trying to be as neautral as I can this year because I'm buying two this time. Revolution and one more. So.....just wait :p
Reginald said:
Don't count chickens until they are all in the coop.

Meaning: Wait till the Revolution is shown before deciding which one is best. I'm trying to be as neautral as I can this year because I'm buying two this time. Revolution and one more. So.....just wait :p
How are you being neuteral if you are already buying one before you know anything about it?
Reginald said:
Don't count chickens until they are all in the coop.

Meaning: Wait till the Revolution is shown before deciding which one is best. I'm trying to be as neautral as I can this year because I'm buying two this time. Revolution and one more. So.....just wait :p
I was gonna make some snide comment about "till Nintendo pulls out a bazooka, or something," but it just didnt seem to fit...
gh0st said:
How are you being neuteral if you are already buying one before you know anything about it?

Shut up :p

I'm a Nintendo fanboy :p I've owned all of their consoles bar the virtual boy. I need to buy it. I'm such a hypocrite.
SearanoX said:
That Killzone shot is...well, orgasmic. I want to see some in-game footage that actually depicts people playing the game. I'd say it's a render, but some of the textures on the gun may indicate it actually is in-game. If it is, Microsoft are going to fail, provided they don't beef up their console. And Nintendo, well, this idea of theirs had better be damn good.

I'm just going to wait and see, though. We all know that screenshots have been faked in the past and system specs exaggerated.

I agree with every single word of that post.
I hav to go

dam is that killzone sshot is in game I am gonna scream
SearanoX said:
That Killzone shot is...well, orgasmic. I want to see some in-game footage that actually depicts people playing the game. I'd say it's a render, but some of the textures on the gun may indicate it actually is in-game. If it is, Microsoft are going to fail, provided they don't beef up their console. And Nintendo, well, this idea of theirs had better be damn good.

I'm just going to wait and see, though. We all know that screenshots have been faked in the past and system specs exaggerated.

Glad you added those last two sentences - how in god's name does 1 screenshot of a game = microsoft's failure?
is it just me or is the guy in the back (in teh killzone shot) on the MG look like his face is made out of plastor, to me it doesn't look nearly as detailed as the others and a bit out of place IMO.
pvtbones said:
is it just me or is the guy in the back (in teh killzone shot) on the MG look like his face is made out of plastor, to me it doesn't look nearly as detailed as the others and a bit out of place IMO.
ROFL :laugh:


This guy?
pvtbones said:
is it just me or is the guy in the back (in teh killzone shot) on the MG look like his face is made out of plastor, to me it doesn't look nearly as detailed as the others and a bit out of place IMO.

:laugh: his expression is funny!

I hope it is in-game, looks pretty :)
Is it normal to actually laugh at a facial expression for so long? In context, that is one of the best game screenshots ever.
*edit* read previous post wrong

*unedit* is it just me or does he look like he just finished "mounting" the MG?
pvtbones said:
*edit* read previous post wrong

*unedit* is it just me or does he look like he just finished "mounting" the MG?

I think everything is making me laugh tonight. That actually made me laugh out loud for the first time in ages. Over the net I mean.
PS3 have a good list

Final Fantasy XIII
GTA Next
Devil May Cry 4
Tekken 6 !!


Kill Zone 2
GT 5
Getaway 3 ( believe me it's just a bad game with a british acsent )
I remember seeing that old guys face at the demo of the Emotion Engine and creaming my pants at the time. They can't walk the walk at the end of the day, and there's no reason to think different this time around.

Remember the PS3 isn't exactly coming out tomorrow.

I think we are forgetting something. The controller does look horrible. It will allow for varying hand sizes though. I alwyas found the Dual Shock way too difficult for my abnormally long fingers.
Reginald said:

I think we are forgetting something. The controller does look horrible. It will allow for varying hand sizes though. I alwyas found the Dual Shock way too difficult for my abnormally long fingers.
Well, Im just glad freaks can play the playstation too! :E
short recoil said:
Rumble pack......there is reasoning behind that ;)

I second that

btw, did anyone know the new controller name ? ( Ex. The PS2 Was Dual-shock 2 )
gh0st said:
Looks like a sex object ;(

Funny, a girl I know just admitted she uses the original Playstation controller for... her business. Then I showed her that.... Hahaha. She needed a change..
Reginald said:
Funny, a girl I know just admitted she uses the original Playstation controller for... her business. Then I showed her that.... Hahaha. She needed a change..

Reginald said:
Funny, a girl I know just admitted she uses the original Playstation controller for... her business. Then I showed her that.... Hahaha. She needed a change..
Gah, i've got images in my head of some girl driving a car into walls constantly or something to make it vibrate!
short recoil said:
Gah, i've got images in my head of some girl driving a car into walls constantly or something to make it vibrate!

She actually just stood Harry Potter in the corner of a Rat infested room. I imagine it get's pretty tiresome being interupted when Harry dies. You have to respawn then wander back to where you were before you can continue.
Reginald said:
She actually just stood Harry Potter in the corner of a Rat infested room. I imagine it get's pretty tiresome being interupted when Harry dies. You have to respawn then wander back to where you were before you can continue.
That's just wrong, 100's of poor harrys have to die for just a few minutes of female pleasure!

SearanoX said:
To get back on's another Killzone screenshot:

Yes, we went a bit off then, that looks AMAZING, look at the detail on the clothes near the camera.
Funny, the original PS controller didn't vibrate....

Ambiguity = oblivion of mankind ;)
Wow, this kills the x360. I'm definitly picking this up if all the specs are true. It looks much better then x360. I'm not sure about that controller though.
antimatter said:
Wow, this kills the x360. I'm definitly picking this up if all the specs are true. It looks much better then x360. I'm not sure about that controller though.
We'll find out in a few minutes :) it doesnt "kill" anything though - not by a long shot.
Murray_H said:
Funny, the original PS controller didn't vibrate....

Ambiguity = oblivion of mankind ;)

I think she meant the PS2 controller.

On-topic: The texture on the floor is decidedly dodgy. Nice bump mapping, but I still don't like it much.
gh0st said:
We'll find out in a few minutes :) it doesnt "kill" anything though - not by a long shot.

Try dropping it on someone's head.... although the XBox would be better for that. It's friggin huge.
Sony Conference video ( really interesting don't miss it )

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I hope Dual shocks are compatable, I cant get used to ANOTHEr ****ing controller. I only have so much room in my brain.
weskerQ8 said:
Sony Conference video ( really interesting don't miss it )

if you wanna download ( 272 MB )

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the IBM guy "the cell is the most important project in my career" how wooden can you get? :laugh: