PlayStation 3 Revealed!

Looks OK. The games and specs however look great :) Now I'm a little annoyed as I'm clueless to which one I'll get (first at least ;))

Am I completely stupid or isn't the Xbox360 more powerful? The fact sheet on their site said it's 3 identical 3.2Ghz processors.
The Xbox is still huge, i actually thought that the PS3 would be bigger...


Xbox = pwned btw... :p
what the hell is so wrong with the design jeez, the xbox360 looks like a standard xbox painted white with less hard edges, next gen system requires next gen design.
Why can't anyone believe that the ps2 footage was real time? Its expected that consoles are supposed to have a leap in graphics for thier first years. I have looked through all of the media and I'm sure that all of the videos are rendered in real time.
JiMmEh said:
Looks OK. The games and specs however look great :) Now I'm a little annoyed as I'm clueless to which one I'll get (first at least ;))

Am I completely stupid or isn't the Xbox360 more powerful? The fact sheet on their site said it's 3 identical 3.2Ghz processors.
Cell technology is very different from the standard CPU's that the X-box will have. No one really knows (I don't even think developers know) which one will truly deserve to be called more powerful.
torso boy said:
Why can't anyone believe that the ps2 footage was real time? Its expected that consoles are supposed to have a leap in graphics for thier first years. I have looked through all of the media and I'm sure that all of the videos are rendered in real time.
For one the camera movement is simply too good to be comming from a console controller. On top of that even if it is being rendered real-time by the PS3 then there is still the fact that developers are highly unlikely to put that much detail into every single scene of the game. They won't have the resources and will have to scale back.
The Mullinator said:
Cell technology is very different from the standard CPU's that the X-box will have. No one really knows (I don't even think developers know) which one will truly deserve to be called more powerful.
Well...The fact that PS3 can do twice the amount of floating point operations can give a clue.

The Mullinator said:
torso boy said:
Why can't anyone believe that the ps2 footage was real time? Its expected that consoles are supposed to have a leap in graphics for thier first years. I have looked through all of the media and I'm sure that all of the videos are rendered in real time.

For one the camera movement is simply too good to be comming from a console controller. On top of that even if it is being rendered real-time by the PS3 then there is still the fact that developers are highly unlikely to put that much detail into every single scene of the game. They won't have the resources and will have to scale back.
Sure some of them, like Killzone, aren't going to look that good through the whole game, but to show off the tech it is very good demo.
Yes, but can Sony actually make it so that developers are able to use that all that power? They've not exactly done so in the past.
SearanoX said:
Sony is claiming the Playstation 3 to be 36 times more powerful than the PS2. Microsoft says the XBox 360 is 17 times more powerful than the XBox.

So yeah, I call bullshit on both. At least Microsoft showed us some actual games (which of course don't match up with the claims of the console's power). Sony hasn't shown anything but prerendered stuff yet, aside from a few tech demos that don't actually demonstrate an amazing amount of power; for example, the Spider-Man 2 demo with Doc Oc wasn't as demanding as they'd have you believe, considering all that was being rendered was the face and some lights. It looks good, yes, but it's hardly demanding.

Nintendo has said the Revolution will be two to three times more powerful than the GameCube - that, I can swallow, and it makes sense considering what we can already do on the console. Come on - 36 times? Absolute total bullshit. That Fight Night demo, perhaps one of the only games rendered in real time, did not look 36 times better than something on the PS2. I'd say it matches up with what the XBox 360 has displayed.

So, two to three times more powerful on all companies' parts makes total sense and doesn't leave me laughing my ass of. It's obvious that this is now just a pissing contest.

Like you (or someone else) said before, people are impressed by big numbers and words like "teraflop".
Woah that Xbox comparison, didn't realise the size difference was THAT much, Xbox360 looked decently compact in the shots I saw before.
Absinthe said:
And yeah, the PS3 does have a lot of horsepower. So did the PS2 for it's time, but it was apparently a developer's nightmare. So what's the point of all that power if your developers are going to have to spend years finally getting their grips around the technology?
That's why they had Tim Sweeney and those other developers come out and say how easy it was for them to get started.
Well now I've seen tonnes of these PS3 games - and read some impressions of both the X360 and PS3 - I've got to say at the moment I'm getting the PS3 :)
JiMmEh said:
Well now I've seen tonnes of these PS3 games - and read some impressions of both the X360 and PS3 - I've got to say at the moment I'm getting the PS3 :)

Yep, now they actually reveiled it Im going for the ps3
Now I remember I should've filled out the GAP entry form, I could've been there :(
Kangy said:
Yes, but can Sony actually make it so that developers are able to use that all that power? They've not exactly done so in the past.
During the press conference devs said that is was "easy to program for"
WhiteZero said:
During the press conference devs said that is was "easy to program for"
That's not the point ... it's like having a Super Cray computer to calculate 5 x 5 ... games will never need even half the raw processing power that cell puts out - they will never need to. As long as theres enough threads to calculate sound/video/physics calculations etc (each at 3.2ghz per thread), the only visual (graphics performance) differences between the consoles is going to be dependant on the GPU cores.
if all that screenshtos are not ingame then is going to be bad

still I dont think sony will be so stupid to put rendered videos that look better that theyr games
I take it you havent seen the tech demos for the PS3 yet? Specifically the one demoing a huge landscape being rendered solely by cell with no help from the GPU.

This means that all the importatnt foreground graphics can be taken care of by the GPU and the less important background graphics can be handled by Cells leftover horsepower.

Example: No more cardboard cut-out people in the background of fighting and racing games.

So the GPU can be fully devoted to rendering all of the main gfx, letting cell take care of the rest, allowing for better overall gfx than if it was the GPU taking care of all the rendering.
all this is confusing me really

someone can be honest and put all what is true and what is not true?
I've seen ingame video for Killzone2. I got to say, it puts all games to shame
Did NO ONE watch the press conferance?

and btw a slogan for PS3 by me.

"PS3, games to jack off to"
Jesus christ, i watched the 1 hour 50 minute conference and got to the end of all 14 pages at last. Killzone....oh my dear god, i ran around the room, then showed my dad who was impressed. I've never seen such beauty. It was like watching the HL2 binks all those years ago. I've always been with the playstation, xbox is good, but seems PS3 had made a massive jump, so PS3 is it for me. I don't mind the design of the console at all, it will grow on you lot. The controller is a little miffy, but as long as it has a good grip on the back, it won't go flying off. After a while you'll get used to it. I honestly cannot wait, this is so exciting.
The proof is in the pudding. I'm going to wait until there are more games announced for both consoles before I make my mind up for definate, but Sony haven't really managed to woo me over. Seems like they're just injecting steroids into the PS2 and shaking it about. Xbox 360 seems to me like the best choice, especially since I've had nothing but joy with my Xbox and Live already.
I'm still waiting to see some gameplay from some of these games. We know about lots of them, but we actually know very little about any of them.
ps3 for me atm, xbox360 just looks like a nice very very high end computer for people who dont pc game, most of its games will end up on pc, ps3 looks next gen, lets not foget the ps3 wont be out till next xmas most likely, this hype will die down very soon after e3, then we'll see who can come up with the goods.

also what did peeps think of i-8 which was 100% ingame, it looked awesome.
<RJMC> said:
if all that screenshtos are not ingame then is going to be bad

still I dont think sony will be so stupid to put rendered videos that look better that theyr games
That's funny, because Sony have used pre-rendered media for both the PS1 and 2 launches. Oh, and there's no way that the Killzone footage is ingame... or, if it is, it's using all the resources for that specific small scene, as opposed to entire levels.
In the PS3 conf video, they showed central London renderd (I think GTA next gen will look exactly the same) WOOW
Gorgon said:
In the PS3 conf video, they showed central London renderd (I think GTA next gen will look exactly the same) WOOW
It's supposed to have been from the new The Getaway, and yes it looked mighty fine, and it had jaggies, so -that- I can believe to be ingame, the new screenshots looks really nice too.
Sir Phoenixx said:
Sony said it's releasing the PS3 spring of next year.
not in europe though, thats where i am :eek:

but i did not know that tbh, good news. :cheers:
I like how when Itawa(correct?) is done talking about Revolution, he takes it with him....As if it would disapear. :x